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Global Network

​The Master of Science in Business Analytics and AI program at NYU Stern connects a diverse group of experienced professionals from around the world.

Meet Your Classmates

Participants in the MSBAi program have the opportunity to cross-learn and share best practices among their cohort and through their exposure to top faculty and business leaders in the growing fields of Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. With a degree from New York University, graduates will join not only the MS in Business Analytics and AI alumni network, but also NYU Stern’s extensive global alumni network.

With more than 110,000 Stern alumni, Stern provides an active global alumni network with graduates working in over 130 countries.

MSBAi Cohort Overview

A graphic detailing statistics of the average MSBAi cohort. Average size is 40, average years of work experience is 9, countries represents is 10, advanced degree holders is 30% and gender split is 43% female.