Faculty News

Professor Arpit Gupta's joint research on hedge fund performance is spotlighted

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "We find that funds with greater investment by insiders outperform funds with less 'skin in the game' on a factor-adjusted basis; exhibit greater return persistence; and feature lower fund flow-performance sensitivities. These results suggest that managers earn outsize rents by operating trading strategies further from their capacity constraints when managing their own money."
Faculty News

Professors Theresa Kuchler and Johannes Stroebel's joint research on social networking and housing decisions is spotlighted

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS News -- "The paper's authors -- NYU professors Theresa Kuchler and Johannes Stroebel; Ruiqing Cao, a graduate student at Harvard, and Michael Bailey, an economist at Facebook -- reached their conclusions by analyzing more than 1,200 Facebook accounts in Los Angeles County, noting their interactions with far-flung friends and matching those users, on an anonymized basis, to property transaction records."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway is interviewed about the importance of gender equality for companies

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "According to Scott Galloway, marketing professor at New York University, in the Trump era 'being perceived as a female-friendly firm is just smart'. There is currency for companies in being, or at least appearing, socially conscious, he says, arguing that this has shielded the 'big four' technology groups — Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple — from scrutiny in Washington."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz shares his views on financial regulation and the Dodd-Frank and CHOICE Acts

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Dodd-Frank is just overly complex and burdensome. For the purpose of making the financial system safer, you can do a lot more of that with less complex and less burdensome regulation,' said Kim Schoenholtz, director of the Center for Global Economy and Business at NYU's Stern School of Business."
School News

Stern's new FinTech course for undergraduates and specialization for MBA students is highlighted

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "New York University is planning a new course for undergraduates after launching a fintech specialization in its business school last year. ... NYU's undergraduate course, for instance, attracted enrollments from twice as many students as expected."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's remarks at the New York Times Higher Ed Leaders Forum are featured

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "There are so many things going on. But one of the most dangerous is this new culture of safety-ism. The most important psychological truth I think we all need to know for raising kids or educating students is anti-fragility."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Winning with Innovation: Strategies for Identifying and Implementing Breakthrough Opportunities

This course is a good fit for managers and senior executives who are responsible for choosing innovation projects and/or managing the innovation process within their organization.
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A, Professor Nicholas Economides discusses net neutrality

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Excerpt from Spiceworks -- "If we go to a system without net neutrality, consumers lose the ability to make those choices. Instead, telecom and cable companies such as AT&T and Verizon are going to make those choices for consumers. The choices are going to be made by the telecom and cable companies, and not by the consumers."
Faculty News

Professor Philipp Schnabl is interviewed about interest rates and economic growth

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Philipp Schnabl, an economist at New York University, agrees with Brunnermeier that Europe and Japan are the places where ultra-low interest rates may be problematic. 'To emphasize, this is an unusual period we’re coming out of,' he says. 'There’s a lot of uncertainty in anything we say about monetary policy.'"
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose is interviewed about his research on mobile advertising, from his book, “Tap”

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "For instance, Ghose’s research has found that shoppers are more susceptible to pitches from retailers during their commutes, that groups of three people are easier to target than twos or fours, that good and bad weather can be powerful motivators, and that the key to understanding customers is tracking their habits. 'We think we are all very spontaneous, when in fact we are very predictable,' Ghose said."
Faculty News

Professor Christina Fang's joint research on strategic decision-making is referenced

Psychology Today logo
Excerpt from Psychology Today -- "No, research has found that firing a CEO is the last thing a board should do. Instead, they should hit them where it hurts, in the pocket. Instead, the board of British Airways should draw on insights from our recent study from behavioral science by keeping the executives but asking them to deposit part of their salary and bonus for paying for the losses—that is, BA’s estimated £150 million compensation bill. (Study authors include Chengwei Liu, Ivo Vlaev, Christina Fang, Jerker Denrell and Nick Chater.)"
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan discusses the Paris Agreement and the implications for MBA students

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Whelan says where climate work is concerned, MBAs today face an unprecedented landscape in which the corporate sector is married with the work of state-level and municipal government. 'For MBAs, it’s about understanding what this means and understanding where the rest of the governments are going and then figuring out how, as a corporate sector with states and municipalities, we can try to claw back some of our reputation so that we can have better relationships with companies and governments overseas,' she says."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter shares tips for breaking a social media habit, from his book, "Irresistible"

