School News

Nihal Parthasarathi (BS ’08) on winning the NYU Stern New Venture Competition

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "When 25-year-old North Carolina native Katie Kapler met Nihal Parthasarathi, she knew they'd start a company together. During NYU undergrad, they gave it a shot. But like many founders, their first attempt resulted in utter failure. Now they've re-entered the startup scene with CourseHorse, a company that launched in April."  Additional coverage appeared on
Faculty News

Credit Suisse's Asset Management Division Launches Systematic Trading Group

Excerpt from Investment Weekly News -- "With the launch of the Group, Credit Suisse's Asset Management division is forming a Systematic Trading Advisory Board. The Board will initially consist of Robert Engle, Nobel Prize in Economics 2003."
School News

A discussion of the Annapurna Sanctuary at NYU Stern is referenced

Excerpt from The Himalayan Times -- "Enamoured by my passionate celebration of the Annapurna at New York University (NYU), Rachel along with Alison had requested me to host their visit to Nepal. In the plush NYU Stern School classrooms I had described Annapurna as place of ‘cosmic silence’ and ‘soul of the Gods’."
School News

Socialtext Launches Socialtasks at Enterprise 2.0 Conference

Excerpt from Computer Weekly News -- "More than 6,500 businesses worldwide have accelerated their business performance with Socialtext, including Egon Zehnder, Getty Images, Symantec, Meredith Corporation, NYU Stern, OSIsoft, and Epitaph Records."
Faculty News

Researchers at New York University Publish New Data on Political Science

Excerpt from Politics & Government Week -- "Plumper and Troeger (2007) propose a three-step procedure for the estimation of a fixed effects (FE) model that, it is claimed, 'provides the most reliable estimates under a wide variety of specifications common to real world data.'"
Faculty News

New Public Economic Theory Study Findings Have Been Published by Scientists at New York University

Excerpt from Politics & Government Week -- "We study the policy choices of an incumbent politician when voters imperfectly observe aggregate spending and the incumbent's ability."
Faculty News

Prof. Melissa Schilling on the rise in investments in renewable energy

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "Drops in solar cell prices and surging interest in developing nations led to a 32% increase in investments in renewable energy globally in 2010, a United Nations report finds."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Facebook’s partnership with Skype

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Scott Galloway, founder of L2 Think Tank and a professor at New York University, talks about Facebook Inc.'s plan to offer free video calls over its site through a partnership with Skype Technologies SA, and Facebook's competition with Google Inc.'s social networking site Google+."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini predicts a “perfect storm” of global economic weakness in 2013

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "My prediction for the perfect storm is not this year or next year but 2013, because everybody is kicking the can down the road," he said in a live interview. "We now have a problem in the US after the election if we don't resolve our fiscal problems. China is overheating...eventually it's going to have a hard landing."
Faculty News

Study Results from New York University Provide New Insights into Data Security

Excerpt from Information Technology Newsweekly -- "In this paper we show that selecting mutual funds using alpha computed from a fund's holdings and security betas produces better future alphas than selecting funds using alpha computed from a time-series regression on fund returns."
Faculty News

Prof. Sinan Aral’s research on the benefits of adding viral sharing features to products

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Aral's viral strategies are up to 10 times more effective than banner ads in converting users and around twice as effective as email advertising. He also writes that "notifications and invites also vastly outperform the ad campaign used in our recruitment phase on Facebook," meaning that, for this particular product, there was little need for a traditional banner ad campaign to generate an existing base of users."
Student Club Events

MBA Student Clubs Host Events Year Round

MBA student leaders in Stern’s 40 student clubs host events on topical business issues that bring leaders of business from across industries to campus. Explore Stern’s MBA clubs to learn more.
Press Releases

NYU Stern, LSE and HEC Paris Mark 10-Year Anniversary of TRIUM Global Executive MBA

NYU Stern, LSE and HEC Paris Mark 10-Year Anniversary of TRIUM Global Executive MBA with Announcement to Expand Enrollment
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on Goldman Sachs’s central bank hires

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “The people they’re hiring from central banks tend to have valuable understandings of monetary policies, currencies, what’s going on with regulation and have access to all sorts of important people,” said Roy Smith, a finance professor at New York University and former Goldman Sachs partner. “Goldman Sachs has taken a bashing in the crisis. It’s bound to be near the bottom or recovering now, as there’s nothing of substance to follow the charges. Governments recognize that to be the case.”
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on establishing a European credit rating firm

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "More competition is almost always a good thing," said Lawrence White, an economics professor at New York University. "What worries me is…this is going to be a politically driven entity."
School News

The TRIUM Global Executive MBA program celebrates its 10th anniversary

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Trium, the three-centre Executive MBA programmes, is to add a second cohort in 2012. The programme is taught by New York University’s Stern school, HEC Paris and the London School of Economics (LSE)."
Faculty News

Stern in the News: June 2011

In June, NYU Stern generated more than 900 media hits. Stern faculty were featured for their research and perspectives on a variety of subjects including the debt ceiling debate, cross-cultural marketing theory and online social sharing in prominent outlets such as the Associated Press, Bloomberg, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal. Additionally, in 45 op-eds, Stern faculty discussed the risk of a double-dip recession, the potential break-up of the Eurozone and the Fed’s policy of quantitative easing.
Press Releases

Research Professor Ralph Gomory Testifies at US-China Hearing

On June 15, 2011, Research Professor Ralph Gomory testified before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s hearing on “China’s Five-Year Plan, Indigenous Innovation and Technology Transfers, and Outsourcing.”
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the future of the eurozone

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The muddle-through approach to the eurozone crisis has failed to resolve the fundamental problems of economic and competitiveness divergence within the union. If this continues the euro will move towards disorderly debt workouts, and eventually a break-up of the monetary union itself, as some of the weaker members crash out."
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer is highlighted for his “charter cities” theory

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times - "Western think-tanks are currently awash with ideas as to how the global south should deal with mass urbanisation. Californian writer Mike Davis suggests we face the dystopia of a Planet of Slums. For Paul Romer, the solution lies in a new generation of “charter cities”, with poor countries providing the land and rich countries the urban infrastructure and rule of law."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence is highlighted for his research on US job growth

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME Magazine -- "Nobel laureate Michael Spence, author of The Next Convergence, has looked at which American companies created jobs at home from 1990 to 2008, a period of extreme globalization. The results are startling. The companies that did business in global markets, including manufacturers, banks, exporters, energy firms and financial services, contributed almost nothing to overall American job growth."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on companies' use of Facebook to sell products

Scott Galloway, founder of L2 Think Tank and a professor at New York University, talks about the outlook for companies' use of Facebook. He speaks with Julie Hyman and Bloomberg contributing editor Jay Margolis on Bloomberg Television's "Taking Stock."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on a sovereign debt crisis in Ireland

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "When Nouriel Roubini makes a prediction people stand up and listen. He was right about the financial crisis, now he has predicted a sovereign debt crisis (aka default) for Ireland in the next two to three years."  Additional coverage appeared on
Faculty News

Stern in the News: May 2011

In May, NYU Stern generated more than 600 media hits. Stern faculty were featured for their research and perspectives on a variety of subjects including the impact of online customer reviews, the side effects of multi-tasking, the benefits of corporate blogging, and gender and group dynamics in prominent outlets such as Bloomberg, Financial Times, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal. Additionally, in 29 op-eds, Stern faculty discussed the Strauss-Kahn scandal, women in the Middle East workforce, the challenges of data governance and the Eurozone debt.