Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Valuation

Aswath Damodaran
Taught by thought leader Aswath Damodaran, this program is for equity research analysts who are interested in examining alternative valuation approaches; corporate financial officers who want to understand the details of valuation for planned acquisitions or to gain value enhancement strategies for their firms; analysts involved in mergers and acquisitions who seek to acquire a wider repertoire of valuation skills; or portfolio managers who are interested in the effects of corporate restructuring on firm value, and the implications for portfolio management.
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides illustrates why Apple has been accused of anti-competitive business practices

Investor's Business Daily logo
Excerpt from Investor's Business Daily -- "'When you have an application of your own and you also control the distribution through the Apple App Store (of rival apps), that can easily raise anti-competitive concerns,' Nicholas Economides, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, told IBD."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla comments on historical changes in the stock market

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 dramatically increased the information that companies and stock dealers had to provide to investors. This reduced the risk premium accorded to stocks, and it allowed advocates like William Greenough of TIAA to make the case that equities belonged in long-term portfolios, given that investors could make informed decisions about which stocks to buy, Sylla argues. Further, the shift to earnings reports meant that investors could view earnings growth, rather than simple dividend growth, as a key component of future returns. This meant earnings were increasingly reinvested in the businesses rather than doled out as dividends, Sylla wrote in an email to CNBC."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's op-ed on the tensions between nationalism and globalism is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- " the N.Y.U. social psychologist Jonathan Haidt points out in an outstanding essay in The American Interest, over the past several decades a different mind-set has emerged. People with this mind-set value the emancipated individual above the cohesive community. They value, or at least try to value, self-expression, social freedom and diversity. Their morality is not based on loyalty to people close to them; it’s based on a universal equality for all humans everywhere."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway weighs in on Tesla stock

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "The excitement around Tesla, its brand, and its enigmatic, Tony Stark-like leader create more than just intangibles and billionaires talking their book, says Scott Galloway, founder and chairman at L2 Inc., a leading intelligence firm that benchmarks overall brand performance. 'You could argue that Tesla has access to the cheapest capital in the history of the automobile industry … it makes sense from a capital allocation standpoint' to take on expensive endeavors like the gigafactory. Galloway points to Tesla's price-sales ratio, which is 7.8, and notes that General Motors Co.'s (GM) P/S is a mere 0.3, making secondary offerings a less attractive way to raise money."
Press Releases

NYU Stern and L2 Debut Inaugural Digital Leadership Academy for Iconic Brands in Retail, Beauty, CPG and Luxury

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
NYU Stern School of Business and L2, a digital benchmarking firm founded by the School’s Professor of Marketing, Scott Galloway, held the first annual Digital Leadership Academy at Stern from July 13-14. The two-day event, featuring speakers from Stern, other leading business schools and L2, hosted C-level executives from some of the world’s most iconic consumer brands.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Brandon Fuller discusses how the US can retain foreign entrepreneurs through immigration policy reform

Niskansen Center blog logo
Excerpt from Niskansen Center blog -- "Each year, American universities educate hundreds of thousands of foreign students, many of them pursuing degrees in science, math, engineering, and technology—fields that are central to innovation and economic growth. Doing more to retain the exceptional foreign graduates who wish to stay in the United States—particularly those with a demonstrated ability to start new companies and create jobs—would be an unambiguous economic good."
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser's joint research on Jewish refugees' contributions to science is referenced

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "One of Adolf Hitler’s many blunders was to kick smart people out of his country. His hatred of Jews led him to expel a large number of Germany's most accomplished scientists, many of whom went to the U.S. What was a bane to Hitler’s reich was a boon to the U.S. Economists Petra Moser, Alessandra Voena, and Fabian Waldinger estimate that patenting increased by an average of 31 percent in scientific fields dominated by Jewish refugees. And of course everyone knows the story of how Jewish scientists were crucial to the U.S. atomic-bomb program."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Patrick Lamson-Hall comments on the influx of new apartment buildings being constructed in New York City

New York Post logo
Excerpt from The New York Post -- "There’s a chance these huge rentals will decrease density in their immediate vicinity — if they’re higher-income folks with smaller households or younger people without families, says Patrick Lamson-Hall, a research scholar at NYU’s Marron Institute of Urban Management. Still, he adds that nearby resources, like public transportation, could feel increased pressure from masses of residents."
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Carr is profiled

mbaMission logo
Excerpt from mbaMission -- "As one first year we interviewed said of his experience at Stern, 'So far, the most impressive class has been "Marketing" with Jeff Carr,' adding, 'He's super engaging and makes you think more about the consequences of your actions in marketing than simply teaching you the tools. The class structure is very informal, but all of the students are learning a ton.'"
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his views on Tesla's stock

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The allure of Tesla and the danger of Tesla is Elon Musk. Elon Musk has made the company what it is today ... but I think he is the biggest weakness of the company. I think he's a great storyteller, but if you look at Tesla's lifetime, it always had trouble on execution. And I think the reality is Elon Musk is not as interested in execution as he is in telling you the big story."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig comments on the entertainment industry landscape in the wake of AMC's acquisition of Odeon

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Others caution the world of entertainment has changed dramatically, threatening the perceived safety of movie attendance. With the advent of digital streaming sites such as YouTube and Netflix, 'there are simply more options for people these days', said Sam Craig, a professor at NYU Stern."
Business and Policy Leader Events

