Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy discusses China's recent announcement on economic reforms

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua -- "Joe Foudy, a business professor at New York University, said China's economic reforms would be 'quite transformative' for the country. 'These reforms are really the most important reforms that we've seen since the 1990s... This is a real opportunity to try to move China decisively towards markets,' he said."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway predicts that Apple will expand its luxury offerings

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Galloway, who is also clinical professor of marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business, where he teaches brand strategy and luxury marketing, said he expects Apple to expand into product categories such as apparel, handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, watches and even luggage."
Research Center Events

Behavioral Economist Dan Ariely Talks about His New Book, "The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty"

In a recent visit to NYU Stern, Dan Ariely, author of "The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty," spoke to students and faculty about his new book.
School News

Undergraduate student Chris Norton writes an op-ed on why idea partners are vital for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur.com -- "As a college entrepreneur at New York University, the majority of my ideas are tailored to solving the issues faced by college students in an urban environment. To see if my ideas have legs, I turn to my roommate, as he is my target audience. Finding out whether he would use the product or service plays a role in determining if my idea could become a legitimate business."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran explains why he believes Twitter's stock price is too high

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'There can be no way that you can tell me from a valuation perspective that it's worth what it's trading for. Having said that, I would disagree with the statement that growth stocks can never be good investments because I think there will be a point in time where Twitter will become a good investment,' said New York University professor Aswath Damodaran. 'It might not be that far in the future. All you need is a couple of bad earnings reports, and the same crowd that's buying in now will be out of the stock as quick as can be.'"
School News

Social venture competition winner Madécasse, co-founded by Brian McCollum (MBA '07), is featured

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "McCollum, who graduated in 2007, says the company got a huge boost from participating in Stern’s 2008 Business Plan Competition. 'That was where we got the majority of the resources specific to the company,' he says. 'We got to speak with a whole bunch of different people very quickly and got a lot of feedback that ordinarily would’ve taken months or years to get.'”
Business and Policy Leader Events

Leadership Off the Record with Elana Drell Szyfer, CEO of AHAVA

As part of NYU Stern’s “Leadership Off the Record” series, Elana Drell Szyfer, CEO of AHAVA and Stern alumna (MBA '98), spoke with MBA students about her 20-year career in the beauty industry.
Research Center Events

Book Talk with Howard Willens, Author of "History Will Prove Us Right”

Marking the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, Howard Willens, author of "History Will Prove Us Right" and member of the management team of the Warren Commission, joined NYU Stern students and faculty to discuss his book and the Warren Commission Report.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Twitter's profitability

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "I think they could be profitable now. A lot of people have said this is a company losing a lot of money and they kind of slam their organization for it, but this is a great business model. You come up with great technology, and you get a sales force, and then you and me provide the content for free, so I think they could be doing 30 or 40% EBITDA right now, but they are plowing a ton of money back into the business to try and grow the same way LinkedIn was when it went public."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's views on economic policy are spotlighted

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Nouriel Roubini, an economics professor at New York University who achieved a high profile globally for forecasting the financial crisis, sketched the dilemma starkly in an opinion piece recently. '[P]olicymakers will eventually face an ugly trade-off: kill the recovery to avoid risky bubbles, or go for growth at the risk of fueling the next financial crisis,' Mr. Roubini said."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter explains how to use psychology to optimize a brand

BigThink logo
Excerpt from Big Think -- "If you look across the world, the color blue is the world's favorite color. And that's a very powerful thing to know if you're going to color products, and almost all products now have colors, that almost everywhere in the world, in extensive interviews, people prefer the color blue to other colors."
School News

Stern's Berkley Scholarship program is highlighted

Accepted logo
Excerpt from Accepted.com -- "NYU Stern received a $10 million gift that will go towards a scholarship fund for college seniors who wish to pursue their MBAs at Stern after they graduate. The scholarship is named for the donor, William R. Berkley, NYU alumnus and vice chairman of the NYU board of trustees. Berkley’s $10 million gift is part of NYU’s six-year campaign to raise $1 billion for scholarships."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams discusses a new startup selling razors online

