Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's TED Talk comments on the connection between mobile usage and happiness are featured

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "During a TED Talk earlier this year, New York University's Stern School of Business marketing professor and psychologist Adam Alter presented research which showed the online tools we spend the most time using don't make us happy. Highlighting data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Alter demonstrates how the average 24-hour workday has looked about the same over the past ten years: We sleep between seven and eight hours a day, work between eight and nine hours a day and take care of 'survival activities' like eating and bathing for about three hours a day. The rest of the day — roughly five hours — is our personal time, made up of hobbies, close relationships, creativity and reflecting on whether 'our lives have been meaningful,' Alter says during his TED Talk, which has gotten over a million views."

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