Faculty News
Prof. Deepak Hegde's research on the impact of lobbying on NIH funding is featured

Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Remember that NIH has to pay attention to what the appropriators in Congress want, because they’re dependent on getting funding,' says Hegde. 'So our conclusion about soft earmarks is a more nuanced finding, but does indicate that soft earmarks are effective. And for the most part, I don’t think people are aware of the mechanisms through which allocations are made.'"
Faculty News

Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Remember that NIH has to pay attention to what the appropriators in Congress want, because they’re dependent on getting funding,' says Hegde. 'So our conclusion about soft earmarks is a more nuanced finding, but does indicate that soft earmarks are effective. And for the most part, I don’t think people are aware of the mechanisms through which allocations are made.'"