Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack on the leak of potential bidders for the government's auction of seized Bitcoins

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'Either this was a very clever piece of disinformation or a very careless error by the government. It’s a little hard to know which from a distance,' David L. Yermack, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said of the leak. 'You want to create the illusion that there’s immense demand for this if you’re the government because you want people to bid as much as they’re willing to.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Profs Roy Smith & Ingo Walter discuss the implications of US sanctions on global banks

The Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "The U.S. prosecution of a major international bank for evading sanctions has changed the game. BNP allegedly stripped out identifying information from wire transfers to disguise sanctioned countries as origins or destinations of international payments. By raising the cost of violating the rules to significant levels, the Justice Department has ensured that U.S. sanctions will be complied with and effective."
Faculty News

Prof. Melissa Schilling's research on cognitive insight is highlighted

Scientific American logo
Excerpt from Scientific American -- "In Melissa Schilling’s network model of cognitive insight, insight can be viewed as the emergence of clarity among a tangled web of thoughts and ideas. According to Schilling, cognitive insight occurs when an atypical association is made, resulting in a shortcut in a person’s network of semantic representations. Insight affects the organization of the entire network, causing a decrease in path length, a new perspective on the entire network, and a cascade of other connections to come online."
Faculty News

Profs Menachem Brenner & Marti Subrahmanyam's research on insider trading is featured

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "As many as one-fourth of all mergers and acquisitions of public companies in the U.S. appear to be the targets of undetected insider trading by investors with advance knowledge, according to a New York Times report on research by Menachem Brenner and Marti G. Subrahmanyam of New York University and Patrick Augustin of McGill University. The researchers discovered the instances of what they call 'informed trading' through a statistical analysis of stock-option movements; fewer than 5% of the deals became the subject of Securities and Exchange Commission litigation over insider trading."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald discusses how to generate innovative ideas

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "One of the very best forms of stimuli comes from looking at other industries for ideas, relevant analogies, and problem solving. The trickiest part is to figure out which industries to benchmark. That, in itself, requires brainstorming sessions."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Yaacov Trope argues that music can influence how we think

Scientific American logo
Excerpt from Scientific American -- "That music can move us is no surprise; it’s the point of the art form, after all. What’s new here is the manner in which the researchers have quantified in fine-grained detail the cognitive ramifications of unpacked melodic compounds. This investigation of music’s building blocks may be more relevant than you suppose. Nowadays, experts in the production room can hone a track—the timbre, tone, rhythm, phrasing—with digital precision. These songwriters and producers are the true geniuses behind the success of popular music today, and they seem to have an intuitive grasp of the phenomena underlying the findings of this psychology article. An extra breath-sound here, a pitch adjustment there—these additives pepper the songs we hear on the radio. So the next time you hear a piece of music from the Billboard Top 40, it may be interesting to wonder, how many components were manipulated just so, in order to change the way I think?"
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Wachtel on the possible closure of the Export-Import Bank

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "The argument going back 80 years ago was that this kind of financing would not otherwise have been available. So this is an area of market failure, as economists say. That's a much less compelling argument in the 21st century. Financial markets are extraordinarily sophisticated and could probably step in, so it's harder to make a case that the government has got to step in."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Profs. Menachem Brenner & Marti Subrahmanyam discuss their research on insider trading

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "We believe that trading based on inside information has negative externalities for the market as a whole and should be illegal, as it is, in many countries. Our study raises a red flag regarding activity in one area of the market, and hence, it may be worth paying more attention to the activity in the options market ahead of important corporate announcements. Does this evidence suggest that the U.S. stock markets are rigged? We do not believe so. There is possibly some rogue trading, but it does not necessarily have a major impact on M&A activity, and certainly not on the market as a whole."
Faculty News

Profs. Menachem Brenner & Marti Subrahmanyam's insider trading research is highlighted

The Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'While the SEC has taken action in several cases where the evidence was overwhelming, one can assume that there are many more cases that go undetected, or where the evidence isn't as clear-cut,' authors of the Stern School/McGill study wrote."
Faculty News

Profs Maggiori & Stroebel discuss the implications of long-run discount rates for fiscal policy

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from VoxEU -- "Many important policy decisions require a consideration of costs and benefits that arise in the distant future. For example, many of the costs of climate change occur 100 or more years from now, yet actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have to be taken today to avert those long-run costs. In recent weeks, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change mitigation report, or UN climate change report, presented and discussed different options for reducing such emissions, but contended that 'most mitigation strategies have costs in the present and yield benefits in the future. Policy making involves assessing the values of these benefits and costs and weighing them against each other.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Philippon's research on the financial services industry in the US is cited

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Mr Bazot calculates a unit cost for finance by comparing the sector’s income with the stock of financial assets—'the real cost of the creation and maintenance of one euro of financial service over one year'. He finds that, outside France (where it has been stable), the unit cost has increased over the past 40 years; a 2012 paper by Thomas Philippon of New York University found a similar result for America."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Vasant Dhar highlights the role of data and analytics in high-frequency trading

