Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Porac on the two-CEO corporate structure

InsideCounsel logo
Excerpt from InsideCounsel -- "'It’s not a very common structure,' Joseph Porac, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said in an interview with InsideCounsel, about co-CEOs. 'It can work.' When it is effective, the two CEOs may have complementary skills, there is a good relationship between them, and it can add value to the company, Porac said. There should be a culture of cooperation for the system to work effectively, he added."
Faculty News

Prof. Tom Meyvis's research on emotional reactions to fictional stories is featured

Excerpt from Bustle -- "Readers may be too immersed in a tragic story to consider its fictional nature … As a result, consumers’ emotional reactions to these experiences may be just as strong as their reactions to experiences that involve more proximal events (such as real-life stories)."
Faculty News

Prof. Jason Greenberg's research on the success of women on Kickstarter is highlighted

VentureBeat  logo
Excerpt from VentureBeat -- "NYU’s Jason Greenberg and University of Pennsylvania’s Ethan Mollick found that the extraordinary success of women on Kickstarter was partly due to activist women backers who have 'the motivation to help someone that shares one’s gender overcome perceived structural barriers..'"
Faculty News

Profs Xavier Gabaix and Thomas Philippon are named to the International Monetary Fund's 25 Economists to Watch list

International Business Times logo
Excerpt from International Business Times -- "The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has identified twenty-five young economists who it expects will shape the world's thinking about the global economy in the future."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Spence discusses the impact of income inequality

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "...experience in a wide range of countries suggests that high and rising levels of inequality, especially inequality of opportunity, can indeed be detrimental to growth. One reason is that inequality undercuts the political and social consensus around growth-oriented strategies and policies. It can lead to gridlock, conflict, or poor policy choices."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose's research on crowdfunding and privacy is featured

VICE News logo
Excerpt from VICE -- "According to the researchers, at issue is a preemptive 'priming' impulse in users that ultimately affects how much they donate. Presenting users with information controls before payment likely scared off some users not already aware of privacy issues on the web and encouraged users who were to donate more, knowing that the exact amount would remain hidden."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack on the connection between a company's success and the size of its board of directors

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Small boards are more likely to dismiss CEOs for poor performance—a threat that declines significantly as boards grow in numbers, said David Yermack, a finance professor at New York University's business school who has studied the issue."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari discusses Chanel's handbag price increases

Racked logo
Excerpt from Racked -- "[Serdari] noted that in recent years, Chanel has added a slew of new products that fall within the $600-$1000 price range. This is, of course, still expensive, but these purchases are considerably more affordable than a $5,000 purse. 'In order to maintain exclusivity and to keep increasing profit, they must increase the price of bags,' she explained."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the increased availability of credit for consumers and decrease in payment delinquencies

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "Lawrence J. White teaches economics at the NYU Stern School of Business. He says it makes sense for banks to loosen up credit right now for the less-than-perfect consumer: 'Because the economy is better, he or she is more likely to stay employed and be in a position where he or she can repay.' And White says consumers have learned not to live beyond their means; they don’t want to slide back to where they were during the Great Recession, and are using credit more wisely."
Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers discusses McDonald's efforts to attract millennials

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Clearly, McDonald's has been struggling with a way to communicate with a new generation in a lot of ways... They've been trying to spin their wheels to keep creating new products to try and solve the problem and that's created its own set of problems because that's been very inefficient within the stores. But the reality is millennials clearly don't value McDonald's products the way earlier generations do and they don't have the same relationship with the brand that previous generations have had."
Faculty News

Prof. William Greene explains why he believes the NFL would not succeed in charging its Super Bowl halftime-show acts to perform

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "[Greene] says that the value of a halftime slot would be more valuable to lesser-known acts, and that the stigma of paying to play might be enough to deter a big-name musician, like Beyoncé. 'Imagine the blowback if it got out that she had paid to be the one to do the halftime show,' Greene says. 'Part of her wild appeal stems from the fact that she is so highly paid.' Agreeing to provide the NFL kickback for the privilege of doing something that you’re usually paid for would probably appear desperate."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry's comments on banking reform at the Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium are highlighted

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'The needed reforms lie outside the mandate of central banks and fall squarely in the laps of elected officials,' said economist Peter Henry, dean of the business school at New York University. 'It will do no good if central bankers give the labor market room to grow if politicians shoot the recovery in the foot.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Russell Winer's research on socially responsible goods is highlighted

The Australian logo
Excerpt from The Australian -- "While companies sell Fair Trade food, clothing and bedding products because they believe in being socially responsible, the goods can also be part of a marketing strategy, says Russell Winer, a marketing professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. Sixty per cent of shoppers are willing to pay the higher prices that Fair Trade items tend to have, according to a 2013 study he co-wrote."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry discusses the importance of emerging markets to the global economy

