School News

The appointment of ​Raghu Sundaram ​as Dean ​is featured

BizEd Magazine logo
Excerpt from BizEd -- "On January 1, Rangarajan 'Raghu' Sundaram took up his new duties as dean of New York University’s Stern School of Business. Sundaram, who joined Stern’s faculty a little more than two decades ago, is the Edward I. Altman Professor of Credit and Debt Markets and professor of finance; he has been vice dean of MBA programs since 2016. He succeeds Peter Henry, who had held the deanship since January 2010."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig’s comments on NBC's Winter Olympics ratings are featured

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "'The good news for NBC Sports is they beat the competition handily. The bad news is overall ratings are down,' said Sam Craig, director of the entertainment, media and technology program in New York University’s business school. 'But those trends reflect a general decline in TV ratings.'"
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his views on Apple's valuation and growth

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'I think of the four big players: Apple, Alphabet, Facebook and Amazon, Apple is the best value play,' [Damodaran] says. 'It is a cash machine. I never seen a company generate as much cash as Apple has over the last six or seven years.'"
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's book, "The End of Accounting," is highlighted

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "In the 2016 book The End of Accounting, NYU Stern Professor Baruch Lev claimed that over the last 100 years or so, financial reports have become less useful in capital market decisions. Recent research lets us make an even bolder claim: accounting earnings are practically irrelevant for digital companies. Our current financial accounting model cannot capture the principle value creator for digital companies: increasing return to scale on intangible investments."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Researcher Studies the American Medical Association’s Role in Medicare Payments, Finding Winners and Losers among Specialties

Michael Dickstein
NYU Stern Professor Michael Dickstein’s research paper, “Industry Input in Policymaking: Evidence from Medicare,” investigates how the composition of the American Medical Association’s Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) influences the prices Medicare pays physicians.
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson discusses how companies can market to millennials, from his book, "Shift Ahead," co-authored with Professor Joel Steckel

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'It’s where you go on vacation, what you do and what technology you have,' said Allen Adamson, one of the founders and managing partners of Metaforce, a brand marketing and consulting firm, and one of the authors of 'Shift Ahead: How The Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast Changing World.' Those experiences need to be 'Instagram-worthy,' too. The quirkier, flashier and more offbeat the experience, the better, he said."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose shares his views on tech innovation in India and China

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from the Economic Times -- "Ghose says the world needs to recognise the innovativeness of some of the Chinese tech companies and shake off the mental image of Chinese knockoffs. 'Chinese companies are setting global trends in various areas such as technology-enabled transportation, digital payments, mobile economy and artificial intelligence,' he says."
Faculty News

Professors Andreas Fuster, Philipp Schnabl and James Vickery's joint research on fintech and mortgage lending is featured

Crowdfund Insider logo
Excerpt from Crowdfund Insider -- "The New York Federal Reserve has published a staff report pertaining to 'The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending'. Authored by Andreas Fuster, Matthew Plosser, Philipp Schnabl, and James Vickery, the research asserts that Fintech is improving the mortgage lending market by making it more efficient and faster."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway explains why cutting ties with the NRA is a smart move for brands

NBC News online logo
Excerpt from NBC News -- "'The most valuable person in world of consumer business is an 18 year old. They have influence over what the rest of us believe is "cool" and have a lifetime of discretionary spending ahead of them,' Galloway told NBC News. 'Their recent galvanization against the issue has made the NRA very uncool and an easy target for firms wanting to say to the most important cohort "Hey, we get it, and are with you."'"
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb's talk on AI at IBM Watson is highlighted

VentureBeat  logo
Excerpt from VentureBeat -- "AI is the next era of computing, and it’s important for the business world to understand just how to unlock its potential. In a recent Facebook Live event, I talked with Amy Webb, professor of strategic foresight at NYU Stern School of Business and founder of the Future Today Institute, about how AI is not a silver bullet and how real value comes from a tailored combination of tools designed to address a specific business problem."
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco discusses four of the most buzzed-about courses at Stern

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "If you are interested in entering the finance industry, this [Financial Services Industry] class is a MUST. It does not get into the nitty-gritty quantitative modeling, but rather focuses on the structure of the industry and all its different business models. From boutique hedge funds to the biggest banks, the professor teaches students how these firms operate and make money. But most importantly, you learn why they make certain decisions and how it affects the industry as a whole."
Student Club Events

8th Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium

On February 23, 2018, the social enterprise student organizations of New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, School of Law, and Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service will host the 8th Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium (SIS).
School News

Professors Kathleen DeRose and David Yermack spotlight how Stern is evolving and expanding its fintech offerings to meet growing student interest

