Faculty News
Prof. Lisa Leslie's research on affirmative action in the workplace is highlighted

Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Companies that have affirmative action programs – some with a government contract are required to do so – risk subjecting minorities and women to increased scrutiny from their peers, Leslie’s research suggests. ... the policies are seen as making minorities and women more competitive, giving them a leg up in the race for resources and jobs. 'We tend to make negative attributions about people we compete with,' Leslie said, for example assuming they’re not nice. That can lead to less positive performance reviews from superiors. ... She recommends companies combat the perception that minorities and women aren’t qualified by stressing that hiring and promotions are based on merit. Organizations should also emphasize that diversity benefits everyone, Leslie said, pointing to findings that heterogeneous groups outperform homogenous ones and that a range of perspectives can lead to more creativity and innovation."
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Additional coverage appeared on Human Capital Magazine.
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Additional coverage appeared on Human Capital Magazine.