Press Releases

NYU Stern Finance Professor Edward Altman Develops Z-Metrics Credit Analysis Tool

Z-Score creator and the world’s leading bankruptcy and distressed debt expert NYU Stern Professor Edward I. Altman has co-developed the Z-MetricsTM credit analysis tool to enable investors and lenders to more accurately estimate company credit ratings and default risk probabilities.
Research Center Events

Microfinance is Focus of Seventh Annual Citi Conference in Leadership and Ethics

The seventh annual conference organized by the Citi Leadership & Ethics Program and NYU Stern’s Business and Society Program Area, with generous support from the Citi Foundation, brought together academics, practitioners, and selected students to explore market-based solutions to some of the world's most intractable social problems.
Student Club Events

Think Social, Drink Local Co-hosted by Social Enterprise Association and Luxury & Retail Club

On March 4th, the Social Enterprise Association in partnership with the Luxury & Retail Club threw a wildly successful 6th Annual Think Social, Drink Local at the Angel Orensanz House for Contemporary Art.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Former Treasury Secretary Paulson Provides an Inside Look at the Financial Crisis

Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was interviewed by Morgan Stanley Chairman John Mack before an audience of hundreds of NYU Stern, Law School and Wagner Graduate School of Public Service students and alumni on March 3 at the Stern School of Business. CNN Money taped the event and broadcast it intermittently the following day.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Morgan Stanley Chairman John Mack Gives Leadership Advice to Stern MBA Students

Morgan Stanley Chairman John Mack was on campus March 2 to address leadership development with NYU Stern MBA students in an intimate classroom setting. Interviewed by Stern Professor Diana Mayer, who teaches the MBA elective course Authentic Leadership Development, Mack spoke about the lessons he learned from leading on Wall Street, day to day and in times of crisis.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Dean Peter Henry and Author Naomi Klein Discuss Business & Global Markets

Naomi Klein, author of Shock Doctrine, and NYU Stern Dean Peter Henry spoke to undergraduate students in the course, “Business and Its Publics,” a part of the Social Impact Core requirement for all Stern freshmen, about big picture issues in today’s global markets.
Research Center Events

Confessions of an Angel Investor: David Rose on Early-Stage Financing for Startups

As part of NYU Stern’s Berkley Center Himelberg Speaker Series, David Rose, an Inc. 500 CEO and serial entrepreneur, shared his experience with students and alumni on early-stage financing for startups.
Press Releases

A. Michael Spence, Nobel Economist, to Join NYU Stern

New York University Stern School of Business today announced that Nobel Laureate A. Michael Spence will join the faculty of NYU Stern as Professor of Economics, effective September 1, 2010. Spence is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Philip H. Knight Professor Emeritus of Management in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.
Press Releases

In Competition, Men and Women Use Their Gender Strategically to Get Ahead

“When push comes to shove, both men and women are guilty of using their gender to be successful,” says NYU Stern Professor of Marketing Priya Raghubir.
Press Releases

Deutsche Bank & NYU Stern School of Business Form Multi-Year Academic Partnership

Deutsche Bank and New York University Stern School of Business today announced a multi-year academic partnership designed to support and expand education and research related to risk management and financial regulation. The Volatility Institute at NYU Stern, directed by Nobel Laureate Robert Engle, will coordinate the program.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Research Shows How to Break Down the Psychological Effects of Stereotypes on Performance

“What you ask of someone and how you ask it can have a big impact on performance,” says NYU Stern Marketing Professor Adam Alter. “What you ask of someone and how you ask it can have a big impact on performance”
Press Releases

Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Engle Testifies Before Senate on Monitoring Systemic Risk

On February 12, 2010, Stern Nobel Laureate Robert Engle testified before the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs during a hearing on “Equipping Financial Regulators with the Tools Necessary to Monitor Systemic Risk.” Professor Engle shared several key findings from a report that he co-authored for the National Research Council on the regulation of systemic risk.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Thomson Reuters CEO Tom Glocer Discusses Creativity, Authenticity and More at Stern's CEO Series