The Baltimore Sun logo
Excerpt from The Baltimore Sun -- "Luke Williams, executive director of the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at New York University's Stern School of Business, figures a lot of people buy certain razors out of habit. He's used Gillette's Mach3 for a long time. But he said 'little tension points,' like customers annoyed about the price of something they use every day, can be fruitful for businesses to exploit. Established players ignore such competition at their own peril, he said. 'Every business is a Kodak, I like to say,' he said, referring to the film and camera pioneer that had to restructure itself in bankruptcy court after the digital revolution. 'And Gillette is no different.'"
School News

Stern's upcoming Future of Business event is highlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Three faculty members of NYU Stern School of Business in the US are discussing the future of mobile, data and open innovation as part of the school’s Future of Business Event Series. Professors Anindya Ghose, co-director of Stern’s Center for Business Analytics; Natalia Levina, who teaches courses on global sourcing and open innovation; and Kristen Sosulski, director of Stern’s Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, will also answer questions from prospective MBA students."
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy reacts to the recent jobs report

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from Associated Press -- "I think they have a timetable in the spring they're looking at. And they're very aware that the numbers next month may be a bit weaker because of the shutdown, so I don't think this is going to change their course of monetary policy."
Faculty News

Prof. Steven Koonin is interviewed about NYU's Center for Urban Science and Progress

Excerpt from New York Business Journal -- "We’re not a typical academic department. We’re aiming not just for relevance but impact. Universities have an obligation to step up and solve some of the problems that cities have. Many problems are very complicated and require solutions that join academics with the private sector and government."
School News

Stephen Choi and David Yermack are Appointed Directors of the Pollack Center for Law & Business

Stephen Choi and David Yermack have been named the new directors of NYU’s Pollack Center for Law & Business, a joint venture of the Stern School of Business and the NYU School of Law. Choi is Murray and Kathleen Bring Professor of Law at NYU Law, and Yermack is Albert Fingerhut Professor of Finance and Business Transformation at Stern.
Faculty News

At L2's Forum, Prof. Scott Galloway discusses Apple as a luxury brand

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- “'Apple is about to crash the party,' Mr. Galloway said. 'Why wouldn’t [Apple] migrate to [luxury]?...The move gives consumers a chance to express their affinity for Apple with something other than [technology],' he said."
Student Club Events

Brand Evolution: Engaging the Millennial Consumer

On Friday, November 8, NYU Stern’s Graduate Marketing Association (GMA) will host their 2013 Conference, titled “Brand Evolution: Engaging the Millennial Consumer.”
Faculty News

Prof. Prasanna Tambe's book, "The Talent Equation," is spotlighted

Excerpt from MSN -- "In 'The Talent Equation,' a new book by Matt Ferguson (CEO of CareerBuilder), Lorin Hitt (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) and Prasanna Tambe (Stern School, New York University), issues such as the labor market's skills gap challenge are explored, as well as how big data has the potential to transform human resources."
School News

Champion Possible

In a course co-taught by CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo, Lauren Zalaznick, Executive VP of NBC Universal, candidly shared her professional story with Stern students.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses the forthcoming economic reforms in China

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "[The Chinese] realized they have to rebalance the economy because they have too much fixed investment at 50% of the GDP, too much savings and too little private consumption and that model of growth of doubling down on credit-fueled fixed investment is going to lead to a hard landing. The trouble is that I'm sure they're going to do reforms, but those reforms are going to occur only slowly, gradually, incrementally, because plenty of forces are resisting reforms."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Aswath Damodaran evaluates Twitter's value

TechCrunch logo
Excerpt from TechCrunch -- "My valuation of Twitter yields a value of $18 per share and assumes that revenues will climb to about $11.5 billion in 2023 (giving Twitter about 5 percent to 5.5 percent of the online advertising market then), that the pre-tax operating margin will increase over time to 25 percent (about 5 percent lower than Facebook but about 5 percent higher than Google) and that a dollar in additional capital invested will generate $1.50 in incremental revenues."
Faculty News

Prof. Johannes Stroebel's research on the impact of the 2009 Credit CARD Act is featured

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "The study, whose other authors are Sumit Agarwal of the National University of Singapore, Souphala Chomsisengphet of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Johannes Stroebel of New York University’s Stern School of Business, estimates that the law is saving American consumers $20.8 billion a year."
Research Center Events

A World in Recovery: The Future of Global Economies

NYU Flag
The Sixth Annual Global Economic Policy Forum, titled "A World in Recovery: The Future of Global Economies,” will bring together world government and economic leaders to discuss issues of economic policy and the capital markets.