Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini shares his views on bitcoin

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Nouriel Roubini of Roubini Macro Associates said Bitcoin is the 'biggest bubble in human history' and this 'mother of all bubbles' is finally crashing, in an interview with Tom Keene and Francine Lacqua on Bloomberg Television. Bitcoin dropped below $8,000 Friday, a 60 percent tumble from its peak of $19,511 on Dec. 18. It isn’t just Bitcoin, Roubini added. There are more than 1,300 cryptocurrencies or initial coin offerings, and 'most of them are even worse' than the largest digital token. These constitute a 'a bubble to the power of two or three,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla shares insights on business leaders throughout history in "Creative Trailblazer"

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Excerpt from Biography - "...I think [Steve Jobs] saw possibilities that other people didn't see, which is a characteristic of most great entrepreneurs."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis discusses how Apple fell short of expectations in marketing the iPhone X

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "Apple is usually a leader in branding and messaging, but this time it stumbled, said Tom Meyvis, professor of marketing and coordinator of the Ph.D. program in marketing at the Stern School of Business at New York University. Consumers were faced with too many iPhones being released at the same time, and too many variations of the iPhone X, he said. 'Consumers eventually adapt to everything, even continuous improvements,' Meyvis said."
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan shares insights on how smart technology can contribute to sustainability

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "'A talking fridge that adjusts its energy use to be less intensive and helps you better manage your food so you have less food waste would be extremely useful,' said Whelan of NYU."
Faculty News

Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh's work on European Safe Bonds is featured

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "This week’s proposal—for a new asset, sovereign-bond-backed securities (SBBS)—both leaves states responsible for their own debts and encourages banks to diversify sovereign risk. Issuers of SBBS, which could be public- or private-sector entities, would buy euro-area government bonds at market prices, and repackage them. Buyers of SBBS would be paid interest and principal (and be exposed to default) as if they owned the underlying bonds."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Professor Michael Posner discusses the ethical challenges facing social networks and businesses

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "I think there's a challenge on the business side figuring out how to both be profitable. I'm pro company; I want companies to make a profit. But how to then operate in a globalized environment — globalized world — where we have very weak governments and very powerful companies. And so the idea that government alone is going to protect people from all the things that can go wrong — inequality, mistreatment of workers, etc. — it's not realistic."
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh's research on implicit social cognition and bias among managers is referenced

Professional Planner Logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Professional Planner -- "'The frantic pace of many of our lives leads us to rely on' fast thinking, which may not be suited to facing ethical dilemmas, which may require a slower thought process, Dolly Chugh wrote in a paper published in Social Justice Research."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White discusses the Royal Bank of Scotland's layoffs in Stamford, Connecticut

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "'Shrinking its footprint generally has been part of the recovery for RBS,' Lawrence J. White, a professor of economics in New York University’s business school, said in a recent interview. 'It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that as part of the overall shrinking that they would be shrinking their North American operations.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Brandenburger highlights NYU Shanghai's partnership with the WeWork Creator Awards

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Excerpt from China News -- "We understand the importance of creative thinking in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and we are honored to work with the WeWork Creator Contest to help creators realize their dreams."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway advocates for the breakup of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, referencing his book, "The Four"

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "Scott Galloway, a professor at New York University Stern School of Business and author of the best-selling 'The Four,' said these companies distort financial markets and capital flows. 'The reason why they need to be curbed or specifically broken up is that as evidence today, we don’t have fair competition,' he told FOX Business’ Liz Claman on 'Countdown to the Closing Bell.'"
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses the value of mobile data for marketers to better serve their customers, from his book, "Tap"

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Exerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- “Smartphones rule our lives. We text, swipe, and shop from our devices. And every time businesses tap into these phones, they are generating valuable streams of data that, using combinations of machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence, they can put together and figure out a better way to curate their messages and their offers.”
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco highlights her favorite aspects of attending Stern

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "NYU has given me so many unbelievable opportunities and experiences that I know could not happen in any other university. ... Just last month, I was able to attend a Ranger’s ice hockey game at Madison Square Garden! Another exclusive Stern opportunity I am looking forward to: Hong Kong for our spring break as part of our International Studies Program (more details to come on this in the spring)!"
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar is interviewed about how AI will benefit workers in non-STEM industries

Moneyish logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Moneyish -- "'If you think of the kinds of opportunities that these new capabilities will lead to, it’s almost like the sky’s the limit,' Dhar concluded. 'If you’re a writer and suddenly you have the ability to query the entire world … and have the computer come back and give you an intelligent answer — the scope of productivity is just huge.'"
School News

Roxanne Hori, Associate Dean of Corporate Relations, Career Services and Leadership Development, is quoted in a feature story on the increased emphasis on diversity in the workplace among employers

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Although recruiters talk about the need to have a diverse environment, Hori still believes that the primary motivation is not to miss out on the best graduates. 'I’d like to think it’s a heart and soul move,' she says. 'But there are many more options today for the top talent on MBA programmes.'"
School News