Big Data logo
Excerpt from Big Data -- "In financial markets, a larger question for society is how we might improve market conditions for all investors and create a marketplace that is best for society. Quite incredibly, the answer is with the additional transparency through big data that are made available to all."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer discusses President Obama's Foreign Policy

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "America and China are the world’s two major powers, with the largest economies and militaries. The stakes are high for them to practice what they preach on foreign policy: their words and actions influence the global economy, as well as the behavior of allies and enemies. The problem: Xi Jinping and Barack Obama want to have their foreign policy cake and eat it, too. For both leaders, international engagement isn’t top of mind: they want to downplay their global leadership roles in order to focus on more pressing concerns at home."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Spence discusses economic reform in China

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Despite China’s widely discussed economic slowdown, annual GDP growth remains above 7%, implying little cause for alarm – at least for now. The question is whether the government’s efforts to implement structural reforms and transform the economy’s growth model are working – that is, whether internal imbalances continue to threaten long-term economic performance. Given that China remains the global economy’s most important growth engine, the answer matters to everyone."
Faculty News

Prof. Marti Subrahmanyam is interviewed about India's economy

Excerpt from The Hindu -- "Appointment of such experts on international markets (financial, commodities, and services) in key government departments would pave the way for effective policy formulation in improving access for Indian companies to global markets, attracting global capital, and mitigating the impact of global forces on the volatility in Indian commodity and financial markets due to spill-over effects, [Subrahmanyam] said."
Faculty News

Prof. Xavier Gabaix is named one of "The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds" by Thomson Reuters

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Thomson Reuters -- "This list of top researchers around the globe have earned their distinction by publishing the highest number of articles that rank among those most frequently cited by fellow researchers."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry on the importance of fiscal discipline, from his book, "Turnaround"

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Peter Henry, dean of New York University’s Stern School of Business and author of the book Turnaround: Third World Lessons for First World Growth, told me last year, 'We are at a critical point in time and advanced countries are off track.' The discipline we need is not fiscal austerity but a 'sustained commitment to prosperity that is both vigilant and flexible–and values what is good for the public as a whole,' he says. It’s encouraging to see disciplined policy in democracies, as we began to see in 1994 in Brazil, Henry told me."
Faculty News

Prof. Tulin Erdem explains why consumers continue to purchase GM cars despite safety concerns

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "'There are emotional reasons for why [customers] are loyal, in spite of new information that there might be safety issues,' Erdem said. 'For example, these people may have memories of GM cars. They may remember things growing up with their families in a GM car... It's not rational,' Erdem said."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Cooley is interviewed in advance of Fed Chair Janet Yellen's news conference

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Cooley also expects Yellen to address the slow down but not harp on it instead focusing on labor. 'Its important for people to be willing to take a more detailed look at what is happening in the labor markets,' he said. 'That is where signs of price pressure are going to show up. The great recession cast a very long shadow – particularly over labor markets. We are going to see labor markets getting better but only in small segments.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on Citigroup's bond underwriting business

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The underwriting slowdown 'is part of an aggregation of things that is affecting Citigroup all at once,' Roy Smith, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and a former partner at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., said by telephone. 'The effort to impose a big increase in internal controls is one that is clearly very labor-intensive.'"
Faculty News

Profs. Menachem Brenner & Marti Subrahmanyam's research on insider trading is featured

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "The study by professors at New York University and McGill University in Montreal - which looked at informed trading activity in equity options before merger and acquisition announcements from January 1996 through December 2012 - showed 25 percent of the deals had some sort of unusual activity taking place 30 days before the deal announcement."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt discusses moral psychology and American politics

Excerpt from WAMC -- "Widely recognized for research on the intuitive foundations of morality, Jonathan Haidt, Social psychologist and Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, uses moral psychology to understand hyper-partisanship in American politics."
Faculty News

Profs. Menachem Brenner & Marti Subrahmanyam's research on insider trading is cited

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo! Finance -- "A new academic study by researchers at NYU’s Stern School of Business and McGill University and detailed in the New York Times found persuasive evidence of trading on nonpublic information in one-quarter of merger-and-acquisition transactions from 1996 through 2012."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on recent political interest in mergers

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'This may be the first time we have seen a large number of high profile M&A deals in a low-growth environment in which countries might argue that mergers that reduce local employment should be stopped,' said Roy Smith, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran discusses Uber's regulatory issues

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Damodaran also alluded to regulatory risk and insurance questions that still face the company. 'In a sense, what Uber does in most cities is already illegal. So, [for a $17 billion valuation] you almost have to have the assumption that at some point in time the regulations are going to change to allow them to operate big time,' he said. 'Because if they don't change, Uber's going to have to spend a lot of money fighting these regulations in city after city to get its business going.'"
