Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence's views on China's economy at a panel discussion are highlighted

South China Morning Post logo
Excerpt from South China Morning Post -- "Michael Spence, another Nobel laureate, said China was 'well on the way' to shifting to the growth pattern that would underpin its ­future prosperity. The 'unsettled' issue in policymaking was about state-owned enterprises, including state firms in the financial sector, he said. 'One thing China has been very good at is managing the process – making steady progress and not trying to do everything at once,' Spence said."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt is interviewed about corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Aspen Institute blog logo
Excerpt from Aspen Institute blog -- "The story for CSR, for Corporate Social Responsibility, is generally positive, though not always. The story for internal ethics, that is, can you trust the people you work with, that seems to always be associated with better financial returns in the long run."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about the future of the sharing economy

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "Sundararajan says proclaiming the demise of the on-demand idea overlooks the many ways on-demand businesses can be configured, from how prices are set to whether they hire independent contractors or official employees. Companies are still figuring out what works. Some will rise, some will fall. What the on-demand economy creates as a whole, he says, is the possibility of a more decentralized labor force, which consumers are increasingly coming to expect. 'A lot of economic activity down the road is going to flow through platforms that have a mix of centralized and decentralized labor,' Sundararajan says."
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman shares his views on the state of the credit market

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "It's been lasting for over 6 years now. And I've been predicting for the last 7-8 months that we were probably in the 7th inning of a 9-inning game. Now I think we're in the 9th inning, maybe over. Except the Fed is still kind of anxious about things, and as you know this week, they didn't raise interest rates. So they may try to keep that cycle going a little bit longer, but it's just about over."
Faculty News

Research by Professors William Baumol, Jeffrey Simonoff and Matthew Mayhew of NYU Steinhardt is featured

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "'This study disrupts the position that higher education may not be conducive to fostering innovation by suggesting that both personality and structured higher education experiences contribute to cultivating innovation potential among college students,' said Mayhew. 'The good news is that innovative entrepreneurial intentions can be influenced by educators, regardless of the many differences in traits and experiences that students across cultures bring to college campuses.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz comments on the Federal Reserve's decision to leave interest rates unchanged

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "'The Fed is driving on a cliff road on a foggy night, it makes sense to go slow,' said Kim Schoenholtz, an economics professor at NYU Stern School of Business."

Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's comments at a panel on the sharing economy at South by Southwest are featured

Silicon Hills News logo
Excerpt from Silicon Hills News -- "'We have these new innovations, but we have to think about how much of the spoils of innovation the workers who are providing that innovation are going to see,' Sundararajan said."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Joost Van Dreunen argues that subsidizing Internet access will not remedy economic inequality

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "...it’s a tempting proposition: For only a few billion dollars, we can bring broadband connectivity to poor families, providing them with no less than an improved chance in life. The ultimate answer, of course, is more complicated. And it is a mistake to think that mere access to the Internet is going to close the gap between rich and poor."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Whitelaw explains how companies decide where to list their stock

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "The choice of stock exchange becomes more important when comparing internationally, said Whitelaw. Companies tend to list in the country where their shareholders live for one thing. For companies in developing or emerging markets, listing in the United States, for example, offers a seal of approval because exchanges there have high standards for governance and reporting."
Press Releases

Why Stern’s Ranking Fell to 20, and Why You Shouldn’t Take it at Face Value

Henry Kaufman Management Center
US News and World Report published its rankings of full-time MBA programs today. In the rankings as published, Stern dropped from 11 last year to 20 this year, a shocking fall given the stability of Stern's performance over the years on the 8 objective criteria used to determine the rankings.
Faculty News

Professor JP Eggers discusses the similarities and difference between young billionaires and seasoned business leaders

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes Poland -- "In some ways, there isn’t much difference. They are both comprised of smart, ambitious, and success-driven leaders who have (at some point) stepped beyond just running a company to attempt to influence how society works. The biggest difference is probably in terms of age and, therefore, perspective. Many of the young people on the current list became incredibly wealthy at a pretty young age, which gives them the opportunity to still be more idealistic than those who typically succeed after decades of trying and running a business. So they exhibit more naivety, but also more idealism, in many cases."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar weighs in on the future of computer-generated investment advice

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Personal finance is another new area for algorithmic, data-driven predictions, with a number of new 'robo-advisor' apps. 'We’re getting used to computers actually being pretty credible in terms of the recommendations they make,' says Vasant Dhar, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and its Center for Data Science. 'It’s not that much of a stretch, where [a computer] actually says, here’s what I suggest with your portfolio.''
Faculty News

Professor JP Eggers comments on Avon's relocation of its headquarters to the UK

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'If most of the organization's operations are no longer U.S.-based, then realistically... being closer to where most of their operations are should allow them to achieve some efficiencies,' said J.P. Eggers, an associate professor of management and organizations at NYU."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack comments on the growing popularity of financial technology (fintech) courses at business schools