As part of NYU Stern’s CEO Series, Thomson Reuters CEO Tom Glocer was interviewed in February before NYU Stern students and alumni by Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter Stephen Adler, senior vice president and editorial director of the Professional division of Thomson Reuters.
Press Releases

Publishing Industry Can Survive, and Even Thrive On, the iPad and Kindle, says IT Expert Vasant Dhar

NYU Stern Professor Vasant Dhar, an expert in the strategic implications of information technology, warns that the publishing industry will be the next “carcass” if it doesn’t embrace a new business model, and he proposes what this new model should look like.
Press Releases

Research Finds Smartest Financial Decisions Are Made in Middle Age

Analyzing 10 different types of credit behavior, NYU Stern Professor Xavier Gabaix, with colleagues Sumit Agarwal at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, John Driscoll at the Federal Reserve Board and David Laibson at Harvard University, conclude that the least costly financial decisions occur around age 53.
Research Center Events

Experts Discuss How to Manage Not-for-Profit Organizations in Economic Uncertainty

View an audio slideshow of this roundtable hosted by the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research.
Research Center Events

Professor Edward Altman Predicts 2010 Default Rate at Private Equity Conference

Edward Altman, Max L. Heine Professor of Finance, presented new research forecasting a 4.27-6.7 percent default rate in 2010 at the first annual private equity conference hosted by NYU Stern Salomon Center and Alvarez & Marsal.
Press Releases

Auto Digital IQ Study Finds Positive Correlation Between Digital Competency and Vehicle Sales Growth

German auto brands dominate the top echelon of the new Auto Digital IQ Ranking, a first-of-its kind measurement of the digital competence of 44 auto brands.
Press Releases

Stern Professors Offer Analysis and Opinion of Latest House and Senate Financial Reform Bills

NYU Stern faculty are available to provide commentary on key issues central to the regulatory reform bills now working their way through Congress.
Student Club Events

CEO Gustavo Valle Talks to Students about Dannon's Renewed Focus on the US Market

As part of NYU Stern’s Graduate Marketing Association (GMA) Fireside Chat series, Dannon Company’s CEO Gustavo Valle spoke to a select group of 30 MBA students at NYU’s Torch Club on December 7.
Press Releases

Profesor Viral Acharya and Colleagues Receive 10,000 Euro Grant

Viral Acharya, NYU Stern Professor of Finance, with colleagues Paolo Volpin at London Business School and Marco Pagano at Università di Napoli Federico II, received a 10,000 Euro grant from the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Centre at HEC Paris for their paper, “Seeking Alpha: Excess Risk Taking and Competition for Managerial Talent."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Study: Organic Search Engine Listings Positively Impact Paid Search Engine Ad Performance

The presence of organic listings on a search engine positively impacts the click-through rates of paid search advertisements, and vice-versa, according to a new study by NYU Stern Professors Anindya Ghose and Sha Yang. This is the first empirical study to assess the impact of search engine advertising on all three entities involved in the process – consumers, advertisers and search engines – in the presence of both organic listings and paid advertisements.
Student Club Events

Ninth Annual Investment Management & Research Conference Looks Back on the Financial Crisis

“Engaging in a discussion on lessons learned from one of the most severe financial crises in history was a key goal of this year’s Association of Investment Management & Research (AIMR) conference,” said MBA student and event coordinator Kelly Henry.
Press Releases

Hedge Fund Founder John A. Paulson Gives $20 Million to NYU Stern

NYU Stern announced today that alumnus John Paulson (BS ’78), founder and chairman of hedge fund Paulson & Co., Inc., has given a gift of $20 million to NYU Stern. John Paulson’s gift will endow two faculty chairs – the Alan Greenspan Chair in Economics and the John A. Paulson Professor of Finance and Alternative Investments – as well as provide significant support for the School’s Concourse Project, a major facilities renovation currently underway, and scholarship aid for undergraduate students.