Faculty News

Vice Dean Adam Brandenburger is profiled

Excerpt from mbaMission -- "An expert on game theory and its practical application to business strategy, Adam Brandenburger ('Game Theory and Business Strategy') was voted the NYU Stern MBA Professor of the Year in 2006, and in 2008 received an NYU Excellence in Teaching award in recognition of his teaching and course development work."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on ridesharing service Uber

Mashable Logo
Excerpt from Mashable -- "'I've noticed that in cities where Uber competes with Lyft, the pricing is substantially lower than in markets where they don't compete,' said Arun Sundararajan, professor of Information, operations and management sciences at New York University. 'New York is one of the markets where they don't compete with Lyft.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence's theory of economic signaling is higlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "One theoretical economical model that comes to mind that supports Kelly’s belief is Michael Spence’s signalling model of education. In this model, a person with high ability, ability that cannot be directly observed by prospective employers, looks for some way to signal that ability to differentiate himself from lower ability competitors."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway's remarks at the DLD Conference are highlighted

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "In the retail sector, Mr. Galloway argued that Amazon.com Inc. is a big winner at the expense of brands that have weak digital strategies, such as Target. He offered what might be the best metaphor I’ve ever heard to explain what Amazon is doing by building gigantic fulfilment centres outside of urban areas. He suggests that while the cable company is your conduit for digital bits (think cable modem service), Amazon’s fulfilment business is set to become your conduit for atoms (physical stuff). Because Amazon spends so much money on technology and fulfilment, Mr. Galloway says it’s like they’ve gone underwater with a huge oxygen tank and forced their competitors, who have much smaller oxygen tanks, to dive down too. He calmly predicts that the weaker players will run out of air and drown."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran explains the difference between the price and value of a stock

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "I think the best way I can explain [the difference between price and value] is with an analogy. Let's suppose you go to look at a house that you want to buy. Your realtor points to the house. She names a price, or he names a price, and you say, 'Where did you come up with that number?' And the reality is, he or she came up with that number by looking at other houses in the neighborhood and what they sold for. A lot of people invest the same way. If you ask them, why are you paying $50 for Twitter or $600 for Apple, the reality is they haven't valued the company in any real sense, they've priced the company by looking at what other people are paying for the stock. That's the essence of the difference. Price is based on what other people pay. Value is based on what you think you can get back in cash flows from investor."
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy on potential Chinese government regulation of Alibaba

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Anything that harms Alibaba has a direct impact on the reputations of everyone in the industry,' said Joseph Foudy, a professor of Asian studies at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'That doesn’t mean they won’t do it, it just means that decision will be taken at the highest level, where they’re tremendously proud of Alibaba.'"
School News

Langone MBAs Janessa Brown-Stonbraker & Lillian Guidry's SCC project with Jersey City is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Mr Fulop [MBA '07] describes the project as 'a great marriage' and is planning to bring another team of Stern students to work on Jersey City’s public library system. 'I’m getting top-calibre talent who are donating their time and doing meaningful work. There is no other way that I could get that type of person with the capacity to donate that type of manpower and hours without this relationship with Stern.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Engle is interviewed about the financial services industry

Excerpt from El Paso Times -- "The financial landscape can change quickly, and that's why regulators need to be 'aware of when risks are growing and need timely evidence. And I'm not sure a once-a-year stress test (instituted in 2009) is enough to see what is going on, and make good decisions,' [Engle] said. A more frequent monitoring system is needed, and that's what Engle said he and his colleagues have developed at NYU."
Faculty News

Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz on London's gold rate fix

Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'The fix is easy to manipulate and it is not a good benchmark,' said Rosa Abrantes-Metz, adjunct professor at New York University Stern School of Business and author of a soon-to-be-published research paper on the fix. 'The news shows that illegal behaviour did occur and there will be concerns about what else was happening.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence's theory of economic signaling is higlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "One theoretical economical model that comes to mind that supports Kelly’s belief is Michael Spence’s signalling model of education. In this model, a person with high ability, ability that cannot be directly observed by prospective employers, looks for some way to signal that ability to differentiate himself from lower ability competitors."
School News

MasterCard President and CEO Ajay Banga's commencement remarks to MBA students are featured

Excerpt from TopMBA -- "Drawing on his own experiences, Banga spoke of the importance he attaches to diversity for business and leadership. Plus, in a nod to NYU Stern’s torch logo, he ended his commencement address by declaring, 'You’ve been handed a torch to a future of greater diversity and better business that can truly light the way to a better, more equal world.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz's paper on financial benchmarks is cited

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Unusual trading patterns around the afternoon fixing in London are a sign of collusive behavior and should be investigated, Rosa Abrantes-Metz, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, wrote in a draft research paper, which was reported by Bloomberg News in February."
Faculty News

