Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran is cited for teaching an online course

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- " ... a reporter watched Keler Gjika listlessly take a class on Advanced Finance through practice questions from Damodaran online, a popular Web site maintained by Aswath Damodaran, a professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University."
Faculty News

Prof. Gian Luca Clementi on Mario Monti's speech at the New York Stock Exchange

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Monti did not bring news, but his visit played an important role. We can now say: 'Look, things have changed. We now have competent and serious people leading our country.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Hal Hershfield's research on saving for retirement is featured

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "In a series of studies conducted with colleagues, Hershfield explored that connection between future selves and savings, and found that the more connected we feel to our future selves, the more likely we are to save."
Faculty News

Prof. Michelle Greenwald says TV ads are best when a brand wants to reinvent itself

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'Social media is better for deals and promotions,' said ... professor Michelle Greenwald, who earlier in her career was an executive at PepsiCo and Disney. TV is the best bet for a brand that is in a hurry to remake itself, she added."
Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein on the credit bubble

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Risky assets do not work on the downside of a credit bubble. That's what we're seeing right now, but longer-term, I don't think that's going to work." Additional coverage also appeared in another CNBC piece.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini predicts stock market gains

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- " ... economist Nouriel Roubini thinks the stock market is in for more gains, following a 23 percent run-up in the S&P 500 since last October." Additional coverage appeared in CNBC.
Faculty News

Prof. David Poltrack on TV ratings

Excerpt from HollywoodNews.com -- " ... with today’s technology offering far more sophisticated and meaningful data crunching capabilities. (David Poltrack, Chief Research Officer of CBS Corp. has long been trying to educate people about this.)"
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on big-bank stocks

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "'It’s better to fly in an airplane with your seat belt on, even when you have a drink and a smooth ride,' he adds, noting that big-bank stocks are twice as volatile as the broader stock market."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research shows an easier-to-pronounce name can help you get ahead

Excerpt from MSN Health & Fitness -- "The name bias probably extends to other professions as well, according to study co-leader Adam Alter, from the Stern School of Business. 'People simply aren't aware of the subtle impact that names can have on their judgments.'" Additional coverage appeared in The Wall Street Journal, WTOP.com, Drugs.com, Medical News Today, Colorado Springs Business Journal and Crikey.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on oil prices

CNC World logo
Excerpt from CNC World -- "A major increase, up to something like 150 dollars a barrel or higher, there’s very little energy that's produced within Europe. There's some coal, but not a lot. And when oil prices go up, the prices of other kinds of fuels go up as well."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt on the US political system

Excerpt from Iowa State Daily -- "Haidt argued that 'compromise' has become a dirty word in the American political system. Politics in this country is more about demonizing an opposing group, good versus evil, rather than solving the financial and economic problems this country faces."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Spence is highlighted for leading the Commission on Growth and Development

Excerpt from Creamer's Engineering News -- "Leipziger was the vice-chairperson of the 22-member Commission on Growth and Development, which was initiated in 2006 under the leadership of Nobel Laureate Michael Spence to study which policies and strategies had supported rapid and sustained economic growth and poverty reduction across the world."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's data on treasury bill returns is cited

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Before inflation, a bill investor would have had $1,099.09 at the end of last year. The nominal return of about 11-fold is based on data compiled by Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at New York University."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on stock dividends and buybacks

Excerpt from Motley Fool -- "To trot out my favorite dividend one-liner, professor Aswath Damodaran has said 'dividends are like getting married; buybacks are like hooking up.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the recent stock market rally

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "The stock market has been drifting higher for months, recently convincing many skeptics, including Dr. Doom himself, Nouriel Roubini, that the rally could be long-lasting." Additional coverage appeared in The Wall Street Journal blog and CNBC.
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research on how our names can determine our success is featured

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "People simply aren’t aware of the subtle impact that names can have on their judgments." Additional coverage appeared in Marie Claire UK, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, Business News Daily, Deccan Herald, TruthDive.com, Business Insider, PerthNow.com, Yahoo! Shine, Business Review Australia, CorpComms Magazine, Mid Day, Express.co.uk, Independent Online and Sydney Morning Herald.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini is cited for his current bullish economic outlook

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "I think [Roubini's] at a minimum neutral and probably positive. I think what he thinks is that the economy's going to do all right for a while." Additional coverage appeared in The Wall Street Journal blog, Forbes and MSN Money.
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on vocational training in India

Knowledge at Wharton logo
Excerpt from Knowledge@Wharton -- “We have embarked on an ambitious project to train 500 million people and the National Skills Development Corporation has been set up to follow this mandate. It is, of course, essential to maintain the present rate of growth in the Indian economy. But adequate resource generation holds the key.”
Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein on Greek debt

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Richard Bernstein, CEO of Richard Bernstein Capital Markets, said the market has mostly factored in a Greek deal, but not entirely and there could be some upside."
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman's Z-Score is applied to coal stocks

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "Coal stocks are at significant balance sheet risk based on the Altman Z bankruptcy risk ratio, which was invented by New York University professor Edward Altman in 1968."
Faculty News

Research by Prof. Adam Alter finds people with easy-to-pronounce names are favored

International Business Times logo
Excerpt from International Business Times -- "Dr Simon Laham at the University of Melbourne and Dr Adam Alter at New York University Stern School of Business, analysed how the pronunciation of names can influence impression formation and decision-making." Additional coverage appeared in Asian Scientist Magazine, Times of India, TopNews, The Herald Sun, Adelaidenow.com.au and News.com.au.
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the role of credit rating agencies

Excerpt from The Kojo Nnamdi Show -- "Do the coveted triple AAA ratings issued by Standard & Poor’s, Fitch and Moody’s really represent the gold standard of creditworthiness? As countries struggle with massive debt, these 'seals of approval' are being retracted, prompting calls for reform around the globe."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on Clint Eastwood's Super Bowl ad for Chrysler

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "What’s wrong with the auto industry is not that it failed to create jobs. What’s wrong is that it emphasizes jobs over general growth itself." Additional coverage appeared in San Francisco Chronicle.
Faculty News

Prof. Sinan Aral's research on creating viral marketing campaigns is cited

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Excerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- "Recommendations from friends are effective at creating viral campaigns. But research by Sinan Aral and Dylan Walker shows that automated messages are surprisingly effective, too."
