Research Center Events

The Volatility Institute - Macro Financial Modeling Group Winter 2015 Meeting

MFM Logo
The Macro Financial Modeling (MFM) Group Winter 2015 Meeting is co-sponsored and hosted by the Volatility Institute at the NYU Stern School of Business. Scholars, central bankers and practitioners will discuss interactions between credit risks of financial sectors and their respective sovereigns.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses the Apple Watch

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "They signal something about you. This is not a timepiece [holding up his watch]. I have not wound it in five years. It’s my vain attempt to express Italian masculinity and signal that if you mate with me I’m more likely to take care of your offspring than someone wearing a Swatch watch."
Faculty News

Profs Jennifer Carpenter and Robert Whitelaw’s research on the Chinese stock market is cited

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'It’s very counterintuitive,' said Prof. Jennifer N. Carpenter, whose recent research at New York University Stern School of Business shows prices of Chinese stocks are comparable to U.S. share prices as an indicator of future corporate profits. 'Reforms have been rolling out over the last decade, and markets have gotten better and better functioning.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Anat Lechner advises managers on handling employee resignations

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "Abrupt employee departures are especially hard on the psyche. If you’ve grown to really rely on that person, 'you may feel deserted and alone,' says Anat Lechner, a clinical associate professor of management and organizations at NYU Stern. 'You’re left psychologically and practically without a point person.' Here are some tips to help you manage the separation and make the transition as smooth as possible."
Faculty News

Prof. John Horton on an upcoming trial on the employment status of Uber drivers

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'I'm sure they have a contingency plan to deal with this,' says John Horton, from NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'It may take some of the shine off them as an investment, but my guess is we're not going to see Uber close up shop if the jury rules against them.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Google's first retail store

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from -- "Sundararjan added, 'There's this growing convergence between online and offline where pure-play online and pure-play physical stores are going to be dominated by these hybrids over the coming years. One part of the motivation here is perhaps preparing for the world where in order to have consumer mindshare you need both online and real world presence.'"
Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers's research on serial entrepreneurs is featured

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "Eggers, and his co-author Lin Song of Beijing's Central University of Finance and Economics, studied two groups---serial entrepreneurs in Beijing and venture capital funded companies in the U.S. They found that the entrepreneurs who failed, but who stuck to the same industry had at least as good, or better outcomes with subsequent businesses as cohorts who changed industries."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari on Fragrance Du Bois's partnership with Xerjoff

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Having established its presence in the market for several years, Fragrance Du Bois is the ideal partner for Xerjoff that enters this market for the first time,' [Serdari] said. 'While Xerjoff is an Italian brand and Fragrance Du Bois is French, in other words both are European, Fragrance Du Bois provides a bridge between the East and West by allowing the locals to take pride in their homegrown natural resources, which are then converted into unique fragrances in the South of France, a region renowned for perfume making.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on Apple Pay and the expansion of FinTech

NHK logo
Excerpt from NHK -- "For one company, sure, Apple is huge, but when Samsung has Samsung Play and Google revises Google Wallet, it's only going to increase the whole financial tech market, which is great, again. Because as more companies compete, who benefits? Consumers."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's comments on the future of labor are highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Nouriel Roubini, a professor of economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University, underlined the point last week at a London conference on the future of work. 'The share of labor in the economy is collapsing, and that will continue,' he said."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on why he believes Amazon should open more brick-and-mortar stores

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think the consumer always wins, and the consumer wants a great multi-channel experience. They want products available online, they want the convenience and scale of online, but they also want to be able to go into these great flexible warehouses called stores, and stores are still a great shopping experience. When you look at the e-commerce companies that are really killing it, like Warby Parker, they've opened stores."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer discusses the approach to ISIS

Kathimerini logo
Excerpt from Kathimerini -- "The Obama administration is at a crossroads. If its primary message is that allies need to do far more of the heavy lifting (the American intention when the bombing started), the administration needs to send the clearest possible signals that American efforts will have sharp constraints. If it's that the United States will be out in front in an aggressive and accelerated campaign against ISIS, then it needs to show that all options are on the table. That could include more reliance on American enemies who have common cause against ISIS—even if those enemies are reviled by key Sunni partners."
Press Releases

