Day 1: Friday June 10, 2022
5th Annual Strategy Science Conference
8:00 AM
Registration KMC Lobby
Kauffman Management Center
44 West 4th Street
New York, NY
8:30 AM
Conference Welcome: Todd Zenger (Utah) KMC 2-60
9:00 AM
Parallel Session: Entrepreneurship & Strategy (Chair: Andrea Contigiani, Ohio State) KMC 4-120
Natalie Carlson (Wharton) “Differentiation in Microenterprises”
Stefan Dimitriadis (Toronto) “Won’t you be my neighbor? Geography, peer learning, and entrepreneur performance in Togo”
David Ross (Florida) “Creation, Risk, and Uncertainty Towards a Unifying Theoretical Framework for Entrepreneurial Strategy”
Parallel Session: Human Capital & Firm Outcomes (Chair: Rob Seamans, NYU) KMC 4-90
Dan Gross (Duke) “Organizational Frictions and Increasing Returns to Automation: Lessons from AT&T in the Twentieth Century”
*Conference Best Paper Award
Casidhe Troyer (LBS) “An Integral Choice? Exploring Human Capital Integration as an Antecedent of Technology Adoption”
John Eklund (USC) “Fast Friends: Understanding the Impact of Short-term Migration on Firms’ Invention Outcomes”
Francisco Morales (Universidad Diego Portales) “Does Employing Skilled Immigrants Enhance Competitive Performance? Evidence from European Football Clubs”
*Conference Best Paper Award
Parallel Session: Corporate R&D (Chair: Isin Guler, UNC) Tisch 415
Martin Hetu (Toronto) “Intellectual Property Rights and New Technology Development: How the Replacement Effect and Capabilities Influence Firm Investment Following a Reduction In IPR”
Anne Marie Knott (Washington U. St. Louis) “Do Inventions Drive Firm Growth”
Dominika Kinga Randle (Harvard) “Technological Capabilities in Corporate Innovation”
Evan Rawley (Connecticut) “Artificial Intelligence and R&D Alliances: Innovation Complementarities”
10:30 AM
Coffee Break Tisch 412-413
11:00 AM
Parallel Session: Entrepreneurial Finance (Chair: Rachel Atkins, NYU). KMC 4-120
Chris Eaglin (Harvard) “The Need for Speed: The Impact of Strategic Misconduct on Capital Constraints”
Jorge Guzman (Columbia) “Treatment Effects in Strategic Management”
Andy Wu (Harvard) “Value and Complexity in New Ventures”
Parallel Session: Employee-Manager Interfaces (Chair: Megan Lawrence, Vanderbilt) KMC 4-90
Saerom (Ronnie) Lee (Wharton) “The Hidden Cost of Flat Hierarchies on Applicant Pool Diversity: Evidence from Experiments”
*Conference Best Paper Award
Richard Saouma (Michigan State) “Treatment and Selection Effects of Formal Workplace Mentorship Programs”
Thomaz Teodorovicz (Harvard) “How Perceptions Skew Firm-sponsored Human Capital Development: Evidence from Two Experiments”
Jose Uribe (Michigan) “How Do Managers Evaluate Individual Contributions to Team Production? A Theory and Empirical Test”
Parallel Session: Corporate Strategy & Growth (Chair: Susan Perkins, NYU) Tisch 415
Florian Ederer (Yale) “A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry”
Gwendolyn Lee (Florida) “The Limits of AI-based Growth: The Scale, Scope and Boundary of Digital Platforms”
Paul Nary (Wharton) “Private Equity Buyouts of High-tech Targets”
Nathan Yang (Cornell) “Measuring Deterrence Motives in Dynamic Oligopoly Games”
12:30 PM
Box Lunches Tisch 412-413
1:30 PM
Parallel Session: Technology, Firm Entry & Growth (Chair: Manav Raj, NYU) KMC 4-120
Victor Bennett (Utah) “Market Segment, Organizational Form, and Information Technology”
Danny Kim (Wharton) “When Do Startups Scale? Large-scale Evidence from Job Postings”
Yuping Li (Colorado) “The Timing to Go Open: Evidence from Startups’ Open Source Innovation Activities before Acquisition”
Maria Roche (Harvard) “Beefing IT up for your Investor? Open Sourcing and Startup Funding: Evidence from GitHub”
*Conference Best Paper Award
Parallel Session: Public Policy & Firm Performance (Chair: Sharon Poczter, Yeshiva) KMC 4-90
Lauren Aydinliyim (Baruch) “Public Policy- Induced Changes in Human Capital Factor Market Imperfections: How Non-Compete Policy Affects Firm Performance”
Jiayi Bao (UNC) “Healthcare Social Safety Nets, Gender, and Innovative Entrepreneurship”
Si Cheng (ESSEC) "Firms’ perception of the investment climate: Evidence from the international investment regime"
Evan Starr (Maryland) “Non-Disclosure Agreements and Externalities from Silence”
*Conference Best Paper Award
Parallel Session: Strategic Value of Data (Chair: Michael Impink, NYU) Tisch 415
H. Dennis Park (UT Dallas) “Digitization of Inventive Records and Startup Innovation”
Min-Seok Pang (Temple) “How Data Privacy Regulations Affect Competition: Empirical Evidence from the Mobile Application Market”
Ehsan Valavi (Harvard) “Time Dependency, Data Flow, and Competitive Advantage”
Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh (Minnesota) “Does the Market Value Attention to Data Privacy? Evidence from U.S.-listed Firms under the GDPR”
3:00 PM
Coffee Break Tisch 412-413
3:30 PM
Plenary 1: Technology During Times of Uncertainty (Moderator: Callen Anthony, NYU) KMC 2-60
Mary Benner, Chair of the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department, University of Minnesota
Colleen Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School
Daniel Keum, Assistant Professor of Management, Columbia Business School
Violina Rindova, Interim Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Research Director of the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, USC Marshall School of Business
4:30 PM
End of Day 1 Sessions
7:00 PM
Reception and Dinner Gelso & Grand
186 Grand Street