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Organizations interested in developing employees who leverage data as a strategic asset should consider MSBAi as a professional development opportunity.

Sponsorship Requirements

All MSBAi participants must be sponsored by their organizations with regard to time needed to attend the program; some are also financially sponsored.

Making the Case for Sponsorship

Business analytics is the intersection of business and data science, offering new opportunities for a competitive advantage. Business analytics capabilities are high on the executive agenda, as they unlock the predictive potential of data analysis to improve financial performance, strategic management, and operational efficiency. Firms today are adopting a culture of data-driven decision making, and they use data as a critical business driver for sustained growth and long-term competitive advantage.

Many applicants find it helpful to present their sponsorship request as a business case. Point to specific ways in which your MS in Business Analytics and AI experience will benefit your employer. Is your company growing or expanding into international markets? How can data analytics positively impact your company? Has the scope of your responsibilities changed or will it change in the near future? Be specific in describing how the degree will have an impact on your organization; understand how it will help you in both your current and future roles at your company.

Why Invest?

Today, across industries and geographic locations, corporations need employees who have the ability to thrive in an increasingly complex and volatile world. The MSBAi program gives sponsoring organizations the opportunity to invest in the growth and development of exceptional managers capable of navigating business issues to help companies achieve their most important business priorities.

Our students learn to think differently, becoming more innovative and open-minded business professionals who establish a global network of students, faculty and alumni to leverage at work. The result is a newfound, enterprise-wide approach to effectively utilize data analytics in a way that enables sustainable, long-term growth of your organization. You can learn more in the short video below:

Key Benefits for Your Organization

  • A business analytics education from NYU Stern develops thought leaders who help create innovative data analytics and business modeling perspectives that can be brought back to the corporation.
  • Practical and relevant classes bring immediate benefits in application to the company.
  • Participants are surrounded by other business analysts to help develop their skills and outlook to immediately tackle business challenges that can be optimized with data analytics.
  • Organizations enable their top performers to develop their full potential for continued success and value while demonstrating support of high-potential talent.
A graphic including portrait and a quote from MSBA Alumni Jaya Vivekanandan.