Faculty News
In an op-ed, Prof. Scott Galloway argues that department stores will be more successful than online-only retailers in the next five years

Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "Department stores are alive and well in 2015. Frequently dismissed as dinosaurs outmaneuvered by digital players, department stores can not only survive the dramatic fall-off in foot traffic seen over the past few years but will ultimately fare better than pure-play e-commerce. Contrary to long-held conventional wisdom, department stores will be among the biggest winners in retail."
Faculty News

Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "Department stores are alive and well in 2015. Frequently dismissed as dinosaurs outmaneuvered by digital players, department stores can not only survive the dramatic fall-off in foot traffic seen over the past few years but will ultimately fare better than pure-play e-commerce. Contrary to long-held conventional wisdom, department stores will be among the biggest winners in retail."