School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, is quoted in a feature story about the importance of ethics in business schools, highlighting Stern's EQ endorsement for MBA applicants

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "While students are demanding an ethical curriculum, business schools are demanding MBA candidates who will become ethical leaders. NYU’s Stern School of Business in New York last year changed its admissions process to find candidates with empathy so that they can contribute to peer-learning. 'We are hoping it also helps us in terms of making sure they fit into our culture,' says Isser Gallogly, associate dean of MBA admissions at NYU Stern."
School News

Research by the Center for Business and Human Rights on the current state of factory worker safety in Bangladesh is featured

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businssweek -- "'Depending on how many subcontracting factories turn out to be in business, we estimate that it would cost $1.2 billion to remediate remaining dangerous conditions,' the report says. It says this sum should be the responsibility of 'an array of international actors,' along with Bangladeshi stakeholders."
School News

David Segall, Policy Associate at Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights, is interviewed about a new lawsuit in connection with ManTech's labor practices

The Daily Beast logo
Excerpt from The Daily Beast -- "'It’s very common in the Gulf region, for migrant workers, particularly low wage migrant workers to have their passports confiscated upon arrival,' said David Segall, a research scholar at New York University who has studied migrant labor abuse in the Gulf."
School News

In a feature profile, Dean Raghu Sundaram showcases Stern's reputation in finance, technology and engagement with the business community to prepare future leaders to lead a changing business world

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "Leading such a revered institution requires constant innovation, as the world around us is challenged to adapt to the rapid way machine learning, big data, and the future of tech are changing the way we learn. The transformation of the NYU Stern MBA reflects this. For Rangarajan, his school, and business schools like it, have a responsibility to ensure the next generation of business leaders aren’t just part of the change, but lead it."
School News

Roy Lee, Assistant Dean of Global Programs, highlights Stern's MS in Business Analytics program in a feature story on data science in business schools

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Roy Lee, programme director, says that if the numbers were higher, the more 'techie' students would feel less able to share insights with their business-minded classmates, which is crucial for breaking down barriers. 'The idea is to get their two sides to share their different perspectives,' Mr Lee says. 'Students are learning from each other about where and how to apply their skills.'"
School News

Professor and Acting Vice Dean for MBA Programs & Online Education Kim Corfman underscores the value of an MBA

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "I believe that in order to be more viable in the market, it's essential to have the appropriate education to back you. A Master's Degree not only will open doors by the connections you make, but also grounds you with strong expertise, intelligence, and insight. Over the past several years, the fashion and luxury companies have increasingly acknowledged the competitive advantage of adding business-educated talent to their ranks, especially in the face of significant technological disruption."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett highlights the significance of the anniversary of the 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh

Excerpt from PBS -- "The garment industry employs millions of people in Bangladesh, across about 7,000 facilities, said Paul Barrett, deputy director of New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, which has been following Bangladesh’s garment industry since the factory collapse. 'The remembrance of what happened in April 2013 is very powerful and still symbolizes a lot to the people of Bangladesh.'"
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco interviews Professor Joseph Foudy about Stern's Barr Family International Studies Program (ISP)

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Physically going to these countries helps students understand the consumer and regulatory environments and is especially helpful in understanding niche markets. Additionally, students don’t often have the experience of seeing the business on the ground (for example, an operating factory) and experience the customer behavior in different countries."
School News

NYU Stern Students Win First Place in UCLA Anderson Fink Center Stock Pitch Competition

NYU Stern students William Li (MBA ‘18), Charles Perron-Piché (MBA ‘19), Diven Sharma (MBA ‘18) and Tim Zhao (MBA ‘19) pose with their prize
A team of NYU Stern MBA students won the eighth annual UCLA Anderson Fink Center Stock Pitch Competition. The team, including William Li (MBA ‘18), Charles Perron-Piché (MBA ‘19), Diven Sharma (MBA ‘18) and Tim Zhao (MBA ‘19), was awarded $6,000 for their presentation, and earned Stern’s first win in the competition. 
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco shares her experiences on an International Studies Program (ISP) trip to Hong Kong

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "In short, the ISP trip was an incredible, eye-opening whirlwind. While my body and sleep schedule have not yet recovered from the constant running around, I would not have changed a thing. I went on the trip with some very close friends but coming back, I know I have created more personal relationships with students and staff that I was previously only acquainted with. In the end, not only did I feel closer to the Stern community, but I had more pride for our school and every opportunity it has provided me. And even though we were in Hong Kong for less than five full days, the lessons learned and relationships created will last a lifetime."
School News

Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard's talk at Stern, hosted by the Center for Global Economy and Business, is highlighted

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Asset valuations are stretched across a broad set of financial markets and some cryptocurrencies have witnessed 'extreme volatility,' Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard said, though overall risks to the financial system are still low. 'Estimates of risk premiums and spreads in a range of markets remain narrow by historical standards,' Brainard said Tuesday in prepared remarks at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
School News

Stern's ​MBA ​international academic offerings​ including DBi courses and Stern Solutions projects are featured; Jamie Tobias, Assistant Dean of Student Engagement, is quoted

