Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla's research on America's first bank bailout is cited

Excerpt from The Economist -- "Hamilton knew what was at stake. A student of financial history, he was aware that France’s crash in 1720 had hobbled its financial system for years. And he knew Thomas Jefferson was waiting in the wings to dismantle all he had built. His response, as described in a 2007 paper by Richard Sylla of New York University, was America’s first bank bail-out."
School News

Prof. David Yermack is designing a course on Bitcoin

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Starting to assess bitcoin from an academic angle while the currency is still in its infancy allows Yermack and Miller to set the agenda for future study of the subject. 'You can help shape the field by stipulating what you think the important topics are,' Yermack says. 'For an academic, that’s fun.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Wachtel's research on credit is cited

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Little of the new credit created in the last few decades has served the overall economy. Schularick and Paul Wachtel recently ran the numbers for the United States. They show that the business sector has not borrowed from the rest of the economy since 1960. The pattern is similar in other developed countries. In other words, business profits were high enough to fund all desired investments."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on the emergence of crowdfunding

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “'It’s going to be a big market and it’s going to change how a lot of small businesses finance themselves,' said Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown Illuminates “Current Trends in the World Economy”

The Right Honorable Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, addressed an audience of students and alumni in NYU Stern’s Paulson auditorium on April 8. He delivered the 2014 Ashok Sani (BS ’74) Distinguished Scholar Lecture, entitled, “Current Trends in the World Economy,” in honor of Ashok Sani, an Undergraduate College alumnus who had served on the School’s Board of Overseers.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Hal Hershfield explains how employers can adapt to an older workforce

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "B&Q (winner of the 2006 'Age Positive Retailer of the Year' Award) says that it hires for soft skills, such as conscientiousness, enthusiasm and customer rapport, which senior workers also seem to show in abundance, while Home Depot famously looks to older store clerks for the experience-based know-how that customers demand. And these aren’t just perceptions: A report from the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College has found that, compared to younger workers, older workers do have higher levels of respect, maturity and networking ability."
Faculty News

Prof. Jeffrey Wurgler's research on the stock market is featured

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "Whatever else you might say about today’s stock market, it is nowhere near as overheated as it was 14 years ago. And that’s not a subjective view. My conclusion is derived from a data-driven focus on objective measures that were identified by the leading academic study of investor sentiment. That study, by Jeffrey Wurgler and Malcolm Baker, who are finance professors at New York University and Harvard Business School, respectively, was titled 'Investor Sentiment in the Stock Market.'”
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses Securities Litigation in 2014

Academics, practitioners and policymakers gathered at NYU Stern on April 7 for a roundtable discussion on “Getting Personal With Securities Litigation in 2014,” co-hosted by the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research and NERA Economic Consulting.
School News

Stern Venture Keen Home is a finalist in Inc.'s Coolest College Startups

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "Keen Home began with vents, but the founders insist it won’t end there. 'We’re thinking of the home as a body,' says Fant. 'The respiratory system is an analogy for the Smart Vent, but there’s also plumbing, electrical, and other forgotten--or "sleepy"--systems.'”
Faculty News

Prof. William Baumol's book, "The Cost Disease," is cited

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Baumol argues that governments around the world have misread the threat posed by increasing healthcare costs because they do not understand that 'the economy’s constantly growing productivity simultaneously increases the community’s overall purchasing power and makes for ever improving overall living standards.'”
Faculty News

Research Scholar Brandon Fuller on the Urbanization Project's research on urban growth

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Brandon Fuller, the deputy director at the Urbanization Project, described the maps as 'a plea for some long-term planning' in a phone interview with The Huffington Post. Data visualizations like these, he said, have the power to help the public grasp just how quickly cities transform."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack on Bitcoin as an investment

CNC World logo
Excerpt from CNC World -- "I would not invest in Bitcoin if you're looking for a rate of return. I don't think you could consider it a good investment, especially for a poor household in a developing country that may not have much savings. Bitcoin is incredibly risky and there is no intrinsic value behind it. If you invest in a stock, there is a company paying dividends that supports the value of a stock. If you invest in a government bond, you have the government's promise to pay interest; with Bitcoin, all you really have is hope."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Roy Smith explores the implications of Citigroup's stress test failure

