Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides explains why he believes Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods is not an antitrust violation

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Excerpt from USA Today -- "'If you look at the whole grocery world, Amazon is a relatively small player, as is Whole Foods. I don't see any red flags on antitrust grounds,' said Nicholas Economides, a mergers and acquisitions professor at New York University’s business school."
Faculty News

Professor Claudine Gartenberg's joint research on corporate purpose is highlighted

The Australian logo
Excerpt from The Australian -- "Claudine Gartenberg, Andrea Prat and George Serafeim analysed responses from 456,666 employees in 429 firms over six years and across a broad range of industries. In their paper, Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance (hbswk.hbs.edu/item/corporate-purpose-and-financial-performance), published by Harvard Business School last year, the trio found that 'firms exhibiting both high purpose and clarity have systematically higher future accounting and stock market performance'."
Faculty News

Adam Alter's research on mobile apps and happiness is referenced, from his book, "Irresistible"

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Excerpt from VentureBeat -- "Adam Alter, a marketing professor at NYU-Stern, tries to explain this in Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. He cites a 2015 study that shows 6 in 10 people (59 percent) admit they are dependent on social media sites but say their reliance on these sites ultimately makes them unhappy."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz shares his views on the current state of credit markets

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "In some areas red tape surely has choked lending—notably residential mortgages, where recklessness led to catastrophe a decade ago. But the report pays scant attention to the possibility that slow growth may instead cause weak demand for credit. 'I don’t think the economy is credit-constrained,' says Kim Schoenholtz of New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses Vivo, a China-based smartphone company

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Excerpt from Quartz -- "'They have been able to utilise the manufacturing infrastructure in Shenzhen and thus build high-quality smartphones with flagship-standard specs at low cost,' NYU’s Ghose said, adding that they also enjoy tax breaks and more lenient labour and environmental standards. Now, with Indian prime minister Narendra Modi’s 'Make in India' push, Chinese phone-makers like Huawei are bringing their production to India, driving down costs further by bypassing import charges."
Faculty News

Professor Michelle Greenwald shares marketing insights from Gatorade's partnership with Smart Design on a new product launch

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "The Gatorade Gx platform, including customizable hydration pods, creates a new, direct-to-consumer business model for Gatorade and more sustainable product delivery system. Building on years of science and research at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, Gx incorporates compelling aspects of the latest trends in personalization and customization."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz is interviewed about banking regulation and the faculty’s co-authored book, "Regulating Wall Street: CHOICE Act vs. Dodd-Frank"

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think there are positive aspects to both the CHOICE Act and to the Treasury proposal. I think it makes a lot of sense to reduce the regulatory burden on most banks, which are, in fact, rather small and pose very little threat to the financial system. However, unfortunately, both the CHOICE Act and the Treasury's proposal also appear to reduce the capital needs for the largest, most interconnected, most opaque banks, the ones that can really threaten the system."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran comments on Jack Welch's tenure at General Electric

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "As Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, put it, 'It’s always tough to follow a legend.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon discusses GM's entry into the self-driving vehicle market

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Excerpt from CCTV -- "GM is trying to announce that it's a player on the stage of autonomous vehicles now. It's competing with the likes of Google and Apple. And GM is moving into that business. It's not content just to be an automobile assembler, an automobile manufacturer -- but also wants to be a technology player as well. So this announcement says, hey, we have the entire capabilities right now to go ahead and mass-produce not just the vehicle portion, but the vehicle portion plus the technology portion."
Faculty News

Professor Stephen Figlewski discusses the Black-Scholes insurance model

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Excerpt from Global Finance Magazine -- "'On the academic side, you’ve got a new model; and in the real world, you have a real exchange for pricing them,' says Stephen Figlewski, professor of finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University. 'What the model really gives us is it tells us how to hedge and manage the risk of options.'"
Faculty News

Professor Marti Subrahmanyam is interviewed about the impact of high frequency trading

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Excerpt from Global Finance Magazine -- "'The faster the speed, the more it moves away, because you have so much power in your trading and there’s no one on the other side—it could accentuate the volatility of the market,' says Subrahmanyam. 'Liquidity is enhanced, price discovery is improved, but it could lead to a flash crash.'"
Faculty News

Professor JP Eggers is highlighed as a favorite professor by recent MBA graduate Ward Wolff

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'JP Eggers for Strategy (core). As someone with little prior formal business education, having him my first semester was a very helpful way to get acclimated. The way he broke down cases and worked through frameworks reminded me of literature and history classes from my liberal arts degree.'
– Ward Wolff, New York University (Stern)"
Faculty News

Professor Alexander Ljungqvist's joint research on corporate investments is referenced

