Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Vasant Dhar demonstrates how big data can be used to predict market conditions

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "This new type of factor, which is very different from indices such as the Michigan consumer sentiment index, may well join the ranks of key determinants of investment performance, alongside traditional factors such as value and momentum that have been used for decades on Wall Street."
Business and Policy Leader Events

MBA Students Compete in Amazon's 2014 Innovation Competition

Three teams of MBA students went head-to-head, pitching their ideas for future business endeavors in the finals of Amazon’s 2014 Innovation Competition.
Student Club Events

NYU Stern Students Win National Low Carbon Case Competition

A team of NYU Stern students, sponsored by the Stern Energy Club, won first place in the inaugural National Low Carbon Case Competition hosted by the Yale School of Management on November 14.
Faculty News

Prof. Foster Provost's book, "Data Science for Business," is featured

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "'There is no other book on practical data science for business applications that simultaneously has as much authority and as much clarity,' says Sinan Aral, a management -professor at MIT’s Sloan. 'Students cannot stop raving about this book.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat's research on globalization is featured

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "But, since 2005, emerging market exports of printed matter to advanced economies have grown significantly, from less than 10% to almost 20% of global volume. Why is this? Business professor Pankaj Ghemawat, who co-authored the study of global connectedness that returned this surprising result, says it’s tied up in human migration—and entertainment. Ghemawat says he himself is a part of this statistic because, like many other Indians living and working abroad, he subscribes to Bollywood film magazines. The story is not so different for other emerging markets with plenty of emigrants and a thriving culture that expatriates want to stay connected with."
Student Club Events

First Annual European Business Society Conference

The First Annual Conference of Stern’s European Business Society (EBS), themed, "The European Recovery: Myth or Reality?" will address current dynamics, challenges and opportunities in the region.
Faculty News

Prof. Norman White on statistical models in finance

GARP logo
Excerpt from GARP -- "Similarly, Norman White, clinical professor of information, operations and management sciences at New York University's Stern School of Business and faculty director of the Stern Center for Research Computing, says there is always concern when there is not 'some human in the middle of the decision tree.' He adds, 'I am very suspicious of the unintended consequences of over-reliance on automated models" in finance.'"
Faculty News

Prof. William Silber's book, "When Washington Shut Down Wall Street," is cited

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "As the war dragged on, Britain went from lender to borrower. And after the dollar-denominated Anglo-French loan of October 1915—organized by JP Morgan to fund the allied European powers—'the US dollar no longer took a backseat to the British pound,' wrote William Silber, an NYU professor and author of a book on the origins of the dollar as a reserve currency."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the implications of government regulations on ratings agencies

Global Finance logo
Excerpt from Global Finance Magazine -- "In the years to come, NYU’s White predicts, this legislation will open up new opportunities for 'independent advisory voices' to sell their opinions to banking regulators. But they won’t necessarily be rating agencies, he says. They’re more likely to be financial services firms and academic institutions."
Faculty News

The DHL Global Connectedness Index, coauthored by Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat, is featured

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Globalisation’s advance has never been inevitable or smooth; nor, despite some backward steps since the crash, has it ended. That, at least, is the conclusion of the latest DHL Global Connectedness Index, published earlier this month. Two economists, Pankaj Ghemawat of New York University’s Stern School and Steven Altman of IESE Business School compiled it using data from 140 countries, which account for 99% of the world’s GDP and 95% of its population. It shows that, after a big post-crisis drop, the trend of growing global interconnection resumed last year. Globalisation is back."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararjan on Uber's possible expansion into India

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from Economic Times -- "'The density footprint in Delhi or Bangalore is not even comparable to its fleet in say New York city. There is plenty of room for Uber to expand,' said Arun Sundararajan, a professor at the Stern School of Business in New York whose research is focused on digital economics."
Faculty News

Prof. Deepak Hegde's research on the impact of lobbying on NIH funding is featured

The Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Remember that NIH has to pay attention to what the appropriators in Congress want, because they’re dependent on getting funding,' says Hegde. 'So our conclusion about soft earmarks is a more nuanced finding, but does indicate that soft earmarks are effective. And for the most part, I don’t think people are aware of the mechanisms through which allocations are made.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan discusses Gorilly, an e-commerce service

