Faculty News

In a letter to the editor, Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz addresses worker safety in Bangladesh

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "What Bangladesh needs is a global fund that pools resources from the global brands, local manufacturers, Western governments and the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Acting alone, not one of these entities has the will or resources to get the job done. But together they may just succeed."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the impact of San Francisco's move to legalize Airbnb

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Politically, other cities will be pushed to do what San Francisco did, because more people will want to rent out their houses and cars,' said Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at NYU Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses the future of the Oscar de la Renta brand

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In 2010, de la Renta quietly sold an approximately 20 percent stake to GF Capital Management & Advisors to provide additional financing to launch a beauty business and open more stores. To leverage its brand, the company will need more capital, said Scott Galloway, who teaches marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He said the brand could be valued at as much as $1 billion if it can attract less well-heeled shoppers and said a strategic buyer or private equity firm might bite."

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Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers explains how big cap companies can become risk-averse

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "...when firms do well for a long period of time and grow to become these big cap firms, that creates a lot of political power, a lot of political capital for the divisions that have a lot of strength. Those divisions then want to keep that power, resist that change as the market changes around them, and that kind of leads to the inertia in the organization. ... because by trying to be efficient in making good decisions and avoiding big bad, risky gambles, they then weed out potentially good risky projects and that kind of makes them look like they're being very risk-averse."
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Salomon on IBM's sale of its chipmaking business to GlobalFoundries

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'If you only look at the headline cash number, you are missing a lot of the story,' says Rob Salomon, professor at the NYU Stern School of Business... 'As a matter of fact, there’s another example where this happened, which is Daimler-Chrysler’s spin-off of Chrysler. In effect, Daimler paid Cerberus to take Chrysler off its hands,' Salomon says."
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Engle discusses recent stock market volatility

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "We've had about two weeks of spectacularly high volatility. However, when you think about it, it's only high relative to the last two years. We haven't seen this for two years. Before that, we had the financial crisis, which makes this small... There's uncertainty about the future. And then, a news event comes along and it moves the markets... The thing that I thought was the new piece of information was that Europe looked worse than it had. Germany was slowing down and Angela Merkel said that we better tighten our belts, which I think the markets thought was just the wrong answer."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's upcoming investor conference call

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The call is 'critical,' said Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'Is she going to have the wind at her back or in her face?'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz outlines what needs to be done to increase worker safety in Bangladesh

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "The accomplishments Roberts highlights in conducting inspections and identifying factory safety hazards are important. But workers and factory owners need to know next steps. Brands and retailers should work with Bangladeshi manufacturers, the government of Bangladesh, foreign governments, and development organisations to advance a comprehensive approach – underwritten by significant funding – to upgrade the entire export garment sector."
School News

Stern's EMBA program is highlighted in a story on the diversification of Executive MBA enrollees; Heather Daly is quoted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The freedom of self-financing, combined with the implementation of the latest networking and teaching technology, has meant the top programmes increasingly are attracting students from outside their traditional catchment area. At NYU Stern, for example, the school’s EMBA is populated by participants from Florida, Illinois, Texas and even California, says Heather Daly, head of the EMBA."
School News

Stern's TRIUM program is ranked #1 by the Financial Times

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "For the first time in six years, a new challenger has topped the FT’s ranking of executive MBA programmes. The 2014 ranking of 100 programmes for working senior executives is headed by Trium, run by HEC Paris, the London School of Economics and Stern School of Business at New York University."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Solly Angel's research on population density in Manhattan is mentioned

Salon logo
Excerpt from Salon -- "A working paper by Solly Angel and Patrick Lamson-Hall, 'The Rise and Fall of Manhattan’s Densities, 1800-2010,' touches on all of these issues in its quest to chart two centuries of settlement patterns on the island. Angel, a professor at NYU’s Stern Urbanization Project, and Lamson-Hall, a research scholar at the same, show that historical density is not as simple as dividing population by area — and above all, that it is only tenuously related to the architectural profile of the city."
Faculty News

Prof. Xavier Gabaix's research on the stock market is featured

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "...we’re kidding ourselves if we think that market reforms will be able to prevent [stock market crashes]. The only real solution is to devise investment strategies with the knowledge that big daily drops are unavoidable. These truths are what emerge from academic research into the frequency of market crashes. That research traces to 'Institutional Investors and Stock Market Volatility,' a study conducted a decade ago by Xavier Gabaix, a finance professor at New York University, and three scientists at Boston University’s Center for Polymer Studies: H. Eugene Stanley, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, and Vasiliki Plerou."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari explains the importance of cultural immersion for luxury marketers