L2/NYU Stern Digital Leadership Academy

L2/NYU Stern Digital Leadership Academy logo
The L2/NYU Stern Digital Leadership Academy, led by HBS, Tuck, Kellogg, McGill and NYU faculty and L2 researchers, is a two-day conference rooted in business fundamentals coupled with tactical sessions on digital topics.
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's new book, "The End of Accounting," is reviewed

CFA Institute blog logo
Excerpt from CFA Institute -- "Lev and Gu seek, above all, to improve on GAAP’s measurement of value creation by focusing the proposed report on cash flows. In their system, companies would not only capitalize R&D but would also provide a breakdown separating research (i.e., the systematic pursuit of new knowledge) and development (i.e., the use of research to develop new products or processes). Additionally, a charge for the cost of equity capital would be deducted from cash flows. Where feasible, changes in values of major strategic assets, such as the present value of cash flows from proven oil and gas reserves, would be taken into account. "
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Scott Galloway discusses his career path, messaging in the digital age and entrepreneurship

Radiate with Betty Liu logo
Excerpt from Radiate with Betty Liu -- "The bottom line is, the key to being an entrepreneur is you are more risk aggressive than anybody else. You are willing to sign the front of a check to go to work, not the back."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack discusses ComScore's executive compensation

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "ComScore’s requirement that the average stock price exceed the target over a 30-day period is a tougher standard than at many companies where stock is granted based on a single day’s price, according to David L. Yermack, a professor of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business who studies executive compensation."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Whitelaw discusses reform of the Chinese healthcare system

China Radio International - NewsPlus Radio logo
Excerpt from China Radio International -- "I think there are a lot of potential benefits from encouraging private hospitals to enter the market and provide care. One of them is about bringing in leading medical technology, which is, you want the best technology available and private hospitals may be one mechanism for bringing that into the country and spreading those technologies around the country."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the legal challenges presented by an increasingly independent workforce, from his book, "The Sharing Economy"

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from -- "'We are in the early stages of a pretty profound shift in how we organize economic activity and a byproduct of that is going to be a radical change in what it means to have a job,' said Sundararajan, the author of the book The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism, published this May by MIT Press."
Faculty News

Professor Luke Williams examines Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Businesses initiative

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Williams says that while the key things all entrepreneurs need are mentorship and access to financing, both of which 10,000 Small Businesses provides, he adds that if entrepreneurship programs really want to create job growth, they need to focus on helping so-called disruptive, young businesses that tend to add jobs more quickly. The Goldman program, he says, focuses more on creating incremental growth. The median age of its business is 12 years old, which puts them a good distance away from startup territory."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Disruptive Leadership: Fostering a Culture of Game-Changing Innovation

Executive Education Short Course
Disruptive leadership is an essential skill for any business leader, from a start-up to a global corporation, with the desire to transform organizational processes and behaviors. This program is intended for those who wish to rethink the habits that have made them successful in the past, and challenge the conventional wisdom and industry models that have defined their businesses.
Faculty News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud discusses Mumbai's land zoning regulations

Foundation for Economic Education blog logo
Excerpt from the Foundation for Economic Education blog -- "Alain Bertaud, the world’s foremost expert on land-use regulations in developing countries, has long been pointing out how zoning regulations have ruined Mumbai. Mumbai does not have bridges that connect the mainland to docks. As Bertaud points out, such bridges built across San Francisco Bay and Pearl River Delta have turned topographical liabilities into assets. According to Bertaud, with coastal zone regulations as stringent as Mumbai, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, San Francisco, and Rio de Janeiro would not even have been built."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer comments on Y Combinator's "New Cities" initiative and the planned city of Shenzhen, China

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "'One is very modest in the sense that you say, you can’t change anything about the political and legal framework or social norms, but we can get some of the most important elements of design right,' says Paul Romer, founding director of the Urbanization Project at NYU’s Stern Business School. That’s the conservative approach. 'The other extreme,' Romer says, 'is you build a city and put it in a new zone, and try out different legal and political structures, and even try and create new social norms.'"
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg comments on Donald Trump's reputation among small business owners and his presidential campaign

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "Telling more stories of this nature--related by small-business owners rather than Clinton herself--could have a significant negative effect on Trump's campaign, says Ari Ginsberg, professor of entrepreneurship and management at New York University's Stern School of Business. Trump's response is equally as important, Ginsberg says. The least effective reply would be to attack the character or integrity of Tesoro. Instead, Ginsberg says, 'Trump is more likely to be successful with counterattacks that shine a negative spotlight on Hillary Clinton herself.'"
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev highlights the decreasing relevance of financial reports, from his book, "The End of Accounting"

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "The main issue is that accounting is hopelessly behind business development. Starting [in] the mid-80s, companies changed completely the business models, to investments in tangibles, in brands, in patents, in information systems, out of fixed, heavy assets, machines, factories. Accounting still provides information on those assets that are on the decline and not on those that are increasing."
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King discusses the impact of Brexit on trade in the UK

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “'There’s no doubt that you would expect some slowdown, because of the sheer uncertainty, which will affect investment,' King said at an event at the Wall Street Journal in London on Thursday. 'What’s important therefore is to fairly quickly put in place a strategy to help carry out the trade negotiations.'"