Faculty News
Prof. Anindya Ghose discusses the security benefits Apple Pay offers consumers
Excerpt from Al Jazeera -- "Apple's new system uses something called tokenization, which basically does not let the retailers get access to the credit card number and that's the premise on which Apple is basically pushing its system... that we will protect your data. To consumers, they're saying, we'll give you more convenience, we'll give you added security because of tokenization so that retailers don't know your credit card data. Now, for consumers, this is great. For retailers, this is not so good because, for years, they've always mined the credit card data to put in their offline and online transactions together and create a profile... they can use that to also target us with real-time advertisements when we're in the store. Now, with Apple Pay, they can't do that easily anymore."
Faculty News
Excerpt from Al Jazeera -- "Apple's new system uses something called tokenization, which basically does not let the retailers get access to the credit card number and that's the premise on which Apple is basically pushing its system... that we will protect your data. To consumers, they're saying, we'll give you more convenience, we'll give you added security because of tokenization so that retailers don't know your credit card data. Now, for consumers, this is great. For retailers, this is not so good because, for years, they've always mined the credit card data to put in their offline and online transactions together and create a profile... they can use that to also target us with real-time advertisements when we're in the store. Now, with Apple Pay, they can't do that easily anymore."