Faculty News
Prof. Vicki Morwitz's research on comparison-driven self-evaluation and restoration is cited
Excerpt from Scientific American blog -- "A study recently published online in 'The Journal of Consumer Research' found marketing from the bottom up works in some but not all cases. Vicki Morwitz of New York University, and Edith Shalev of the Technicon Israel Institute of Technology acknowledged in their article the existence of a new form of social influence process called Comparison-Driven Self Evaluation and Restoration."
Faculty News
Excerpt from Scientific American blog -- "A study recently published online in 'The Journal of Consumer Research' found marketing from the bottom up works in some but not all cases. Vicki Morwitz of New York University, and Edith Shalev of the Technicon Israel Institute of Technology acknowledged in their article the existence of a new form of social influence process called Comparison-Driven Self Evaluation and Restoration."