New Research Shows that Switching Industries is Costly for Serial Entrepreneurs

JP Eggers
In a new study, Professor JP Eggers of the NYU Stern School of Business and Lin Song of the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing find that serial entrepreneurs whose previous ventures failed are likely to blame the external environment and to change industries for their subsequent ventures.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's op-ed on negative interest rates is highlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Nouriel Roubini offers a very level-headed reminder that the point of negative interest rates is just the same reason we want low interest rates in normal cases of weak demand. Their job is to reduce excess savings and stimulate aggregate spending."
Faculty News

Prof. John Horton discusses the labor market for Silicon Valley startups

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "At the core of all of these businesses is what’s known as a two-sided market, in which companies must create markets for both labor (think Uber drivers) and customers. Just getting one of these markets going can be daunting. 'It’s the "cold start" problem,' says John Horton, professor at NYU Stern and formerly the staff economist at oDesk, a site that pairs freelancers with employers. 'In general, no one wants to come to your market if you don’t have the other side of the market,' he adds."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya on the European Central Bank's stress tests

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'CCAR has become the binding capital constraint for the financial sector,' says Viral Acharya, professor of economics at the NYU Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Apple's transition to a luxury brand with the launch of the Apple Watch

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "At the DLD15 Conference in January, Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at New York University, said Apple shares many of the characteristics of a luxury brand, from high prices to its 'self-expressive benefit,' or the idea that owning Apple products can help make you more appealing to other people. This has allowed Apple to continue selling iPhones at higher margins even as pricing pressure has taken a toll on competitors’ profits."
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on the evolution of the Dow's 30 stocks

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from Los Angeles Times -- "The replacement of AT&T with Apple is emblematic of how the Dow has managed to adapt to changes in markets and the economy, said Richard E. Sylla, a historian of financial institutions and markets at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'AT&T, which was in the Dow for much of the 20th century, was how people used to make phone calls,' he said. 'Now Apple is the way people make phone calls.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer discusses US-Israel relations

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "In Israel, public support for Prime Minister Netanyahu has decreased; his Likud party is in a tight race against the opposition party. But even if his support is waning at home, Netanyahu’s approval in the United States has grown. Almost twice as many Americans view Netanyahu favorably as unfavorably (45% v. 25%), a gain of 10 points since 2012."
Faculty News

Prof. April Klein on Cathy Engelbert's appointment as CEO of Deloitte US

Global Finance logo
Excerpt from Global Finance -- "'It is a critical step,' says April Klein, professor of accounting at New York University Stern School of Business. 'Accounting firms are trying to be more family-friendly and are attracting more women to their ranks, so having a woman in the top spot is very important.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's blog post on technology stocks is featured

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "But is Etsy another sign of the seeming technology bubble? Not necessarily, according to Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at NYU’s Stern School. There should be more truth in labeling, he writes on his blog: 'In my book, Tesla Motors [TSLA] is an automobile company, Uber is a car service (or transportation) company, and Lending Club [LC] is a financial-services company, and none of them should be categorized as technology companies. The fact that these firms use technology innovatively or to their advantage cannot be used as justification for treating them as technology companies, since technology is now part and parcel of even the most mundane businesses.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy on the Labor Department's February jobs report

New York Post logo
Excerpt from The New York Post -- "'The market’s negative reaction Friday tells you just how great the jobs report is,' said New York University economics professor Joe Foudy. 'It’s now betting on a 50-50 rate hike in June.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Kim Schoenholtz's blog post on negative nominal interest rates is cited

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Cecchetti and Schoenholtz argue that given a little time banks or other financial institutions ought to be able to store currency for clients at very low cost — as they say, turning back into the goldsmiths from which banks as we know them evolved — and might even be able to provide some checking-like services on the side."
School News

KitSplit, a startup co-founded by MBA student Lisbeth Kaufman, is featured

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "New York-based KitSplit is a self-declared 'Airbnb for creative equipment' that allows production companies, studios, and individual artists to lease out their unused equipment for short-term periods. The company, which launched in December, takes a 15% commission from the rental of equipment leased online. As of this writing, more than $1 million worth of cameras, drones, and other high-end creative equipment are available through the service."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan's research on the sharing economy is featured

Mashable Logo
Excerpt from Mashable -- "Startups like Uber and Airbnb, which form the core of the new 'sharing economy,' can have a particularly positive effect on people with lower incomes, according to a new report. The study, from New York University professor Arun Sundararajan and research scientist Samuel Fraiberger, analyzed data from two years of transactions provided by Getaround, a peer-to-peer car rental startup."