Faculty News
Professor Amy Webb's keynote at the American Booksellers Association Winter Institute is featured
Excerpt from Publishers Weekly -- "But as booksellers consider new models, keynoter Amy Webb (The Signals Are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe Is Tomorrow’s Mainstream), founder of the Future Today Institute, advised them to take into account technology and an automated future. 'I’m pro–independent bookstores,' Webb said. 'But I’m also a pragmatist. While I know you’re doing well today, my concern is that things change, and I am not entirely convinced that you’re prepared for the next 10 years or for the next 20 years.'"
Faculty News
Excerpt from Publishers Weekly -- "But as booksellers consider new models, keynoter Amy Webb (The Signals Are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe Is Tomorrow’s Mainstream), founder of the Future Today Institute, advised them to take into account technology and an automated future. 'I’m pro–independent bookstores,' Webb said. 'But I’m also a pragmatist. While I know you’re doing well today, my concern is that things change, and I am not entirely convinced that you’re prepared for the next 10 years or for the next 20 years.'"