Day 2: Saturday June 11, 2022
5th Annual Strategy Science Conference
8:00 AM
Registration KMC Lobby
Kauffman Management Center
44 West 4th Street
New York, NY
9:00 AM
Parallel Session: Behavioral Strategy (Chair: Ronald Klingebiel, Frankfurt School) KMC 4-120
Ryan Allen (Harvard) “Epistemic Plasticity and Innovation in Data-driven Organizational Cultures”
*Conference Best Paper Award
Manav Raj (NYU) “Looking out of the window & into the mirror: The role of managerial attention in shaping responses to industry change”
Mana Heshmati (Michigan) “Firms as influencers: Shaping industries through search and collaboration”
Aseem Kaul (Minnesota) “Strategic search: Organizational adaptation with competitive positioning”
Parallel Session: Environmental, Social & Governance (Chair: Michael Lenox, UVA) KMC 4-90
Yijia Ding (London) “Do Executives Use Their Corporate Jets to Go Provide Private Information to Investors?”
Brent Hickman (Washington U. St. Louis) “Toward an Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Field Experimental Evidence”
Xia Li (Boston U.) “Physical Climate Risk and Firms’ Adaptation Strategy”
Parallel Session: Strategic Role of Information (Chair: Florian Ederer, Yale) Tisch 415
Colleen Cunningham (LBS) “Keeping Invention Confidential”
James McGlinch (Wharton) “Addressing Transaction-Specific Information Asymmetry: Transition Services Agreements (TSAs) in Corporate Spinoffs”
David Wehrheim (IESE) “Asymmetric Information and R&D Disclosure: Evidence from Scientific Publications”
Shannon Liu (Toronto) “Social Comparison and the Value of Performance Trajectory Information: A Field Experiment in the Workplace”
Parallel Session: Strategy Under Adverse Conditions (Chair: Felipe Csaszar, Michigan) KMC 4-60
Daniel Keum (Columbia) “License to Layoff? Unemployment Insurance and the Moral Cost of Layoffs”
Jason Snyder (Utah) “Intermediary Profits in a Time of Scarcity”
Natalya Vinokurova (Wharton) “Kodak’s Surprisingly Long Journey towards Strategic Renewal: A Half Century of Exploring Digital Transformation in the Face of Uncertainty and Inertia”
10:30 AM
Coffee Break Tisch 412-413
11:00 AM
Parallel Session: Ecosystem Design & Change (Chair: Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, Minnesota) KMC 4-120
Shiva Agarwal (UT Austin) “Successful, but not Too Much: Managing Platform Complementors in the Presence of Network Effects”
Francisco Ruiz Aliseda (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) “Competition and the Optimal Design of Complex Innovation Ecosystems”
Elena Plaksenkova (Ohio State) “Ecosystem Evolution and Bottleneck Shifts: Evidence from The Evolution of the Anti-HIV Drug Ecosystem”
Joost Rietveld (UCL) “Too close to the sun? Antecedents and implications of being compared to exemplars”
Parallel Session: Stakeholder Strategy (Chair: Sinziana Dorobantu, NYU) KMC 4-90
Vanessa Burbano (Columbia) “When to Talk Politics in Business: Theory and Experimental Evidence of Stakeholder Responses to CEO Political Activism”
Zhao Li (Princeton) “Economic Geography and Corporate Political Activity: Evidence from Fracking and State Campaign Finance”
Haram Seo (Texas A&M) “Competitive Dynamics of Corporate Activism: Asymmetric Responses from Ideological Allies and Opponents”
Giorgio Zanarone (Washington U. St. Louis) “Sleeping with the Enemy: Politicians’ Public and Private Responses to Reputational Threats in Lobbying Relationships”
Parallel Session: Knowledge Transfer (Chair: Dan Levinthal, Wharton) Tisch 415
David Clough (UBC) “Recombinant Search at Temporary Gatherings”
Svenja Friess (Max Planck Institute) “Digital Peer Interactions and Knowledge Transfers: Evidence from Online Business Education”
Luis Rios (Purdue) “Remote Work and Long-term Organizational Performance: Modeling Consequences and Potential Mitigations”
Maren Mickeler (LMU) “The Perks of Being Unknown: Implied Costs of Knowledge Seeking on Organizational Platforms”
12:30 PM
Box Lunches Tisch 412-413
1:30 PM
Plenary 2: The Future of Business School Education KMC 2-60
JP Eggers, Vice Dean, MBA & Graduate Programs, NYU Stern
Tobias Kretschmer, Coordinator for Master of Business Research and PhD Programs, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Lori Rosenkopf, Vice Dean of Entrepreneurship and former Vice Dean and Director of the Undergraduate Division, Wharton
2:30 PM
Strategy Science Business Meeting (Chair: Dennis Yao, Harvard) KMC 2-60
3:00 PM
Conference Ends