Faculty News

Prof. Irv Schenkler on the News Corp scandal

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua -- "Today, Murdoch basically said that I’m here to stay and I’m the best person to fix these problems. That may indeed work for the short run but his appearance also today showed a lot of people that this is an 80-year-old man and we lose control of some of our faculties over time and it may indeed come back to haunt him that he made that personal appearance and there may be some questioning on the part of a number of financial stakeholders, board members even whether it’s time for Rupert Murdoch to step aside."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Cooley on how to prevent future crises in Europe

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from VoxEU.org -- "The sovereign-debt crisis spreading through Europe is threatening the existence of the single currency. Meanwhile in the US, debt has been a problem for many states without threatening the US itself. This column proposes a way of preventing future crises in Europe by learning how policymakers in the US achieve fiscal prudence without loss of sovereignty."
Press Releases

New Research Shows Diversification of Funds of Hedge Funds Increases Risk

It is widely believed that a diversified hedge fund portfolio strategy is an effective hedge against adverse market movements. New research by NYU Stern Finance Professor Stephen Brown, with co-authors Greg Gregoriou and Razvan Pascalau of SUNY College at Plattsburgh School of Business and Economics, shows this is not the case: well-diversified funds of hedge funds are more sensitive to risk than is the average hedge fund in extreme market conditions.
Faculty News

Prof. Stephen Brown’s research, showing that diversification of funds of hedge funds increases risk

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times DealBook blog -- "Not only do funds of funds with more than 20 underlying managers begin to lose the benefit of diversification, they are also more exposed to tail risk events (or highly unlikely, devastating occurrences), according to the study, led by Stephen Brown, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business."  Additional coverage appeared on BNN, Professional Services Close-Up and Infovest21.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the euro zone’s debt crisis

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project-Syndicate.org -- "The eurozone crisis is reaching its climax. Greece is insolvent. Portugal and Ireland have recently seen their bonds downgraded to junk status. Spain could still lose market access as political uncertainty adds to its fiscal and financial woes. Financial pressure on Italy is now mounting."  Additional coverage appeared on a Forbes.com blog, Aljazeera.net, Sunday’s Zaman, Social-Europe.eu, TodayOnline.com, Profittimes.com, Slate.com, Korea Herald and GuruFocus.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith speculates on who will replace Tim Geithner as US Treasury Secretary

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "This summer, the financial cognoscenti have begun speculating on who Tim Geithner’s replacement will be as US Treasury secretary."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on Italy’s need for a new government

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Italy needs a new government of technocrats to weather the financial-market storm because Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Cabinet has lost the confidence of investors, economist Nouriel Roubini told la Repubblica."  Additional coverage appeared on La Repubblica and San Francisco Chronicle.
Faculty News

Data from New York University Provide New Insights into Real Estate

Excerpt from Investment Weekly News -- "We examine the role that analysts play in a firm's choice of underwriter using a sample of major United States investment banks."
Faculty News

Guaranteed to Fail, by four NYU Stern professors, is highlighted as a “Top Business Book”

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Guaranteed to Fail' by Viral V. Acharya, Matthew Richardson, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh and Lawrence J. White (Princeton). Four professors at New York University’s Stern School of Business explain how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac got so big and why we must fix them."
Faculty News

Prof. Susan Stehlik on top advisers leaving Greenhill & Co. Inc.

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “The problem is exacerbated when Wall Street reacts and the stock moves too much,” said Susan Stehlik, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. “That stock ticker can be as dramatic as an EKG or cholesterol test for some people.”  Additional coverage appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on Dow Jones’s history

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes.com -- "A few months back the folks at Dow Jones Indexes hosted a get-together to celebrate the Dow’s 115th anniversary, and one of the speakers was Professor Richard Sylla from NYU. Sylla discussed the Dow’s history, and featured a slide revealing just what came of the 12 original components selected by Charles Dow back in 1896."  Additional coverage appeared on Yahoo! News.
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on M&F Worldwide Corp.

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “If the M&F board decides to put up the ‘for sale’ sign, then it has to be guided by Revlon,” Roy Smith, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said in an e-mail message.
Faculty News

Prof. April Klein on reverse stock splits

Nightly Business Report logo
Excerpt from Nightly Business Report -- "Companies tend to do the reverse stock split because their prices are low. Why are their prices low? Because they`ve been having poor earnings. So, unless they can change things around dramatically, it`s not going to go back up."
Faculty News

Prof. Frances Milliken’s research on how people in power communicate differently is referenced

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Frances Milliken did a marvelous study comparing how those in power think and communicate differently from the rest of us. They're more optimistic, prepared to take bigger risks and think in more abstract terms. And the more cut off they become, the more certain they are that they are right."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the importance of raising the US debt ceiling

Excerpt from the New York Daily News -- "The stock market will tank, which will damage everyone's portfolio and/or pension fund," White said. That's what happened when Congress initially failed to pass the TARP legislation in Oct. of 2008, White noted.  Additional coverage appeared on Zeit Online and PolitiFact.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Matthew Richardson discusses Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

On The Daily Show, Prof. Matthew Richardson discusses Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from Guaranteed to Fail, co-authored with Profs Viral Acharya, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh and Lawrence White.
Faculty News

Prof. Priya Raghubir on Toyota’s new RAV4 ad campaign

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Priya Raghubir, a marketing professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University, praised Burrell’s choice of a bulldog as a 'mascot' for the RAV4. 'It’s extremely memorable, like the Budweiser Clydesdale horses in their Super Bowl ads,' she said."
Faculty News

Scientists at New York University Report Research in Automation Science

Excerpt from Journal of Robotics & Machine Learning -- "We consider the problem of cooperatively minimizing the sum of convex functions, where the functions represent local objective functions of the agents."
Press Releases

NYU Stern and Centre for Economic Policy Research Publish E-Book of Conference Proceedings

NYU Stern and Centre for Economic Policy Research Publish E-Book of Conference Proceedings, "Dodd-Frank: One Year On"
School News

Dean Peter Henry on NYU's development as a global university

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "The move away from the stand-alone business school is also apparent at NYU Stern. Dean Peter Blair Henry says he joined the school in January 2010 because of the university president’s vision to develop a global university with the business school playing a part alongside the other departments."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on the power of Dodd-Frank

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In Smith’s view, the power of Dodd-Frank can already be seen in moves like Citigroup Inc. (C)’s decision to sell off lines of business such as its consumer-lending unit. New regulations governing different lines of business, in addition to the substantial increase in the amount of liquid capital banks must hold, are making it too expensive for financial institutions to stay at their current size, Smith said."
School News

NYU Stern Foundations, a summer program on business essentials, is highlighted

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "Though she's a history major at the University of Pennsylvania, rising junior Jesse Reich, who completed New York University's Stern Foundations: Business Essentials for Non-Business Students program this month, claims that the business professors understood how to frame the difficult concepts in ways that she could understand."