Press Releases

Geeta Menon Appointed Dean of Stern Undergraduate College

NYU President John Sexton and Provost David McLaughlin today announced the appointment of Geeta Menon, the Abraham Krasnoff Professor of Global Business and Professor of Marketing, as the dean of the undergraduate college of the Leonard N. Stern School of Business. Her appointment is effective July 15, 2011.
Faculty News

Stern in the News: April 2011

In April, NYU Stern generated more than 450 media hits. Stern faculty were featured for their research and perspectives on a variety of subjects including pricing psychology, methods of creative thinking, CEO compensation and the relationship between blogging and productivity in a number of prominent outlets such as the BBC, The Economist, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Additionally, in 33 op-eds, Stern faculty discussed the sustainability of China’s economy, Kate Middleton’s fashion influence, one percent tax rates for the rich and survival lessons for CEOs.
Press Releases

$250K Awarded to NYU Teams in Stern's 2010-2011 Entrepreneurs Challenge

On April 29, the winners of NYU Stern’s New Venture Competition and Social Venture Competition, and new this year – NYU’s Technology Venture Competition – received more than $250,000 in seed money and in-kind support. After pitching their venture ideas, the three winning teams, each led by NYU students, faculty and alumni, were chosen by a panel of judges from the for-profit, social enterprise and technology sectors.
Research Center Events

Highlights from 2011: Budding Entrepreneurs Pitch New Venture Ideas in the Entrepreneurs Challenge

The NYU Stern Entrepreneurs Challenge, organized by the School’s Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, is the premier platform for identifying, nurturing and showcasing entrepreneurial talent at NYU. Lasting eight months, it provides aspiring entrepreneurs with frameworks, mentoring and financial support to stimulate new venture creation.
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern Faculty Present Their New Book, Guaranteed to Fail

Cover of Guaranteed to Fail
More than 200 NYU Stern students, faculty, alumni and members of the business community gathered in Paulson Auditorium to hear Professor Viral Acharya, Matthew Richardson and Lawrence White discuss their new book, Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance (Princeton University Press, March 2011), co-authored with Professor Stijn Van Niewerburgh.
Business and Policy Leader Events

The Right Honourable Gordon Brown Sits Down With NYU Stern Students

The Right Honorable Gordon Brown, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, sat down with a select group of MBA, executive MBA and undergraduate students from NYU Stern to discuss the economic crisis, the role of policymakers in preventing future crises and the growing interconnectedness of world economies.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Research Team Receive Best Paper Award at 2011 International World Wide Web Conference

Anindya Ghose, Robert L. & Dale Atkins Rosen Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences; Panagiotis Ipeirotis, George A. Kellner Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences; and PhD student BeibeiLi’s co-authored paper, “Towards a Theory Model for Product Search,” received the Best Paper Award at the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011).
Press Releases

NYU Stern Professors Available for Comment on Epsilon Data Breach

Two NYU Stern professors, Vasant Dhar and Arun Sundararajan, call the fallout of the Epsilon data breach in which hackers stole millions of names and email addresses of bank and retailer customers a “failure in management,” not a failure in security technology, and a “wake-up call” for chief executives.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Bill Drayton Delivers 2011 Ashok C. Sani Scholar-in-Residence Lecture

Nearly 200 alumni, guests, and friends of New York University gathered for the annual Ashok C. Sani Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Lecture featuring Bill Drayton, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, who delivered a presentation entitled “Values in a Everyone a Changemaker World.”
Press Releases

Professor Richard Sylla Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business History Conference

Richard Sylla, Henry Kaufman Professor of the History of Financial Institutions and Markets and Professor of Economics, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business History Conference (BHC), the leading professional association of business historians, at their April conference in St. Louis, MO.
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses Conflicts of Interest at Credit Rating Agencies

Some 50 academics, practitioners and policymakers gathered at NYU Stern in April for a roundtable discussion on conflicts of interest at credit rating agencies, hosted by Stern’s Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting. In light of recent events in the subprime mortgage crisis, the roundtable presenters addressed topics such as the issuer-pays business model, rating triggers, regulations requiring investors to use credit ratings and the history of credit rating agencies.
Faculty News

Stern in the News: March 2011

In March, NYU Stern generated more than 600 media hits. Stern faculty were featured for their research and perspectives on a variety of subjects including creativity, piracy in the music industry, workplace blogging, investment myths and jobs in the tradable sector in a number of prominent outlets such as Bloomberg, Financial Times and The New York Times. Additionally, in 54 op-eds, Stern faculty discussed the detection of deception, company data disclosure, the economic effects of Japan’s natural disasters and the expansion of social media company operations in New York City.
Press Releases