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "...Stern recently received an $8 million donation from an alumnus to establish the Fubon Center for Technology, Business, and Innovation, a central hub to support technological innovation in areas such as fintech, business analytics, technology, and entrepreneurship. Part of those dollars will go into hiring new professors for fintech as well as faculty and curricular development in the area, Yermack says. ... 'The overall message is, like the world out there, we’re trying to evolve at the right pace. That means helping our students evolve too,' DeRose continues."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides shares his outlook on the the battle for net neutrality at the state level

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "..internet service is an interstate service across states and is regulated by the federal government so I don't think the states are going to be successful. What might happen is that congress might pass a rule, a law, that says net neutrality is okay and reverses the present regulation.."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White discusses the risks of unsecured credit cards for consumers

WalletHub logo
Excerpt from WalletHub -- "If someone desperately needs credit, then an unsecured credit card may make sense; but the risks are that he/she will find repayment difficult, and then will face mounting late fees and penalties, which can greatly increase the debt burden. Further, he/she ought to explore other (potentially lower-cost) possibilities, such as borrowing from a credit union -- or even borrowing from friends or family. If he/she does use the credit card, focusing on repayment as soon as possible can help reduce the burden of those fees and penalties."
Faculty News

Professor Arpit Gupta shares insights from his research on the American money bail system

PolitiFact logo
Excerpt from PolitiFact -- "'Data on other states indicate that a majority of individuals in jails (as opposed to prisons) are present due to failure to make bail, and so are awaiting criminal trial prior to sentencing,' said Arpit Gupta, an assistant professor of finance at NYU's Stern School of Business who has researched the bail system and its impact on low-income defendants."
Research Center Events

16th Annual New Venture Showcase

NYU Stern's W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs will welcome NYU alumni, angel investors, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and industry innovators to the 16th Annual New Venture Showcase.
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer discusses the competitive landscape among consumer packaged goods brands

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "Russell Winer, a marketing professor at NYU's Stern School of Business, said low-cost competitors aren't going away anytime soon, but established companies have a key ingredient new ones lack: brand power."
Faculty News

Professor Constantine Yannelis' joint research on student debt repayment is featured

Triangle Business Journal logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Triangle Business Journal -- "The share of students strapped with more than $50,000 in student debt has exploded since 2000, according to new research from Adam Looney of The Brookings Institution and Constantine Yannelis of NYU Stern. While there were 5 percent of student borrowers who had more than $50,000 in student debt back in 2000, that share grew to 17 percent of student borrowers by 2014."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack is interviewed for a feature story on bitcoin

ABC News logo
Excerpt from ABC News Radio -- "'In the case of bitcoin and other digital currencies, you're really relying on the mathematics and probabilities behind them that provide the basis for security that you believe that there won't be too many issued because you can see the equations and the criteria for adding more units of currency,' added Yermack, who also teaches a course on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses how automation and the gig economy are influencing changes in the labor market

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from the Economic Times -- "Automation is going to gulp up a lot of the jobs where China, Thailand, Vietnam and Bangladesh have historically relied heavily on certain professions to employ unskilled people. It really depends on the profession and the extent to which supply and demand are collocated."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Dean Raghu Sundaram shares his outlook on volatility and risk management in financial markets and the recent fraud at Punjab National Bank in India

Livemint logo
Excerpt from Livemint -- "This is going to be a period of adjustment for everybody. Asset prices that have perhaps been inflated because money was so cheap and so things will have to adjust. Now what form that adjustment is going to take—nobody has a crystal ball to be able see but it is going to be a difficult period for everybody in financial markets."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's honorary doctorate from the University of Johannesburg is highlighted

Excerpt from BizCommunity -- "'The university will confer an honorary doctorate on Prof Engle in recognition of his pioneering discovery of a method for analysing unpredictable movements in financial market prices and interest rates. This method, employed by private and public sector economic researchers and practitioners operating as financial markets analysts and economic decision-makers, has become indispensable,' said the Executive Dean of the College of Business and Economics (CBE), Prof Daneel van Lill."
School News

Research Scholar Patrick Lamson-Hall's remarks on urban planning at the World Urban Forum 9 are highlighted

Malaysia Star logo
Excerpt from The Star -- "'Technically, all development is a form of TOD. Otherwise, you would never have development in a place without adequate transportation. Unless it is built with subsidies for example,' said Lamson-Hall, who has a master’s degree in Urban Planning from the NYU Wagner School of Public Service."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar shares insights on the legal and regulatory challenges firms face with the implementation of AI

CIO logo
Excerpt from CIO -- "The first question for regulators, Dhar says, is do state-of-the-art AI systems — regardless of application domain — result in acceptable error costs? For example, transportation regulators might determine that since autonomous vehicles would save 20,000 lives a year, the technology is worthwhile for society. 'But for insurance markets to emerge, we might need to consider regulation that would cap damages for errors,' he says."