Faculty News

Vice Dean Adam Brandenburger will lecture at a "Raising the Bar" event

amNewYork logo
Excerpt from am New York -- "'Education should be as visible and evident in the city as New York Fashion Week or when we hear about a cool new exhibition at MoMa,' said Adam Brandenburger, an NYU professor who will be lecturing on game theory at Sweet Water Social in NoHo. Brandenburger added professors have become increasingly uncomfortable with the notion that access to education is restricted."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses GM CEO Mary Barra's handling of its recent recall

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Crisis management always boils down to the same three things. Acknowledge the issue, get the top guy or gal addressing the issue, and then overcorrect. And I think they've done everything except address the issue when it actually happened and that's what they're getting heartache about. She gets a pass. She's fine. She's been on the job six weeks."
Faculty News

Prof. Panos Ipeirotis on Mechanical Turk's changing needs

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Indeed, many Turkers are actively helping to put themselves out of jobs. 'Yesterday it was spam moderation,' said Panos Ipeirotis, a professor of business at New York University. 'And today it’s transcriptions and translation. Once we help computers solve the problem of today, we move on to more challenging tasks. Maybe in 10 years, it’s something we think of as completely out of the range of computers right now. I see it happening, all the time.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses the legality of TV streaming service Aereo

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "I think Aereo is the Napster of our generation. I think it's going to be put out of business. They're taking on a 57 billion dollar industry whose infrastructure ... you can use technology to steal, and that's effectively what the industry will say these guys are doing."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research on cognitive disfluency is mentioned

Excerpt from Smithsonian Magazine -- "Even the perception of speed can be deceptive. When things come easily or quickly, when we don’t have to struggle, we tend to feel smarter, a concept termed fluency. In one study, Adam Alter and fellow psychologists at New York University asked volunteers to answer a series of questions typed in either a crisp, clear font (a fluent experience) or a slightly blurred, harder to read version (a disfluent one). The people who had to work harder ended up processing the text more deeply and responding to the questions more accurately."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Posner on the importance of prioritizing human rights in b-schools

Excerpt from Minnesota Public Radio -- "We're the first business school to take [human rights issues] on and I'm proud that Stern has done that. This should be taught at every business school, frankly. And people coming out of business school ought to have opportunities to go work in companies in the operational side to lead companies who have some background in human rights. By and large, I don't think that exists today."
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Seamans's research on newspapers supported by ads is cited

Excerpt from HBS Working Knowledge -- "Zhu has other research in the works related to ad-sponsored business models, including one with Robert Seamans at New York University that considers how ad-sponsored free newspapers affect pricing and content delivery strategies of incumbent newspapers that charge subscription fees."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Nouriel Roubini identifies new threats to the global economy

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Indeed, as was the case with the global financial crisis, investors seem unable to estimate, price, and hedge such tail risks properly. Only time will tell whether their current nonchalance constitutes another failure to assess and prepare for extreme events."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research on company private jets is mentioned

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "Companies with corporate jets underperform market benchmarks for average shareholder return by 4 per cent, New York University Professor David Yermack found. One interesting tidbit in the study, Bryant University Professor Michael Roberto notes, is that companies with jets also tend to have CEOs with long-distance golf club memberships."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on recent legislation to regulate Tesla's vehicle sales

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York -- "'To have this dealership model hardened into stone is purely protectionist and gets in the way of efficient distribution,' said NYU's Mr. White. Forcing Tesla—which makes relatively few cars and sells them at a high price point to a narrow consumer base—to engage in wholesale relationships with franchises would cripple the company and doom the franchises, he said."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Robert Frank considers Detroit's option to sell valuable museum art

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Christie’s, the auction house, has estimated that the core of the collection would sell for $454 million to $867 million. But those figures cover only a fraction of the museum’s art; others have put the total value much higher. Foundations and individual donors have already pledged hundreds of millions to keep the collection off the auction block, but whether they will succeed remains uncertain."
Faculty News

Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz on the importance of market screening

Excerpt from The Economist -- "Rosa Abrantes-Metz of New York University’s Stern School of Business, whose number-crunching helped expose the LIBOR affair, thinks the Americans are too sceptical. She argues that market screening, like the medical sort, is useful as an indicator that prompts further investigation."
Faculty News