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "The Stern School of Business at New York University still makes international academic experiences optional for MBA students, but the number who have embraced global offerings has grown substantially in recent years, says Jamie Tobias, assistant dean of student engagement. ... Many students also partner with faculty and go abroad through Stern Solutions to help solve a real-world business problem. A recent group collaborated with the World Wildlife Fund and the United Arab Emirates' Fujairah municipality to launch the country's first national park."
School News

Undergraduate students Michelle Enkerlin and Shobhit Jain are named to the Poets & Quants 2018 "Best & Brightest" list

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "For this year’s graduating class, business comes down to one word: Impact. As the big day nears, these future business leaders are leaving their mark – often in big ways that defy traditional business roles and methods."
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, is quoted about standardized testing, admissions interviews and Stern's EQ Endorsement and "Pick Six" visual essays

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "'Think about your story and how you want to present yourself,' Gallogly advises. 'The interviewer has read your entire application so you can go a lot deeper and have a substantive discussion.'"
School News

Dean Raghu Sundaram is quoted in a feature story highlighting Stern Solutions and Stern's one-year Andre Koo Tech MBA and Fashion & Luxury MBA programs

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business will welcome students this spring to two new one-year MBA programs, one for those interested in fashion and luxury goods and one in technology for those who want to add business skills to their tech expertise. The goal, says Raghu Sundaram, is to combine the breadth of an MBA with the depth you'd get in coursework for a master's in data science, say."
School News

Undergraduate student Shobhit Jain is named to the Poets & Quants 2018 "Best & Brightest" list

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "I always believed business school was about crunching numbers and producing valuations, but the courses in Stern’s Social Impact Core—namely, Business and Its Publics and Professional Responsibility and Leadership—broadened this mindset and forced me to reflect on why I was embarking on a career in business and the moral principles behind this decision."
School News

The Stern Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) project with the Deputy Mayor's office on the future of work in NYC is featured, with insights from advisor Professor Arun Sundararajan and undergraduate student participant Hayden Edelson

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'Classroom learning is extremely important and it gives you the tools necessary to work in a capacity like this, but this experience really elevates things,' [Edelson] continues. 'The opportunity to work with real-world data and real-world information in a significant way makes it much more meaningful.' ... 'Like many other top business schools, our undergraduate students are very high IQ, very quantitatively advanced, and are often seeking intellectual opportunities that go beyond traditional coursework,' Sundararajan says. 'Having an undergraduate research program fills that need to an extent.'"
School News

Dean Raghu Sundaram highlights Stern's new one-year Tech MBA and Fashion & Luxury MBA programs

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "New York University's Stern School of Business will welcome students this spring to two new one-year MBA programs, one for those interested in fashion and luxury goods and one in technology for those who want to add business skills to their tech expertise. The goal, says Raghu Sundaram, is to combine the breadth of an MBA with the depth you'd get in coursework for a master's in data science, say."
School News

Undergraduate student Michelle Enkerlin is named to the Poets & Quants 2018 "Best & Brightest" list

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "I enjoyed getting exposure to so many professionals, industries, and roles and being able to connect with my professional network after school. Because NYU is in the city, I was able to pursue many of these learning opportunities during the school year through internships and get a better idea of what the industries I was most interested in offer."
School News

In an op-ed, MBA student Maura Cheeks shares insights from her work with Professor and Vice Dean of Faculty Elizabeth Morrison on black women's experiences navigating challenges connected to race and gender in the workplace

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "One woman I spoke with, a successful entrepreneur who was interning at a tech startup before going to business school, excitedly described her most recent position where, for the first time in her career, she reported to a black woman. She said she, 'performed better' and was 'a lot more comfortable and confident.'"
School News

Dean Raghu Sundaram highlights innovations at Stern, from new programs to live case studies to entrepreneurial initiatives

Business World logo
Excerpt from BusinessWorld -- "Over the past one year, Raghu has innovated several high-impact changes that will have a deep impact on how NYU Stern is positioning itself to be the ‘most preferred Global Business School’ in Higher Education."
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean of MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, underscores the importance of IQ + EQ in MBA applicants

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "'We look for students who have both intellectual and emotional intelligence—what we call IQ + EQ. Last year, we refreshed our MBA application and now ask for an EQ endorsement from an advocate who can attest to an applicant’s ability to lead with empathy and communicate clearly.' Isser Gallogly, NYU Stern"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Shlomo Angel discusses his research on the changing structure of cities

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "The emergence of AVs helpfully coincides with a change in the structure of cities, says Shlomo Angel, an urban-studies expert at New York University. He argues that the monocentric model, with a centre surrounded by suburbs, is a thing of the past. In many large American and European cities, jobs are moving from downtown to the periphery, and workers increasingly commute from one suburb to another, rather than to and from the centre. His analysis shows that 75% of jobs in a typical American city are outside the urban centre."
School News

Research by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business on SEC enforcement actions is referenced

Law360 Logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Law360 -- "Their statements seem to contradict two reports released this fall by a Georgetown University Law Center professor and by the New York University Pollack Center for Law & Business and Cornerstone Research that found that enforcement actions dropped in the most recent fiscal year and fell particularly sharply once the SEC went under the Trump administration’s control in late January of 2017..."
School News

The increase in recruitment of Stern MBA students by tech firms is highlighted

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "And at NYU Stern School of Business, technology placements have more than doubled over the past five years. They represented 16.8 percent of all hires last year—up from 10 percent the year before."
