Student Small Group Analysis

The Student Small Group Analysis (SGA) option is most useful if it is done within the first seven weeks of the course, since it provides early feedback from students.

It involves inviting a faculty development consultant to observe a specific class. Toward the end of class, the instructor leaves the room in order to solicit feedback about what is most useful to their learning and suggestions.

After the class, the consultant reviews the feedback with the faculty member. The faculty member then completes the process by thanking the students for the feedback and acknowledging some of the ways that the feedback will be useful. 

The in-class process takes about 15 minutes of class time. Students appreciate being asked for feedback and value the opportunity to speak about their learning.

To request this option, please

1. Fill out this Faculty Consultant Form.


2. Save the Consultant Request Form to your computer, fill out the needed information in Microsoft Word, and e-mail it as an attachment to