Research Center Events

Leading Minds Convene in Italy to Examine Performance Evaluation and Executive Compensation

The Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance (JAAF), sponsored by NYU Stern’s Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research, held its 2009 JAAF-Bocconi research symposium this fall, convening selected scholars from around the world in Italy to discuss performance evaluation and executive compensation.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Experts Available for Comment on Anniversary of Financial Crisis and Related Topics

September 15, 2009 marks one year after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which precipitated the financial crisis that unfolded last fall. NYU Stern finance, economics and accounting faculty, including authors of the book, Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a Failed System, are available to provide perspectives on a variety of financial and policy angles on the crisis and where we are today.
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Hosts Sixth Marketing Dynamics Conference

Bringing together scholars and practitioners from around the US and countries as far reaching as Germany, Turkey and New Zealand, the Sixth Annual Marketing Dynamics Conference served as a forum to share and analyze some of the latest research in the field.
Press Releases

Professor Viral Acharya Wins Prize for Paper on “Limits to Arbitrage and Hedging”

Viral Acharya, NYU Stern Professor of Finance, was awarded the Viz Risk Management Prize on Energy Markets, Securities, and Prices, for his paper, “Limits to Arbitrage and Hedging: Evidence from Commodity Markets,” with co-authors Lars Lochstoer from Columbia Business School and Tarun Ramadorai from Oxford University Said Business School.
Press Releases

NYU Stern School of Business Now Accepting GRE for Full-Time & Part-Time MBA Programs

New York University Stern School of Business will begin accepting Graduate Record Exam (GRE) test scores from candidates applying to its full-time and Langone part-time MBA programs for fall 2010 admission. Applicants will now have the option to submit either Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or GRE scores with their application.
Press Releases

Exporting Will Help Alleviate Today’s Economic Woes According to NYU Stern Research

“As the global recession continues, struggling domestic industries are demanding new import restrictions to safeguard their businesses,” says NYU Stern Professor Robert Salomon.
Press Releases

Professor Lawrence White Testifies Before the Senate on the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies

On August 5, 2009, NYU Stern Professor Lawrence White testified before the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs during a hearing on “Examining Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies.”
Press Releases

Investment in Junior Management Strengthens Firm’s Value

New research by NYU Stern Finance Professor Viral Acharya, with Stew Myers of MIT and Raghuram Ragu of Chicago GSB, finds that firms should invest in junior management because they impose an important discipline on top management and are closely tied to a firm’s long-term value.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Faculty Propose Federal Regulator for Insurance Industry

The insurance sector, notably the monoline insurers and A.I.G., played a crucial role during the boom of 2004-2007 by guaranteeing a variety of credit risks using both insurance policies and significantly substitutable credit derivatives.
Press Releases

Stern Student Corporation Presents $20k Check to East River Development Alliance

On Thursday, July 30, Dean of Students and Associate Dean of MBA Student Affairs Gary Fraser joined second-year MBA student Debra-Ellen Glickstein, co-founder of the East River Development Alliance (ERDA), and members of the NYU Stern Student Corporation (SCorp) to present a $20,600 check to Bishop Mitchell G. Taylor, CEO of ERDA, and to participants who have benefited from the organization's programs.
Press Releases

Increasing Competition Won’t Stop Firms from Shopping for the Best Credit Rating

As proposals circulate on how to fix the credit rating agency problem, new research from NYU Stern suggests that increased competition and more regulation aren’t the answer. Solutions, say two economics professors, lie with getting credit rating agencies to adjust for the bias that results from ratings shopping.
Press Releases

Peter Blair Henry, Renowned Int’l Economist, Named Dean of NYU’s Stern School of Business

NYU President John Sexton and Provost David McLaughlin today named Peter Blair Henry – the Konosuke Matsushita Professor of Economics at Stanford University – as dean of NYU’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He will assume the deanship effective January 15, 2010. A Rhodes Scholar; the leader of the Obama Transition Team’s review of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and other international lending agencies; and an economic advisor to governments from the Caribbean to Africa, Dean-designate Henry’s scholarship focuses on the impact of economic reform on emerging economies.
Press Releases

