Faculty News
Profs Anindya Ghose and Priya Raghubir discuss online retailers' pricing strategies

Excerpt from OZY -- "'The old conjecture — through the ’90s — was that Internet shopping would make everybody more price-sensitive,' explains Priya Raghubir, chair of the marketing department at NYU Stern School of Business. Which should get you a better price. But there’s a 'more recent phenomenon' at play here, she says: The consumer might be worse off. ... Company priorities are shifting, too, says Anindya Ghose, a marketing and IT professor at Stern. They once channeled much of their strategy budgets to advertising and marketing. Now they’re redirecting some of those millions to pricing strategy, a 'historically underinvested sector,' with investments in technology, data and analysis that help companies reach that sweet spot where you’ll still buy their stuff but they’ll make the most money."
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