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "But the real story may be that the Fed, itself under new management, truly wants to be a different type of regulator – one that is going to be strict, proactive and controlling. The post-crisis environment certainly creates an expectation for such a regulator, one whose stress tests, for example, are taken seriously. Rejecting Citigroup, without much explanation, might be an indicator of this transition."
Faculty News

Prof. Christina Fang's research on the prediction of extreme events is mentioned

The New Yorker logo
Excerpt from The New Yorker -- "In one fascinating study by the business-school professors Jerker Denrell and Christina Fang, people who successfully predicted an extreme event had worse overall forecasting records than their peers. 'People who make these bold predictions tend to overestimate how likely extreme events are, so, while they may happen to hit it right once in a while, over all they're not actually good forecasters,' Fang told me."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry explains the importance of fiscal discipline

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "What fiscal discipline means is no more complicated than the story of the ant and the grasshopper: it means saving when times are good so when times are bad you can have a surplus. The best third world example of this is Chile. Chile is a third world ant; the United States is virtually a grasshopper."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Bob Pittman, Chairman & CEO of Clear Channel, Joins Langone MBAs for Speaker Series

Bob Pittman, Chairman and CEO of Clear Channel, joined Langone MBA students for a 2013-2014 Langone Speaker Series event. Professor Charlie Murphy moderated the discussion, beginning with a one-on-one interview and followed by an open Q&A session with students.
Faculty News

Prof. Gavin Kilduff on corporate rivalry

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Prof Kilduff argues that we have a fundamental need to compare ourselves with others who we see as similar. 'It may lead to a preoccupation that goes beyond what is strictly rational,' he says. 'It can promote scandalous and unethical behaviour, the kind of thing that blows up.'”
Faculty News

Prof. Baruch Lev on the proposal to change the tax treatment of advertising spending

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "'The idea is not completely crazy,' says Baruch Lev, an accounting professor at NYU's Stern School. 'It's been shown that the benefits of advertising stretch over two to three years.' But Lev insists that assuming they last a decade has no economic rationale. 'I'd recommend perhaps writing off half in the first year, and half in year two, so all the ad spend from year one is expensed by the end of year two,' he says. 'Ten years is extreme.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini warns of a US market correction

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "In the short term, I would say that with the recovery of the economy and with the Fed still gradually exiting QE... the stock market can go higher, but I would say given what has happened to P/B ratios, by the second half of the year we might have a correction, I would say, of less than ten percent."
Student Club Events

Keynote Arianna Huffington at EEX Conference

On April 4th, NYU Stern’s Entrepreneurs Exchange Club (EEX) will host its annual conference featuring keynote speaker Arianna Huffington, a speaker series that will provide insight into the entrepreneurial journey and panels focused on innovation, mobile and food.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway explains Citi Bike's difficulty finding financial sponsors

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Co.Design -- “When your first sponsor is Citi and it’s called Citi Bike, there’s not a lot of value for other advertisers. They should have known upfront they were selling one sponsorship, and should have planned accordingly.”
School News

Research from Stern's Urbanization Project is highlighted

Excerpt from LAist -- "NYU's Stern Urbanization Project is giving us a chance to visualize just what type of urban expansion has taken over our city of angels from 1877 to 2000—and it's pretty cool to watch."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald explains how to create an environment that fosters innovation

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "One approach to providing environments that foster innovation is to take functional groups out of their silos, create multifunctional teams and locate them 'off campus': even if only in a different building across the street. Placing multifunctional team members in close proximity, away from headquarters encourages teamwork, bonding, more regular communication, and shared goals."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on AIG's lawsuit against regulators

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Lawrence J. White, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, said AIG challenging its regulator in federal court is 'not a once-in-100-year event, but it is unusual.' Most companies don't want to get on the bad side of the regulators, 'but if they really feel this is an egregious situation, they will just grit their teeth and appeal to the court,' he said."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway explains why he believes Twitter's stock is overpriced

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'We believe it’s vastly overvalued and that the love affair with Twitter is about to come to an end,' said Galloway, who also runs the L2 digital innovation think tank. 'If you look at the number of advertisers advertising on each platform, LinkedIn actually has more advertisers than Twitter.'"