Faculty News

Professor Adam Brandenburger's review of "Only the Paranoid Survive" by Andrew Grove is referenced

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'"Only the Paranoid Survive" offers practical advice on how to bridge that narrow line between catastrophe and opportunity, and seize the opportunities,' the Harvard Business Review said in 1996 when the book first came out. 'That's why this book isn't just for managers of high-tech businesses.'"
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig shares insights on custom credit cards

WalletHub logo
Excerpt from WalletHub -- "In theory, having a photo on your credit card would deter fraudulent use, but only for in-person retail transactions. Increasingly, transactions are moving online and the physical credit card does not come into play. Also, fraud is easier to perpetrate online and can be done from anywhere in the world."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's blog post on Tesla and its bond issuance is referenced

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "'You can see quickly that Tesla is singularly unsuited to using debt,'; wrote Aswath Damodaran back in August, when it was issuing debt. But 'bond investors pretty much ignored the carmaker’s prolific cash burn and repeated failures to meet production targets and lent it $1.8 billion at record-low interest rates.'"
School News

The Stern Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) project with the Deputy Mayor's office on the future of work in NYC is featured, with insights from advisor Professor Arun Sundararajan and undergraduate student participant Hayden Edelson

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'Classroom learning is extremely important and it gives you the tools necessary to work in a capacity like this, but this experience really elevates things,' [Edelson] continues. 'The opportunity to work with real-world data and real-world information in a significant way makes it much more meaningful.' ... 'Like many other top business schools, our undergraduate students are very high IQ, very quantitatively advanced, and are often seeking intellectual opportunities that go beyond traditional coursework,' Sundararajan says. 'Having an undergraduate research program fills that need to an extent.'"
School News

Dean Raghu Sundaram highlights Stern's new one-year Tech MBA and Fashion & Luxury MBA programs

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "New York University's Stern School of Business will welcome students this spring to two new one-year MBA programs, one for those interested in fashion and luxury goods and one in technology for those who want to add business skills to their tech expertise. The goal, says Raghu Sundaram, is to combine the breadth of an MBA with the depth you'd get in coursework for a master's in data science, say."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose is quoted in a feature story about hurdles for startups filing patents in India

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "'Filing patents is common practice in other parts of the world but the importance of filing patents has only of late become apparent to startups in India,' said Anindya Ghose, the Heinz Riehl professor of business at New York University."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan argues that cities should delegate some regulation to digital platforms rather than trying to control them

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'There is a new social contract we are getting into with digital platforms,' Sundararajan said. He suggested that governments need to start forming alliances that are in the public interest — and start getting comfortable with private companies taking on regulatory responsibilities. 'Of course, there’s always a risk that they abuse this privilege,' Sundararajan said. 'But, honestly, I don’t see an alternative.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway explains why the educational market is important to Apple

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'The moment you get someone on your ecosystem, and they become fluent in your operating system, the switching costs become very real,' Mr. Galloway said. A lot of consumers start on Apple’s or Google’s operating system and never switch, 'so it’s logical to lock them in early,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses how the regulation of financial services could be modified for social media platforms

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "I think that the financial industry provides a good background for how to think about this. In December I proposed that we think in terms of some sort of KYC [know your customer] laws for social media platforms like we have for financial institutions. And that is some sort of a safeguard so that they know who is paying them, so that would be a good start. But more recently I made the case that that really doesn't go far enough..."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon shares his views on trade negotiations with China

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "That there are some overtures coming out of China, that they might be willing to negotiate behind the scenes to try to avert a trade war. These are overtures that they have made in the past, they have even committed to making some changes. But what we observe is technically they make some minor changes and five, ten years from now, we are right back in the same position trying to ask for the same kinds of market access."
School News

Undergraduate student Michelle Enkerlin is named to the Poets & Quants 2018 "Best & Brightest" list

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "I enjoyed getting exposure to so many professionals, industries, and roles and being able to connect with my professional network after school. Because NYU is in the city, I was able to pursue many of these learning opportunities during the school year through internships and get a better idea of what the industries I was most interested in offer."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's blog post on Spotify's valuation is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor New York University's Stern School, has spent the past week valuing Spotify on his popular blog ahead of its initial public offering on April 5th. The main point of interest is Spotify's content costs -- what they pay labels and unsigned artists for streaming their music."
School News

In an op-ed, MBA student Maura Cheeks shares insights from her work with Professor and Vice Dean of Faculty Elizabeth Morrison on black women's experiences navigating challenges connected to race and gender in the workplace