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'What is missing is cultural insight that needs to be internal,' Ms. Serdari said. 'To either partner with people who are bicultural–which is very different than bilingual, by the way–or to hire talent because even though it is expensive, [brands] will have much more return on their investment in the long term if [they] really have people who interpret who the local celebrity is, what TV show is watched, is there a Gossip Girl in Brazil, for example,' she said. '[Brands should ask], are we going to showcase our merchandise with that particular platform? Why or why not?'"
Research Center Events

TRIUM Discussion on Entrepreneurial Projects and Capstone Stories

More than 20 TRIUM Global Executive MBA program alumni and students gathered at NYU Stern on Wednesday, October 15, to hear about and discuss their entrepreneurial projects and Global Incubator Capstone stories
Faculty News

Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat discusses Nobel Laureate Jean Tirole's early research

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "'When I was just starting at HBS [as a professor] in 1983, Fudenberg and Tirole were kind of the reigning duo of young theorists,' says Pankaj Ghemawat, who now teaches at NYU’s Stern School and the IESE Business School in Barcelona. 'Every single working paper of theirs was eagerly awaited.'"
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack discusses Kentucky State University interim president Raymond Burse's $90,000 pay cut

Christian Science Monitor logo
Excerpt from Christian Science Monitor -- "Public announcements like Burse’s can become the pretext for asking departments to reign in their budgets and employees to take similar salary cuts. An executive can use himself as an example in these situations, Dr. Yermack says. The Courier-Journal reported that Kentucky State University has a $7 million budget gap. 'This is purely symbolic,' Yermack says."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya spoke about risk in the insurance industry at a Brookings Institute panel discussion

Excerpt from SNL Financial -- "The insurers took on an increasing percentage of below-investment-grade bonds and shifted more assets to off-balance-sheet vehicles, while escaping scrutiny through "regulatory arbitrage" techniques, C.V. Starr Professor of Economics Viral Acharya said Oct. 14. The result is an industry that has added to its systemic risk during a period where most others are focused on reducing financial hazards. 'Everything in financial plumbing is connected to each other,' he said. 'We find that the insurance sector really doesn't seem that different from the banking sector.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Gian Luca Clementi on Target Market News's annual report, "The Buying Power of Black America"

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC News -- "As NYU economics Prof Gian Luca Clementi tells the Tampa Bay Times, 'factors like government expenditure and private investment mean that buying power and [the total income produced in a country] aren't comparable.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Ari Ginsberg discusses the growing popularity of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses for young children

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's -- "'Research suggests STEM education develops critical-thinking skills and science literacy, which drives innovation and economic expansion,' said Ari Ginsberg, a professor of entrepreneurship at New York University. 'The business world has signaled its need to hire people with substantial STEM expertise, and parents want to make sure those opportunities are available to their children.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White reacts to the Financial Stability Board's proposed shadow banking regulations

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace Radio -- "It's going to make it more costly for these entities to borrow, so they're going to less of it... And, in the event the entity runs into difficulties, the amount of collateral will be greater. The lenders to the entity will feel more secure, [it] will be less likely that there will be a run on this entity and less likely that there will be a run on other similar entities."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan discusses ridesharing app Hailo's departure from the North American market

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Uber and Lyft are sort of changing the business model, whereas Hailo is trying to layer on top of the existing one,' said Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White discusses 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics Jean Tirole's research

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "I spoke today with Lawrence J. White, who helped develop the original Justice Department horizontal merger guidelines as chief economist of its Antitrust Division under President Reagan in 1982 and 1983. 'This is a well-deserved award,' says White, who is a professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. The theories of Tirole and others probably influenced antitrust regulators to put conditions on Comcast’s acquisition of NBC Universal, White says."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White explains the significance of Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole's work on antitrust enforcement

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'So now, when there is a major merger that involves important vertical relationships, the authorities take a more nuanced view,' said Mr. White, who served as chief economist of the antitrust division of the Justice Department in the early 1980s. 'And we have Tirole in part to thank.' Mr. White said a recent example came in 2011, when the government conditioned Comcast’s acquisition of NBCUniversal on the terms of a deal that made NBCUniversal’s content available to Comcast’s rivals."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini reacts to the conflict within the European Central Bank

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'There was too much complacency about the euro zone getting out of its crisis,' said Nouriel Roubini, chairman of Roubini Global Economics LLC in New York. 'The center of tension is another downturn in the euro zone.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Lawrence White proposes a plan for oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

The Hill logo
Excerpt from The Hill -- "Many observers fear that ICANN could soon be subject to the heavy-handed influences of governments that do not share the values that have led to the innovation, flexibility and openness that has hitherto characterized the Internet. The United States' proposed withdrawal is the opportunity for a rethinking of ICANN's governance structure. Moreover, we believe that there is a reasonable solution to ICANN's longstanding accountability problem that would mitigate concerns of government influence."