Dedicated Mentorship
Fields of Study
The breadth of interests of Stern’s faculty means that training and guidance can be provided in virtually any area of business research.

Empirical and Theoretical
The accounting curriculum is designed to provide a thorough understanding of current accounting theory, practice, and research, taught within the framework of modern economic and finance theories as applied to the behavior of today’s corporations and financial markets.

World Class Faculty
The research interests of Stern economics faculty span many areas, with particular strengths in industrial organization and applied micro theory, including applications to strategy, and macro economics, including applications to finance and international economics.

The Leading Edge of Financial Economics
The finance faculty is comprised of more than 40 researchers, including a Nobel-prize-winning economist, who are active in all areas of finance—asset pricing, corporate finance, derivatives, market microstructure, and behavioral finance.

A Multidisciplinary Field
Information Systems (IS)
Ph.D. students at Stern have the advantage of working with IS faculty who also maintain close research ties with the digital, banking, advertising and media industries, which gives our students access to unique “big data” for research as well as opportunities for experiential learning

Managing Complex and Changing Workplaces
Management’s areas of focus include strategy, the study of the competitive dynamics of firm performance, organizational behavior, the study of the behavior of individual employees and managers within organizations, organization theory, and the study of organizational structures.

Behavioral and Quantitative
Stern’s Ph.D. program in marketing trains students to perform research in a broad array of behavioral areas such as consumer psychology, information processing, and judgment and decision making, while also teaches students how to conduct research that develops mathematical models.

Analytical and Empirical
Operations Management (OM)
Research topics in Operations Management are drawn from several disciplines, including operations research, management and organizational behavior, economics and information systems, and banking and finance.

Theoretical and Methodological
Stern, one of the few top business schools that offers a Ph.D. in statistics, combines the theoretical and methodological orientation of a traditional statistics department with a focus on the applications that are central to the concerns of a business school.