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "David Yermack, chair of the finance department at NYU Stern, said the fintech curriculum will have to be taught at every business school. 'Students and employers will demand it,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith discusses Chinese companies' increased investments in the US

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS News -- "Worries about Chinese companies are similar to the concerns about Japanese companies during the 1980s when they went on a bigger acquisition spree, according to Roy Smith, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker who's now a professor at New York University. 'Most of the Japanese deals ended up being overpriced, and the companies had to go through difficulties, but (they had) no adverse effect on the U.S. economy or labor force,' he wrote in an email. 'In a political year, this may appear to be an issue, but, like so many other things said, it isn't."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's comments on a panel at South by Southwest (SXSW) are highlighted

AustinInno logo
Excerpt from AustinInno -- "Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, said he thinks most people agree that we need portable benefits. But he said he wishes there would be some time for the market to show what it can do instead of being largely boxed in by ongoing lawsuits and slight changes to decades-old laws. He said that if it turns out that sharing and gig economy companies go above and beyond what is required, as many more traditional tech companies already do, we may find that innovators can self-correct in the market as they compete for the best talent. 'It’s really a question of giving the market a chance,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's blog post on Lyft is highlighted

Detroit Free Press logo
Excerpt from Detroit Free Press -- "Aswath Damordaran, a finance professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, uses data that have leaked from various sources to estimate that Lyft more than doubled its gross bookings last year to about $1.2 billion, and will more than double that to $2.7 billion this year. However, Damordaran estimates Lyft lost $50 million in 2014, while Uber lost $470 million."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides' research on the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is highlighted

Popular Mechanics logo
Excerpt from Popular Mechanics -- "The Act focused on the division of the internet into two parts: The national and international network, allowing the internet to be the information delivery system it became, and the 'last mile' or 'local loop,' which brought the service into the home user. The goal was for competition between incumbent service providers and new businesses to be focused on this second section. Think of like a highway where the road is free to use, but you have a pay a toll for the on- and off-ramps. The fight was for the ramps. However, as NYU economics professor Nicholas Economides pointed out in a 1998 examination of the act and its fallout, it wasn't much of a fight. For starters, building the 'local loop' required a few basic things smaller businesses didn't have—foremost, cooperation from the telephone and cable companies that already laid down the infrastructure, and who, frankly, weren't and aren't keen on competitors trying to piggy-back on the digging they'd already done."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses the growth of InMobi, a mobile advertising network

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "Today, InMobi comes up as the kind of company Google might buy, though Google declined to comment. 'It would be good for Google,' Ghose says, adding that InMobi is 'a bit away' from being true competition for Google or Facebook. For InMobi to wear the big-kid shoes in its own right, Ghose figures it’d want to ace the data game, getting access to really 'fine-grained' data about user preference."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence shares his views on China's five-year plan for economic growth

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua -- "Michael Spence, a Nobel prize winner in economics, told Xinhua while the biggest challenge is to keep growth in the neighborhood of 6.5 and 7 percent before 2020, the completion of structural changes and supporting reforms are more important."
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King's new book, "The End of Alchemy," is spotlighted

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "The problem leading up to the crisis, as Lord King sees it, is that commercial banks had little incentive to hold large quantities of safe, liquid assets. They knew that in a panic, the central bank would provide liquidity, no matter the quality of their balance-sheets; in response they loaded up on risky investments."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White discusses the impact of decreased Wall Street bonuses

International Business Times logo
Excerpt from the International Business Times -- "'The financial sector has been important for the New York economy since Peter Stuyvesant’s time 400 years ago,' said Lawrence J. White, professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'There is no question there’s a ripple effect if bonuses aren’t going to be what they’ve been in the past.'"
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's work on viewpoint diversity is highlighted

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "... liberal professors should temper their preference for like-minded colleagues by considering the virtues of viewpoint diversity. That case is being made more forcefully than ever at Heterodox Academy, a new initiative created by New York University psychologist Jonathan Haidt."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter discusses the influence of viral food dishes on social media

Eater logo
Excerpt from Eater -- "Restaurants drawing down-the-block-lines is not a new phenomenon. 'Humans move in herds,' says Adam Alter, a behavioral economist and marketing professor at New York University Stern School of Business. 'When one or two influential people —€” or a larger number of everyday people —€” flock to a product, their endorsement suggests to other people that the product is worth pursuing.'"
Faculty News

Professor Bruce Tuckman evaluates the utility of renewable financing for banks

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Extendable deals are useful to reduce banks’ risk, according to Bruce Tuckman, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Yet they aren’t fool-proof during a crisis if many have a similar 30-day term because of mandates concerning liquidity-coverage ratios. ... 'These evergreens help you over the first bump in a crisis, but they won’t necessarily be around after that,' Tuckman, who’s also a senior fellow at research group Center for Financial Stability, said in an interview. 'We saw that during the financial crisis, when evergreen funding dried up as nobody wanted to offer it anymore. Also, if everyone is doing 30- or 31-day evergreens, then if we get into a liquidity crunch all the lenders will refuse to extend and start the countdown at the same time.'"