Faculty News
Prof. Viral Acharya's research on systemic risk is featured

Excerpt from Reuters -- "The new study, by Viral Acharya, a New York University Professor and advisor to the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), and Sascha Steffen, of Berlin's European School of Management and Technology, was circulated to banks, think tanks and the ESRB in recent weeks. In their paper, Acharya and Steffen said euro zone banks would need up to 767 billion euros to bring their capital to the level seen by the Bank of England's head of financial stability, Andrew Haldane, as needed for the banks to have withstood the last crisis."
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This story was picked up by outlets around the world including Business Times, The Huffington Post Deutschland, Independent.ie, MSN Money UK, Reuters UK, The Telegraph, Yahoo! Finance and Yahoo! News.
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This story was picked up by outlets around the world including Business Times, The Huffington Post Deutschland, Independent.ie, MSN Money UK, Reuters UK, The Telegraph, Yahoo! Finance and Yahoo! News.