Humans of Stern: Pedro Tenreiro
A series of student spotlights by Stern

Pedro Tenreiro (BS ’18)
Concentrations: Finance and Sustainable Business
Minor: Social and Public Policy
Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela
On Campus Involvement: Net Impact
Best cheap eats around campus?
POKEE on West 3rd
Favorite coffee place?
Stumptown on 8th street.
Go to study spot?
Bobst North reading rooms (the taller the floor the better for the view)!
What has been your favorite class at Stern so far?
Probably Economics of Global Business with Professor Michael Waugh because not only is it an Economics class but it also consolidates international affairs and how that affects macroeconomic policy.
Why did you choose to come to NYU Stern?
Obviously for all the professional opportunities that New York City offers, but also for the global aspect. Being at a global university complements your academic and professional achievements in the city because it builds you to be a person who has much more perspective. For Stern specifically, I knew that it was very focused on social impact. I wanted to be at a school that didn’t just say “business is profits,” but also taught us the real impact we can have in the world.
Speaking of social impact, you’re quite involved with Net Impact, tell us about your experiences with the club.
I became involved my freshman year because it was one of the clubs in which the programming was always different and that’s because the social impact umbrella is so broad. I got particularly involved with Net Impact Collaborative Experience (N.I.C.E) which is essentially social impact consulting. At Net Impact, I found a community among the members because we all shared similar views about our business degree and now three years later I am co-president.
Other than being involved with social impact, are there any other experiences that have really shaped your time here?
I think being LGBTQ has shaped my time here. I came out my freshman year and NYU really gave me the strength I needed to find myself and be publicly comfortable with who I am. The main reason why I was able to accept myself and be open about it is that the community at NYU is so accepting and appreciative of honesty.The people that I’ve met here and their ability to be sincere with themselves really gave me that strength and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made besides coming to NYU. I am so happy and proud that I am able to live my truth at NYU and Stern and not have any issues with it.
Since entering Stern as a freshman, have any of your views changed?
Coming in as an international student I was very intimidated and didn’t really know what “business” even was. Normally when you think of business in NYC you think of Wall Street. Now when I think of business, I think of the entire world and so many other industries that aren’t just finance. Stern has definitely helped me broaden that perspective and allowed me to take a much more holistic definition for what business is.
Do you think being an international student has shaped your experience here?
I think being an international student at NYU is easier than in some other places because it’s such a diverse school where there are so many international students that you don’t feel like kind of like an outsider. NYU students have a much more open and diverse perspective which helps. What I love is that you are not judged by where you are from, you are just another piece in this community.
Concentrations: Finance and Sustainable Business
Minor: Social and Public Policy
Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela
On Campus Involvement: Net Impact
Best cheap eats around campus?
POKEE on West 3rd
Favorite coffee place?
Stumptown on 8th street.
Go to study spot?
Bobst North reading rooms (the taller the floor the better for the view)!
What has been your favorite class at Stern so far?
Probably Economics of Global Business with Professor Michael Waugh because not only is it an Economics class but it also consolidates international affairs and how that affects macroeconomic policy.
Why did you choose to come to NYU Stern?
Obviously for all the professional opportunities that New York City offers, but also for the global aspect. Being at a global university complements your academic and professional achievements in the city because it builds you to be a person who has much more perspective. For Stern specifically, I knew that it was very focused on social impact. I wanted to be at a school that didn’t just say “business is profits,” but also taught us the real impact we can have in the world.
Speaking of social impact, you’re quite involved with Net Impact, tell us about your experiences with the club.
I became involved my freshman year because it was one of the clubs in which the programming was always different and that’s because the social impact umbrella is so broad. I got particularly involved with Net Impact Collaborative Experience (N.I.C.E) which is essentially social impact consulting. At Net Impact, I found a community among the members because we all shared similar views about our business degree and now three years later I am co-president.
Other than being involved with social impact, are there any other experiences that have really shaped your time here?
I think being LGBTQ has shaped my time here. I came out my freshman year and NYU really gave me the strength I needed to find myself and be publicly comfortable with who I am. The main reason why I was able to accept myself and be open about it is that the community at NYU is so accepting and appreciative of honesty.The people that I’ve met here and their ability to be sincere with themselves really gave me that strength and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made besides coming to NYU. I am so happy and proud that I am able to live my truth at NYU and Stern and not have any issues with it.
Since entering Stern as a freshman, have any of your views changed?
Coming in as an international student I was very intimidated and didn’t really know what “business” even was. Normally when you think of business in NYC you think of Wall Street. Now when I think of business, I think of the entire world and so many other industries that aren’t just finance. Stern has definitely helped me broaden that perspective and allowed me to take a much more holistic definition for what business is.
Do you think being an international student has shaped your experience here?
I think being an international student at NYU is easier than in some other places because it’s such a diverse school where there are so many international students that you don’t feel like kind of like an outsider. NYU students have a much more open and diverse perspective which helps. What I love is that you are not judged by where you are from, you are just another piece in this community.
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Student Spotlight