More Bad News for Managers: New Research Says You Can’t Make the Right Choice

Cut medical benefits or lower salaries? Lay off workers or go bankrupt? Risk today’s bottom line or tomorrow’s? Dilemmas such as these are often unavoidable, and new research coming out of NYU Stern suggests that if you are choosing between two unsavory alternatives, you are likely to be blamed no matter what choice you make.
Press Releases

Study Finds Geothermal Energy the Most Efficient Renewable Energy Alternative and Improving Fastest

As the Obama Administration pushed the energy bill through the House, government organizations and corporations are assessing renewable energy alternatives. Which are the most efficient and improving the fastest?
Press Releases

Dean Thomas Cooley Testifies before the House on the Role of the Federal Reserve

On July 9, 2009, Dean Thomas Cooley’s testimony was written into the record of a hearing on the role of the Federal Reserve before the House Financial Services Committee, Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, US House of Representatives.
Press Releases

SEA Speaker Series Hosts IBM's Steve Kloblen & Florence Hudson

As worldwide organizations, big and small, continue to adopt "green" business practices, IBM's Steve Kloeblen and Florence Hudson sat down with a class of MBA students in Stern's "Leading Sustainable Enterprises" course, taught by Professor Frances Milliken, to share some insight into the company's corporate culture and recent work in the area of sustainability.
Research Center Events

Kansas City Fed's Hoenig Criticizes Government's Approach to Too-Big-to-Fail Institutions

At the NYU Stern Salmon Center conference on “Bankruptcy and the Financial Crisis,” Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas M. Hoenig spoke out against the government’s current stance on large financial institutions.
Press Releases

Research Debunks Perception that State or National Lines Offer Protection from Swine Flu

As panic surrounding the spread of swine flu heightens following the World Health Organization’s declaration of a global pandemic, many may be fooling themselves into believing that their state or national border can provide protection from the virus, based on new research from NYU Stern on people's tendency to treat arbitrary political boundaries as safeguards.
Research Center Events

2009 European SoFiE Conference Gathers Experts to Advance the Field of Financial Econometrics

The Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFiE), an international society founded by NYU Stern Nobel Laureate Professor Robert Engle and University of North Carolina Professor Eric Ghysels and housed within Stern's Volatility Institute, held its second annual conference and inaugural European conference in Geneva, Switzerland this June.
Press Releases

Professor Viral Acharya Awarded the III Jaimie Fernandez de Araoz Corporate Finance Award

On June 8, 2009, NYU Stern Professor of Finance Viral Acharya, along with his colleagues Raghuram Rajan from Chicago Booth and Stewart Myers from MIT Sloan, received the III Jaime Fernández de Araoz Corporate Finance Award for their paper, “The Internal Governance of Firms.”
Business and Policy Leader Events

Stern, The Aspen Institute, Ernst & Young Host Roundtable on Future of Financial Market Regulation

On June 4, 2009, a group of twenty people comprised of senior business and law faculty and business practitioners (and including among their numbers a small contingent of former senior government officials) was jointly convened by The Aspen Institute and New York University with support from Ernst & Young to discuss responses to the current economic crisis and to explore the role of financial market regulations in fostering economic recovery and growth.
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern, Aspen Institute, Ernst & Young Hold Roundtable on Future of Financial Market Regulation

On June 4, 2009, a group of twenty people comprised of senior business and law faculty and business practitioners (and including among their numbers a small contingent of former senior government officials) was jointly convened by The Aspen Institute and New York University with support from Ernst & Young to discuss responses to the current economic crisis and to explore the role of financial market regulations in fostering economic recovery and growth.
Press Releases

Prof. Lawrence White Testifies Before the US House on the Present and Future of Fannie and Freddie

On Wednesday, June 3, Lawrence White, Professor of Economics and Deputy Chair of the NYU Stern Economics Department, testified before the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises, Committee on Financial Services.
Press Releases

Professor Sinan Aral Granted $475,000 NSF CAREER Award

Sinan Aral, NYU Stern Assistant Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences, has been recognized by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with its Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER). As part of this award, he will receive $475,000 to support his latest research.
Press Releases

Eric Dinallo, Superintendent of the New York State Insurance Department, to Join NYU Stern

NYU Stern announced that Eric Dinallo, Superintendent of the New York State Insurance Department, will join the faculty as the Henry Kaufman Visiting Professor of Finance. Dinallo will teach an MBA course in the Markets, Ethics and Law Program, beginning with the fall 2009 semester.