Time Magazine Names Twitter Feed by Professor Nouriel Roubini Among the Most Influential

Time has named Twitter feeds by New York University Professors Marion Nestle and Nouriel Roubini as two of the 140 Twitter feeds “that are shaping the conversation,” the magazine announced. The list also includes Lady Gaga, Starbucks, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Boston Celtics Center Shaquille O’Neal, and comedian Conan O’Brien.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Faculty Offer Market-Based Solutions for Mortgage Reform in New Book

Four NYU Stern School of Business faculty propose a model of mortgage finance that shifts guarantees from the government to a fully private-based system in their new book, “Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance” (Princeton University Press, March 2011).
Press Releases

Professor Viral Acharya Joins European Systemic Risk Board’s Advisory Scientific Committee

Professor of Finance Viral Acharya was selected by the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) to be one of the 15 members of its newly established Advisory Scientific Committee (ASC).
Business and Policy Leader Events

Freddie Mac’s Ed Haldeman Shares Housing Sector Outlook and Tips on Leadership

As part of NYU Stern’s CEO Series, Charles E. “Ed” Haldeman, Jr., CEO of Freddie Mac, the second largest source of mortgage financing in the United States, offered his perspective on the future of the US housing market, its role in the broader economy and the leadership principles he has applied throughout his career, before an audience of close to 100 NYU Stern students, faculty and alumni. The interview was conducted by Nick Timiraos of The Wall Street Journal.
Press Releases

NYU Stern’s Citi Leadership & Ethics Program Appoints Dorian Dale as Eighth Distinguished Fellow

With countries around the globe grappling with how best to curb global warming and reduce the world’s carbon footprint, NYU Stern’s Citi Leadership and Ethics Program is focusing on how to apply market-based approaches to address environmental issues and foster economic growth.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Eighth Annual NYU Stern-Citi Conference in Leadership & Ethics

Eighth Annual NYU Stern-Citi Conference in Leadership & Ethics on "Business 4 Government: Leveraging Eco-Efficiency at the Local Level"
Press Releases

NYU Stern School of Business No Longer Requires GMAT or GRE for Executive MBA Program

New York University Stern School of Business will no longer require Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) test scores from candidates applying to its Executive MBA program, effective immediately. Applicants will still have the option to submit either GMAT or GRE scores with their application, but it will not be a requirement.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Study Shows Long-term Benefits to Blogging in the Workplace

Does leisure-blogging in the workplace help or hurt productivity over the long term? According to Anindya Ghose, NYU Stern Associate Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences, and his colleagues Yan Huang and Param Vir Singh from Carnegie Mellon University, blogging helps. When organizations have lax rules on leisure blogging, it positively affects the writing and sharing of work-related blog posts and creates opportunities for strengthening employee networks.
Faculty News

Stern in the News: February 2011

In February, NYU Stern generated nearly 650 media hits. Stern faculty were featured for their research and perspectives on a variety of subjects including systemic risk, entrepreneurship, CEO compensation, the flash crash and Middle East unrest in a number of prominent outlets such as CNBC, The Economist and The Wall Street Journal. Additionally, in 51 op-eds, Stern faculty discussed the Deutsche Boerse-NYSE Euronext merger, public sector unions, QE2, employee activism and the economic and intellectual benefits of cities.
Business and Policy Leader Events

New York Fed's William C. Dudley Discusses Prospects for the US Economy and Monetary Policy

William C. Dudley, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, shared his outlook for economic activity in the United States, employment and inflation, and described the implications for monetary policy before an audience of approximately 200 NYU Stern students, faculty and alumni in Paulson Auditorium.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Atlantic Grupa Founder Emil Tedeschi Speaks with NYU Stern Executive MBA Students

Emil Tedeschi, founder, president and CEO of Atlantic Grupa in Croatia, provided an energetic and fascinating presentation to NYU Stern Executive MBA students.
Research Center Events

Leading Academics Gather for the Seventh Annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance

Faculty from top business and law schools convened on February 25 and 26 to present, discuss and debate their work at the seventh annual NYU/Penn Conference on Law and Finance, jointly sponsored by NYU’s Pollack Center for Law & Business, Wharton’s Financial Institutions Center and the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics.
Research Center Events

Ross Roundtable Discusses the Post-crisis Rise in Securities Litigation

Some 50 academics, practitioners and policymakers gathered at NYU Stern in February for a roundtable discussion, co-hosted by Stern’s Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting and NERA Economic Consulting, to discuss the recent rise in and future outlook for securities litigation.