Thrive Global logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Thrive Global -- "You can’t just delete a habit; you have to replace it with something. 'It needs to be different enough that it doesn’t fit the same habit loop,' Alter says, 'but fulfills the same psychological need.'"
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses the role of biases when analyzing big data

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "For important business decisions, 'Ask yourself, "Can I trust my data, or might it have sources of bias?"' said Vasant Dhar, a data scientist and professor of information systems at New York University."
Faculty News

"Economics and Policy in the Age of Trump," a new book with a chapters co-authored by Stern faculty, is reviewed

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "...a stellar set of economists has written an anthology of highly useful analytical briefs on virtually all aspects of US economic policy in the age of Donald Trump. Chad Bown of the Peterson Institute has summarised the research effort in a column for VoxEU and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, who publish the book today."
School News

Recent Executive MBA graduates Ryan Sparks and Renee Vieira are named to the Poets & Quants 2017 "50 Best & Brightest EMBAs" list

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "In Afghanistan, New York University’s Ryan Sparks, a Marine Infantry Officer who now works for JP Morgan Chase, trained and led a joint U.S-Afghan unit that defeated the local Taliban, helped with community reconstruction, and reduced opium trafficking. ... If you want to learn how to make an impact in a Fortune 500 firm, take some notes from New York University’s Renee Vieira. She serves as the Executive Director of Global Organization and Leadership Development at Time Warner."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Strategy for Executives: Creating and Capturing Value in a Competitive Environment

his program provides the foundation for managers to think strategically about creating and capturing value within their organization. Through a series of discussions and exercises, participants will understand what value capture and creation means. They will also critically examine their current company strategies to identify where value is already being created, captured and lost. Participants will then use this knowledge to analyze their organization’s potential and begin building successful strategies.
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser is interviewed about immigrants' contributions to entrepreneurship in the United States

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS News -- "New York University economist Petra Moser says immigrant entrepreneurs have a long history in the United States. 'Go back as far as Andrew Carnegie, who came from Scotland and then built a very, very large industrial, you might even call it an industrial empire and created many, many jobs,' Moser said."
School News

In an op-ed, MBA student Nicholas Ryan discusses the growing popularity if gig employment among young people

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Over the past 20 years, freelancing is up 27 percent compared to payroll employment (think more 1099s and fewer W-2s). By 2020, it’s expected that over 40 percent of the workforce will be freelancers. The shift is due in large part to the rise of digital platforms like Etsy, TaskRabbit, and Upwork."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's research on the accruals anomaly is featured

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Excerpt from Investors Chronicle -- "They found that US institutional investors did not trade on the anomaly often enough to arbitrage it away (i.e., drive prices up or down so much that prospective risk-free gains vanished). Two connected reasons lay behind this. First, the anomaly tended to dwell in illiquid stocks that were too small for institutions to bother with. Second, such stocks were clearly risky so investing in them might fall foul of so-called ‘prudent-man rules’, which required intermediaries to invest other people’s money as if it were their own."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's work on morality is referenced

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "People are attracted by goodness and repelled by selfishness. N.Y.U. social psychologist Jonathan Haidt has studied the surges of elevation we feel when we see somebody performing a selfless action. Haidt describes the time a guy spontaneously leapt out of a car to help an old lady shovel snow from her driveway. One of his friends, who witnessed this small act, later wrote: 'I felt like jumping out of the car and hugging this guy. I felt like singing and running, or skipping and laughing. Just being active. I felt like saying nice things about people. Writing a beautiful poem or love song. Playing in the snow like a child. Telling everybody about his deed.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael North discusses how employers can accommodate older workers

Maeil Business Newspaper logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Maeil Business Newspaper -- "You should always be aware of each employee's capabilities and deficiencies. You have to invest in things that can be done more easily (older workers) than on a larger computer screen or factory floor."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway comments on Amazon's new Echo product

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "'Amazon has effectively conspired, with voice and technology and about a half-billion consumers, to destroy brands,' said Scott Galloway, a New York University marketing professor in an April talk that still is discussed on Wall Street. Amazon’s view, he argues, is that brands have an 'unearned' price premium that doesn’t match their benefits to consumers."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry shares his views on the Paris climate agreement and the future impact on economic growth

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think the road to prosperity in the United States has gotten a lot steeper, and the road to prosperity in developing countries also got a lot steeper. And it's not surprising. Just two days ago, the Secretary General from the UN, Antonio Guterres, came to Stern to give a speech about climate change, and I think he chose the business school at NYU for a reason. This agreement is about business, and jobs are a critical part of this."