Prof. Masakazu Ishihara's research on video game prices is cited

The New Yorker logo
Excerpt from The New Yorker -- "In 2012, an economic analysis by Masakazu Ishihara, of New York University, and Andrew Ching, of the University of Toronto, found that if used games were to disappear from the market and new games stayed at current prices—which would effectively make the games more expensive for the buyer—the average profits per game would fall by ten per cent."
Faculty News

Prof. Vicki Morwitz on StubHub's new pricing

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "Studies show that consumers have a blind spot when it comes to hidden fees, says Vicki Morwitz, a professor of marketing at the Stern School of Business at New York University. 'When firms separate surcharges from the base price, research shows that consumers do not fully notice them or integrate them into their estimates of total costs,' she says. 'In the short run, I am not surprised that [StubHub’s new pricing] affected sales, since we know that price perceptions influence sales.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Marti Subrahmanyam on the prevalence of rate manipulation

BNN logo
Excerpt from BNN -- "The amount of contracts outstanding linked to interest rates like Libor and Euribor et cetera, those are in the region of 600 to 700 trillion dollars, so the sheer size of these markets has increased tremendously, and that increases the potential for profit if one is able to manipulate one or other of these rates or prices. On the other hand, the technology for detection of manipulation has also improved... so we are able to trace things that probably we were not able to even a few years ago. So these two factors are at work, but my own feeling is, given the stakes that are at work here, the incentive to manipulate has been substantial and a few unscrupulous people have been able to derive substantial profits and, of course, a few are being caught today."
Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers on Twitter's plans to integrate music into its service

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Back to this whole idea that innovation changes radically when companies go public: This is how innovation happens for publicly traded companies. They go in and they make these deals, they make these acquisitions, they invest in things to kind of grow the portfolio as opposed to deepening what they are already in."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on why Fed policies won't have a big impact on some Latin American nations

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "First of all, you have a bunch of countries that are fragile independent of the Fed, like Argentina and Venezuela and the domestic political and economic dynamic of it is going to matter more than what the Fed does... Secondly, I would say that within Latin America, there are some countries that are actually much more sensitive to the China risk rather than the Fed risk. Take, for example, Peru or Chile... For them, Fed normalization is not going to be a big shock."
Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers on Microsoft's iPad-compatible Office software

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "...it's back to what the firm has done well for a long time, which is the Office suite. But it's kind of saying we're going to favor one of the children of the company as opposed to the other, as opposed to trying to keep them together as they've been doing for the last 20-something years."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Citi Bike's business model

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, said Citi Bike's success supported an argument for more private financing from higher fees and more corporate sponsorship -- not public funding. 'Right now the large revenue bet should be on annual subscribers,' he said. If annual memberships rose to as much as $140, 'it seems very unlikely to me that a lot of people would not renew because of price.'"
Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers on Malaysia Airlines's communications regarding its missing jet

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "There's differences between culture and differences within the company, but when you think about the example you're setting for your own organization in some ways, about what responsibility means within your organization and kind of how you think about conveying bad news...that sends a signal for how bad news should be conveyed within an organization if you send it out by text message."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on the prevalence of ridesharing

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS -- "Apart from New York and Las Vegas, I think in pretty much every other US city in ten years, taxi service is going to be completely dominated by these platforms."
Faculty News

Prof. William Greene explains why higher ticket prices don't benefit movie theater owners

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "The model is that they [the theaters] share the revenues from the tickets with the studios who get the bulk of the revenue right up front."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on how Facebook's purchase of Oculus impacts crowdfunding

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- “'In the future, donors will be a lot more circumspect and skeptical about putting in money, especially in projects where they could have even an inkling of an idea that this might be bought out by a tech giant like Google, Facebook, or Apple,' says Anindya Ghose, a professor at New York University who studies the crowdfunding sector. 'They do not believe in backing projects for financial, commercial reasons. For them it’s a lot about a cause or altruism.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's views on Tesla are highlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "NYU finance professor Aswath Damodaran updated his take on Tesla on his blog this week, admitting the company has made significant strides since he last pegged its value at around $67 a share last September. Still, for all the projected positives, Damodaran doesn’t see enough to justify the current lofty price levels and puts the current value somewhere between $99 and $119 (depending on the timing of option exercises)."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses the Federal Reserve's policies

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Last time around it took them two years to normalize from 5 to 5.25, too little too late … they created the biggest housing, real estate credit and equity bubble,' Roubini said Tuesday on CNBC's 'Closing Bell.'"