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "For example, a 2014 paper by John Asker, Joan Farre-Mensa and Alexander Ljungqvist found that 'compared to private firms, public firms invest substantially less and are less responsive to changes in investment opportunities.' Also, there’s evidence that founder-led companies tend to outperform."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's remarks at the Wall Street Journal's CFO Network annual meeting are featured

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Every major industry is vulnerable to disruption, said NYU Stern professor Arun Sundararajan. Managing that disruption, CFOs and other top executives will become more important than ever, Mr. Sundararajan said."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White is interviewed about Financial CHOICE Act

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Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "'This could make sense for smaller, non-systemic banks,' he said. 'For the larger systemic banks, 10% capital may not be enough, or 10% capital alone without other things like stress tests, like closer scrutiny, because these are the large systemic guys, these are the guys who, if they did get into trouble, could have contagion type effects.'"
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran and Arun Sundararajan are interviewed about Uber's leadership and corporate structure

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Excerpt from WIRED -- "'If nothing else, you will see more caution, at least for the moment, in how founders present themselves in public,' says Aswath Damodaran, a professor of finance at NYU's Stern School of Business. ... 'This is a good illustration of how, if you place growth above everything else, it can lead to long-term repercussions for the company,' says Sundararajan."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Scott Galloway shares his views on Amazon and the current retail landscape

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Excerpt from Recode -- "'The majority of retailers will face this triple threat of stagnant wages in the middle class, a transition away from typical retail goods to more experiences and Amazon/fast fashion,' Galloway said on the latest episode of Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher. 'And also the over-storing of America: We could lose a third of our retail space and probably not miss it.'"
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, discusses the changes to Stern's MBA application​, includ​ing​ the​ option​ to apply ​to multiple MBA programs​ at once​, a "Pick Six" ​visual essay, and an "EQ Endorsement"

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'It’s a brand new idea and a new concept,' says Gallogly in an interview with Poets&Quants. 'We are looking for students who are not only capable academicaly but also capable in leadership, managing teams and having emotional intelligence. So we really asekd ourselves what can we do to get more insight into a person’s emotional intelligence into their character.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari is interviewed about Google Arts & Culture's "We Wear Culture" project

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'It serves two functions. On the one hand, it allows technology to become a very handy platform through which the medium of fashion can be explained, illustrated and preserved all the while reaching a very broad public,' [Serdari] said. 'On the other hand, it also demonstrates Google's unconventional thinking in terms of classifying and discussing fashion.'"
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, is interviewed about Stern's MBA application​ changes, includ​ing​ the​ option​ to apply ​to multiple MBA programs​ at once​, a "Pick Six" ​visual essay, and an "EQ Endorsement"

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "EQ endorsers with receive a definition of what IQ + EQ means at Stern and be asked to provide one specific compelling example that demonstrates the candidate’s EQ. ... 'Our hope through the EQ Endorsements is to get a lot more insight as to who candidates really are. We feel like this could provide a nice new dimension on an applicant that you usually can’t get until you interview them—something deeper and richer.'"
Press Releases

NYU Stern School of Business Transforms its MBA Application for the 2017-18 Admissions Cycle

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
NYU Stern unveiled its new MBA application for the 2017-18 admissions season to enhance how the School will assess candidates on “fit” with its culture as well as program choice, given the range of degree options now available.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Great Leadership: Developing Practical Leadership Skills

This program is designed for those who wish to better understand and further develop their skills and propensity to lead others. Therefore it is appropriate for individuals who are managing other people or teams or individuals with significant leadership responsibilities.
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's blog post on politics and investing is featured

Bloomberg Quint logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Quint -- "While disagreement among market participants has always been a feature of markets, seldom has there been such a divide between those who believe that we are on the verge of a massive correction and those who equally vehemently feel that this is the cusp of a new bull market, and between those who see unprecedented economic and policy uncertainty and market indicators that suggest the exact opposite."
Faculty News

The Digital Future of Work Summit at NYU Stern, co-convened by Professor Arun Sundararajan, is spotlighted

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Excerpt from eTurboNews -- "The McKinsey Global Institute sponsored a conference at the NYU Stern School of Business that focused on 'The Digital Future of Work.' Established in 1990, the Institute is the business and economic division of McKinsey that attempts to understand the evolving global economy. The organization provides leaders in the commercial, public, and social sectors with research and insights on which to base management and policy decisions."
Faculty News

Professor Daria Dzyabura's joint research on brand perceptual attributes is referenced

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Excerpt from Niche Hunt -- "With the rapidly growing amount of visual brand-related content consumers create on social media, images are a promising tools for marketers and brand managers to track their brands‘ performance.The study, Visual Listening In: Extracting Brand Image Portrayed on Social Media, published in SSRN by Professor Natalie Mizik of University of Washington, Liu Liu and Professor Daria Dzyabura of NYU Stern School of Business, proposes an approach to leveraging image data by extracting scores of brand perceptual attributes expressed in the images."