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "It's certainly a challenging economic environment right now, but the key thing to remember is that emerging markets account for roughly half of global GDP and almost two-thirds of global growth, so what happens in emerging markets certainly matters for what happens in the US."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry explains the value of an MBA

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "If you just get a specialized degree, you can apply that tool in one area. If you understand data science, but you're also a leader and you also see the range of problems that are facing the world and that need solutions, then you're in a position to actually go out and start a new business. Then you're in a position to actually be in an organization to lead change."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry discusses President Obama's legacy

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think the key thing for which President Obama will be remembered, for which his team has not gotten a lot of recognition, frankly, in the short term, is pulling the US economy back from the brink... If you think about it, would you rather be living in the United States, or be living in Western Europe? The United States Economy is growing at 2% per year... we are creating jobs and we now are debating whether the Fed should raise interest rates because there isn't enough slack in the economy. Europe is in a very different situation."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry comments on Fed Chairman Janet Yellen's and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi's speeches at the Federal Reserve Jackson Hole Conference

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The point is, it's not so simple to understand whether the economy is at full employment or not. That's the key issue. If the economy is at full employment, then the Fed has to do what it needs to begin to think about raising interest rates to keep prices from rising, inflation from rising. But we don't know. There's a mystery right now. And the key thing about [Janet Yellen's] speech is she said, very clearly, one piece of information is not going to solve this mystery. Looking at wage inflation alone is not going to tell us whether we should raise interest rates."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry discusses Janet Yellen's remarks at the at the Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium

CCTV logo
Excerpt from CCTV -- "In the absence of more information about whether these changes are structural or cyclical, Chair Yellen has said we need to be very open-minded and look at the data that comes in to make decisions about whether or not there is slack in the economy to keep interest rates low or whether we need to raise interest rates because the labor market is tightening more quickly than we expect."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan discusses government regulation of sharing economy companies in New York City

Excerpt from The Epoch Times -- "To a consumer who couldn’t hail a cab from his phone before 2013, regulatory change is moving at a glacial pace. But it’s to the credit of sharing companies that sometimes inherently provide services that go against existing laws that better business environments are being created, according to Sundararajan. 'The specification of different areas … complicates this for the startups that have to fight city by city, state by state, country by country, widely varying levels,' Sundararajan said. 'It’s very interesting to me how much of the venture capital is being spent on regulatory reform.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Stephen Brown's comments on Australia's economy at the Centre for International Finance and Regulation Forum are highlighted

Australian Financial Review logo
Excerpt from Australian Financial Review -- "My great fear is there is too much a sense of complacency in Australia – there is too much of a sense that Australia avoided the worst of the financial crisis and it will do so again. I think for that reason, this financial system inquiry is extremely timely – to actually have a fact based analysis of how well we did we do, and what can we do to reduce the incidences and impact of financial crisis. I don't think the experience of Australia during the financial crisis is necessarily an indication of how Australia will fare in future financial crises."
Faculty News

Prof. Jason Greenberg reacts to The Coolest Cooler's success raising funds on Kickstarter

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "'There's a point where products derive much more attention than any rational expectation would suggest,' said Jason Greenberg, PhD and assistant professor at New York University's business school, 'In a market where potato salad can raise $55,000, it's not that surprising.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Lisa Leslie's research on affirmative action is featured

Excerpt from Bloomberg BNA -- "'The biggest takeaway is just that implementing an affirmative action plan alone is not enough,' Lisa Leslie, the study’s lead author and an associate professor in New York University’s Stern School of Business, told Bloomberg BNA Aug. 20. 'It needs to be done as part of a broader effort to minimize any unintended consequences.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman on the debt dispute between US hedge funds and the Argentine government

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "Edward Altman of NYU's Stern School of Business says there's nothing illegal about the hedge funds' demands. 'They have the right to not accept what they think was a flawed plan and the fact that they were holdouts doesn't make them vultures,' he says."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on Bank of America's $16.65 billion mortgage settlement

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "It's not going to cripple the company, but it gets headlines. It wipes out their annual profit. I'm sure they're saying to themselves, 'this is largely about organizations we acquired. Let's just get this behind us.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Stephen Brown discusses fee-based financial advice

Excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald -- "NYU Stern School of Business professor Stephen Brown, who has studied the interim report, said policy around financial advice needed to ensure conflicts of interest were minimised and remuneration structures had a big effect. 'I am a great proponent of fee-based financial advice,' he said. 'That is ethical and the appropriate way to do this. People need advice and they need unconflicted advice.'"