The decision by the city of Valledupar, Colombia, to accept recommendations for a new public space economic model from a group of MBA students and Research Scholar Nicolás Galarza as part of a Stern Solutions experiential learning project is featured

El Pilon logo
Translated excerpt from El Pilon -- "Nicolás Galarza explained, 'during the investigation we realized that there are several collaborative schemes in which the private sector manages and is responsible for the maintenance of parks, freeing those burdens from the mayorships. This is a win-win scheme: from the point of view of the private sector, this means that it will be a park that will have more people visiting, improves security, improves traffic, businesses increase their sales, improves the value of the properties; and from the point of view of the administration, significant resources are saved to be allocated to other priorities for the city...'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's strategy for choosing a location for its second headquarters

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "...I think Amazon already knows where they want to be and they're just creating this hunger games environment to mature the best term sheet possible and then give it to the city's mayor where they want to be and ask him or her to match it, which will be irresistible."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer is interviewed about consumer choice and higher education marketing

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Excerpt from Evolllution -- "I think it’s more and more important for schools to develop a sound point of difference or what we call a value proposition to try to get through a quarter of all the schools on contact. How do you develop a compelling message to our prospective enrollees at the college when they’re being exposed to all kinds of media, all kinds of information from other schools all the usual kinds of marketing devices? Colleges and universities have reacted by becoming much more consumer oriented, reaching students, reaching their parents, reaching the guidance counselors, and reaching the senior educators."
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud shares insights on urbanization in China

South China Morning Post logo
Excerpt from South China Morning Post -- "'Urbanisation didn’t happen (in China) because the government wanted the country to urbanise,' noted Alain Bertaud, urban planner and senior research scholar at the US’s NYU Stern Urbanisation Project. 'The economy asked for it, and the people voted with their feet. The government have had to cope with urbanisation rather than it being a deliberate policy decision. In a way, they are paying the price of this rapid urbanisation now.'"
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb's keynote at the American Booksellers Association Winter Institute is featured

Publishers Weekly logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Publishers Weekly -- "But as booksellers consider new models, keynoter Amy Webb (The Signals Are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe Is Tomorrow’s Mainstream), founder of the Future Today Institute, advised them to take into account technology and an automated future. 'I’m pro–independent bookstores,' Webb said. 'But I’m also a pragmatist. While I know you’re doing well today, my concern is that things change, and I am not entirely convinced that you’re prepared for the next 10 years or for the next 20 years.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari is quoted in a trend story about transparency in the luxury beauty industry

Womens Wear Daily logo
Excerpt from Women's Wear Daily -- "'It challenges other brands that are charging a lot of money for magic potions based on secret ingredients but it would take a radical transformation of society to assume that only transparent brands will sell,’ said Serdari. ‘People’s motives in buying beauty products is deeply rooted in [the] psychological, rather than only physical, insecurities. These insecurities are healed as much by the product sold as by the type of escapism the brand offers.'"
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch is interviewed about her research on how taking photos for social media sharing impacts one’s enjoyment of experiences

BigThink logo
Excerpt from Big Think -- "My general takeaway for marketers and businesses is to try not to make the sharing goal salient for people right when they walk into an experience. You see more and more hashtags on walls of establishments and the menus of restaurants. Move that activation process to when customers are finished or when they’re leaving or finishing their meal or when they’ve already made their purchase, because that allows people to be more in the moment."
Faculty News

Professor Menachem Brenner's development of the volatility index is featured

London Review of Books logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from the London Review of Books -- "In the mid-1980s, the economists Menachem Brenner and Dan Galai began to lobby the US options exchanges to create a ‘volatility index’, based on options prices, that would measure stock-market volatility in a way loosely analogous to – albeit mathematically far more sophisticated than – how the Dow Jones average or the Standard & Poor 500 Index summarises the market’s overall level."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla's co-authored book, "A History of Interest Rates," is mentioned

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "Paul Schmelzing, a doctoral candidate in history at Harvard University, recently published a Bank of England working paper that sought to remedy this dearth of information. He began with the work of Sidney Homer and Richard Sylla, whose monumental tome 'A History of Interest Rates' contains a wealth of data going back centuries."
School News

Beth Briggs, Assistant Dean of Career Services, is interviewed about MBA career trends ​in finance​

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "'Because of our exceptional finance faculty, NYU Stern continues to work closely with many investment banking partners and to attract students who are focused on roles in the industry,' adds Briggs. 'We have seen a consistently strong level of interest over the past five years, with growing concentrations of students leveraging this finance foundation to move into roles in the technology sector.'"
School News

Undergraduate student Alex Grieco, representing Stern as a "campus correspondent" for the semester, is profiled

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "I studied at NYU’s campus in Florence, Italy (which is located on a hilltop overlooking downtown Florence) for my sophomore Fall semester. I got to learn Italian, eat with local Florentine families, and teach English to young Italians, all while taking some business coursework such as Intro to Marketing and Organizational Communications."
