School News
MBA students Alex Reicherter, Michael Modisett & Adam Teeter compete in the Left Bank Bordeaux Cup
Excerpt from Wine Spectator -- "'For me, the highlights of the trip were lunches at Pichon Baron, where I got to have a wonderful chat about the wine biz with AXA managing director Christian Seely, at Phélan Ségur, where we were just blown away by their hospitality and the wines, and then of course dinner at Châteaus Palmer and Lafite,' said Adam Teeter, a team member on NYU Stern."
School News
Excerpt from Wine Spectator -- "'For me, the highlights of the trip were lunches at Pichon Baron, where I got to have a wonderful chat about the wine biz with AXA managing director Christian Seely, at Phélan Ségur, where we were just blown away by their hospitality and the wines, and then of course dinner at Châteaus Palmer and Lafite,' said Adam Teeter, a team member on NYU Stern."