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "'The trick is going to be to make sure you have the right people representing your products,' says Arun Sundararajan, professor of information, operations and management sciences at NYU Stern. 'With social media, companies have already faced the challenge of losing control over the message.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz discusses OTC vs. exchange trading in the gold market

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'While there are benefits to OTC trading, typically trading happens through a handful of large institutions who dominate those markets,' says Rosa Abrantes-Metz, an adjunct professor at New York University. 'When you have that happen with a lack of information coming out to the ultimate buyers and sellers, there is the potential of abuse.'"
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry's book, "Turnaround," is highlighted

Excerpt from Global Times -- "China's success lies in its devotion to a win-win philosophy. Peter Henry wrote in his new book 'Turnaround: Third World Lessons for First World Growth', that America should learn from China's sustained commitment to a pragmatic growth strategy."
Student Club Events

NYU Stern EMT Summit

Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Entertainment, Media and Technology (EMT) Alumni Committee and the Office of Development & Alumni Relations will host the NYU Stern EMT Summit on November 12.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Research Prof. Ian Bremmer discusses the impact of lower oil prices

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Don’t overestimate the near-term impact of oil prices in free fall. Yet, even if cheaper oil doesn’t upend these regimes — or align them with Washington — it will accelerate their deepening dependence on China. That is a recipe for greater instability and a more volatile global energy landscape."
Faculty News

In a letter to the editor, Prof. Nouriel Roubini advocates for international action on climate change

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Five years ago, G-20 leaders pledged to cut fossil-fuel subsidies. They now must redeem that pledge. Setting a timetable for phasing out all subsidies for fossil-fuel exploration would be smart economics. It would also establish the G-20 as a credible force in international efforts to secure an ambitious global deal on climate change."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Thomas Philippon discusses the eurozone crisis

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "Given the scale of the crisis, understanding the dynamics of the Eurozone is a major challenge for macroeconomics today. We argue that we need a quantitative framework to identify these various mechanisms, their relations and, ultimately, to run counterfactual experiments. This is what we do in a recent paper (Martin and Philippon 2014)."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the valuation of tech companies

Mashable Logo
Excerpt from Mashable -- "'It really becomes a question of what are you pricing it against,' Damodaran told Mashable in an interview. Snapchat may not be worth $10 billion to investors by itself, but if the market already values Twitter at $30 billion-$40 billion, then the Snapchat valuation may make more sense. 'Twitter, after all, is not that far ahead of Snapchat,' he argues."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini shares his predictions for the Federal Reserve's monetary policy

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Even if growth, inflation and employment data are at the right level to start hiking, the Fed would like to wait a little bit longer just to make sure that if they start hiking with the liftoff, they're not going to abort and go back to zero because otherwise they lose their credibility,' he said."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on equity crowdfunding

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "Investors have to be accredited in the U.S., which generally limits the pool of possible investors to the top 1 percent. Now? About the top 5-10 percent of the population can buy their way in, estimates NYU’s Stern Business School professor Anindya Ghose."
Faculty News

Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat discusses the DHL Global Connectedness Index's findings

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Pankaj Ghemawat, global professor of management and strategy at the New York University Stern School of Business and a co-author of the survey, says that improving connectivity between sub-Saharan African nations—enabling more efficient movement of people, goods and information across borders—would make a vast difference to the continent’s economic prospects."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Roy Smith discusses New York Fed President William Dudley's remarks on bank cultures

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "It would be momentous and unprecedented for the Fed openly to force a bank to break up. But the power to do so under Dodd-Frank is certainly there, though the process is complex and can be appealed. Dudley’s cultural workshop may actually be less about culture and more a blunt warning to those banks the Fed considers to be moving too slowly in transforming themselves into the well-managed entities it wants. Those banks know who they are. As Dudley says, they need to 'get on with it'."
Faculty News

In a letter to the editor, Profs Viral Acharya and Robert Engle discuss their research on banking stress tests

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "In the adverse scenario of the ECB stress tests, capital adequacy is 5.5 per cent of risk-weighted assets while our measure is 5.5 per cent of total quasi assets. When risk weights do not adequately reflect risk, which has been widely observed for both European and US financial reports, then this measure of capital adequacy can be highly misleading. In an earlier study, Acharya, Engle and Pierret ('Testing Macroprudential Stress Tests: The Risk of Regulatory Risk Weights', Journal of Monetary Economics, 2014), we found that risk weights were negatively related to conventional measures of firm risk."