NYU Stern Students Break Barriers at the Fifth Annual Diversity in Business Forum
Mckenzie Love
"Breaking Barriers: Community and Leadership” was the theme of the Fifth Annual Diversity In Business Forum (DIBF) hosted by NYU Stern’s Association of Hispanic and Black Business Students (AHBBS) and Supporting Excellence and Advocating Diversity (SEAD) this past October. The Forum brought together undergraduate and graduate NYU Stern students for a full day of discussion and breakout sessions focused on this critical topic.
“The DIBF is an opportunity for diverse students to mingle with professionals, alumni, and recruiters, learn about resources that may not always be apparent, and, most importantly, connect with other students who are navigating the same spaces in their effort to succeed,” Nana Apraku (BS ’18), president of SEAD, said.
Nana Apraku addresses the audience at the Fifth Annual Diversity in Business Forum
“The highlight for me was the Jopwell Fireside Chat with Porter Braswell,” Apraku added. “Students were given the opportunity to ask him—as an entrepreneur who identifies as a person of color—how he grew in spite of his challenges.”
Industry leaders from a variety of firms, including BuzzFeed, the Black TV and Film Collective, Amazon, Google, and Mastercard shared their perspectives about the value of diversity in business environments.
“It was rewarding to see students and professionals with a passion for diversity connecting and sharing ideas,” Co-President of AAHS Joe Estrada (MBA ’18) commented.
Both Apraku and Estrada encourage students to get involved in SEAD, AHBBS, and other diversity-focused NYU organizations! “Allyship, diversity, and inclusion are among our core values and our members are always happy to meet others interested in exploring these topics further!” Estrada said.
Check out photos from the Forum!
“The DIBF is an opportunity for diverse students to mingle with professionals, alumni, and recruiters, learn about resources that may not always be apparent, and, most importantly, connect with other students who are navigating the same spaces in their effort to succeed,” Nana Apraku (BS ’18), president of SEAD, said.
Nana Apraku addresses the audience at the Fifth Annual Diversity in Business Forum
“The highlight for me was the Jopwell Fireside Chat with Porter Braswell,” Apraku added. “Students were given the opportunity to ask him—as an entrepreneur who identifies as a person of color—how he grew in spite of his challenges.”
Industry leaders from a variety of firms, including BuzzFeed, the Black TV and Film Collective, Amazon, Google, and Mastercard shared their perspectives about the value of diversity in business environments.
“It was rewarding to see students and professionals with a passion for diversity connecting and sharing ideas,” Co-President of AAHS Joe Estrada (MBA ’18) commented.
Both Apraku and Estrada encourage students to get involved in SEAD, AHBBS, and other diversity-focused NYU organizations! “Allyship, diversity, and inclusion are among our core values and our members are always happy to meet others interested in exploring these topics further!” Estrada said.
Check out photos from the Forum!