Prof. Johannes Stroebel's research on the CARD Act's savings for consumers is cited

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "A recent study from New York University estimates that CARD Act fee reductions have saved consumers $12.6 billion a year since being enacted. Researchers examined 150 million credit card accounts and found that limits on fees reduced overall borrowing costs to consumers by an annualized 1.7 percent of average daily balances."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence discusses the state of Europe's economy

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "[Our central bank system] is quite distorted. I don't think Europe can recover unless there is a significant weakening of the Euro, so, very reluctantly, the ECB is about to move into that territory."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Spence outlines how digital technology is transforming the global economy

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "The world we are entering is one in which the most powerful global flows will be ideas and digital capital, not goods, services, and traditional capital. Adapting to this will require shifts in mindsets, policies, investments (especially in human capital), and quite possibly models of employment and distribution. No one knows fully how all of this will play out. But attempting to understand where the technological forces and trends are leading us is a good place to start."

2014 Graduate Convocation

The Leonard N. Stern School of Business Graduate Convocation Ceremony took place on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at Radio City Music Hall.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer emphasizes the importance of global economic leadership

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "The West needs to overcome the political dysfunction and short-termism that frustrates durable economic growth, delays financial soundness and dampens job creation. For their part, emerging powers need to accept that global instability would inflict heavy damage on their still evolving economies—and that assuming greater international responsibility is ultimately in their interests. And they all need to work toward these goals before a massive global crisis shocks them into action and dictates the terms of the response."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer emphasizes the importance of global economic leadership

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "The West needs to overcome the political dysfunction and short-termism that frustrates durable economic growth, delays financial soundness and dampens job creation. For their part, emerging powers need to accept that global instability would inflict heavy damage on their still evolving economies—and that assuming greater international responsibility is ultimately in their interests. And they all need to work toward these goals before a massive global crisis shocks them into action and dictates the terms of the response."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer discusses India's election

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "In a G-Zero world, with no single dominant voice and a lack of global coordination, India now stands out as a rare oasis of leadership and a prime opportunity for bilateral engagement. Take India’s direct relationship with Washington, where high-profile visa issues, including the arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York, have strained relations. The United States denied Modi a visa in 2005 based on his role in Gujarat riots in 2002. But sometimes winning really does solve everything: after Modi’s election victory, Obama called to congratulate him and invite him to the United States. For his part, Modi is looking to put points on the board, not settle scores. Expect him to pursue an invigorated, pragmatic approach to international relations."
Faculty News

Prof. Johannes Stroebel's research on the CARD Act is cited

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "An academic study on the CARD Act found that the legislation’s limits on fees reduced borrowing costs to consumers overall by 1.7 percent a year, and had a still more dramatic impact for borrowers with lower credit scores; people with credit scores below 660 saw their borrowing costs go down by 5.5 percent. All in all, this study found an even larger impact than the CFPB report, calculating that fee reductions as a result of the CARD Act have saved consumers a whopping $12.6 billion per year."
Faculty News

Prof. Aline Wolff on how to foster innovation

BBC Capital logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "'The secret is to start small. Take the focus off thinking that you need to innovate everything,' said Aline Wolff, clinical associate professor of management communication at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'Instead, managers who juggle multiple tasks should pick one of them and reconsider how it’s typically completed.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith reacts to Credit Suisse's guilty plea for tax evasion

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'The value of a criminal admission only has symbolic value to let the public know the Justice Department is out there doing its job.' said Roy Smith, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner. 'I don’t think it extracts anything other than an opportunity to register a symbolic victory.'"
Press Releases

Ajay Banga, President & CEO of MasterCard, to Keynote NYU Stern's 2014 Graduate Convocation

Ajay Banga, President & CEO of MasterCard, will be the keynote speaker for NYU Stern's 2014 Graduate Convocation.
Faculty News

Profs. Matteo Maggiori and Johannes Stroebel's research on long-term investments is highlighted

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Remarkably, they find that people pay a premium of 10%-15% less for 100-year leaseholds and 5%-8% less for leaseholds of between 125-150 years. Only for leaseholds of 700 years or more do they detect no difference in price. On the whole, they reckon, a discount rate of about 2.6% appears to apply out well beyond a century. Oddly enough, people are willing to part with real money now in exchange for benefit flows accruing well beyond any reasonable expected lifespan. That won't make it any easier to generate the political support for meaningful action to slow climate change. But it does make it harder to justify delay based on the fact that people simply don't care much about the distant future."
School News

Stern's Graduate Convocation speaker, Ajay Banga, President & CEO of MasterCard, is highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Ajay Banga, chief executive officer at MasterCard, will speak to MBA’s at NYU’s Stern School of Business on May 22."