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "One woman I spoke with, a successful entrepreneur who was interning at a tech startup before going to business school, excitedly described her most recent position where, for the first time in her career, she reported to a black woman. She said she, 'performed better' and was 'a lot more comfortable and confident.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan offers insights on the potential regulation of social media platforms after Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal

Excerpt from TV Globo -- "They are country like rather than company like..."
Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professor Andrew Hinkes explores how regulation by the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) could impact the cryptocurrency market

CoinDesk logo
Excerpt from CoinDesk -- "The list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs) includes individuals and entities associated with sanctioned governments, terrorism, trafficking in weapons of mass destruction, and illegal drug trafficking. This list includes varying types of records, including in some cases only names, but in other cases names, addresses, aliases, etc. Financial institutions would be required to screen any virtual currency address provided for a transaction against a list to be provided by OFAC, and to either report, deny service to, or block transactions involving any listed addresses."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides outlines why the Department of Justice is concerned about a potential AT&T-Time Warner merger

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Many times over the last three decades, the challenges of the Department of Justice were very mild in a sense that it would allow the mergers to go through with various behavioral restrictions, or conduct restrictions that the companies had to follow after the merger. Why the Department of Justice is concerned, and I think it's a legitimate concern, is there was never a follow-up, so the company said, 'We are going to do all these things,' and the merger went through and they didn't really do these things. ...I think both sides have a hard task in front of them and that is why this trial is interesting and why the outcome is uncertain."
Faculty News

In a Q&A, Professor Scott Galloway weighs in on Facebook's handling of the Cambridge Analytica scandal

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "On Wednesday, Zuckerberg managed to sound contrite and give the impression that they are taking action. But he showed up with a squirt gun at a fire he started. What they should be doing is over-correcting. When Tylenol was a victim of tampering in the 1980s, Johnson & Johnson pulled bottles of it from every drugstore, supermarket, and bodega in the country."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's book, "Irresistible," is referenced

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Author and professor Adam Alter compares these new technologies and smart devices to slot machines and other addictive substances in terms of their impact on our minds and physical well-being — as well as on our inability to turn away."
Faculty News

Professor Sonia Marciano shares her views on the proposed "right to disconnect" bill

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "But now that round-the-clock communications are ingrained in the way we work, some businesses might view cutting out these communications as shortening the workday, and hurting their bottom line, said Sonia Marciano, a professor of management and organizations at New York University’s Stern School of Business. The best solution to fatigue from after-work work, she said, was an honest conversation about expectations between employer and employee. Unfortunately, she said, 'those conversations rarely happen.'"
Student Club Events

2018 Latin American Business Conference

On March 23, NYU Stern’s Latin American Business Association (LABA) will co-host its 2018 Latin American Business Conference, which will focus center around press issues, challenges and achievements in the region. 
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the implications of Uber's recent crash on the testing of autonomous vehicles

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "...Today we are in the age of artificial intelligence, in the age when the consequences of having technology not working the way that it should can be life threatening and so I'm hoping that what this causes is a close look at the philosophy surrounding technology regulations and technology testing and perhaps taking a book from the biological sciences and medicine where things are tested and perfected and then people wait for a few years to better understand any unintended consequences before the product is finally rolled out to the public."
Faculty News

Professor J.P. Eggers discusses the potential regulation of Facebook

Nightly Business Report logo
Excerpt from Nightly Business Report -- "I think the recognition that there's obviously been this, as Ms. Sandberg said, breach of trust and the implications that the government and policy makers may want to weigh in on that and the implications of that. I think this becomes a real question: can Facebook help to... co-create the regulations that might be put in place that would govern some degree of control over both advertising and the management of social media online? To me the real question is how deep those regulations would actually go if they were to be put in place and how enforceable they would be..."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's joint research on the factors contributing to decreased corporate investment is featured

Vox logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "New York University researchers Germán Gutiérrez and Thomas Philippon in a recent working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research examined possible reasons for lower-than-expected corporate investments in the United States since the early 2000s. They determined decreased competition, tightened corporate governance, and short-term pressures are in play."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla shares insights from past financial crises

Insurance and Investment Journal logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from The Insurance and Investment Journal -- "The world has had a series of financial crises since the Mississippi Bubble, a financial scheme in the early 1700s in France that triggered a speculative frenzy and ended in financial ruin, said Sylla. And there will inevitably be more, he said, as memories of crises past fade, those crying wolf on new worries are 'shooed away' and people in general believe that 'this time will be different.'"