School News
New Undergraduate College courses for the fall, Sustainability Impact Consulting: Costa Rica, Economics of Innovation and Deal Making in the Entertainment Industry and International Studies Program (ISP) in Copenhagen are featured

Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "The first is a sustainability impact consulting course set in New York and Costa Rica. Classes will meet in the fall then spend a week in Costa Rica at the beginning of January working on such potential student projects as business and marketing plans for agricultural production, ecotourism, and environmental education for youth. Other new courses on Stern’s roster are Economics of Innovation — studying the behavior of inventors, artists, and writers to figure out what makes people creative, what encourages firms to take risks, and what types of institutions encourage people to do their best work. The other is Deal Making in the Entertainment Industry which uses film and television content as the primary example for what goes into cutting a deal in the entertainment world."
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