Faculty News

Prof. Ralph Gomory's warning that US competitiveness is declining is cited

Foreign Policy logo
Excerpt from Foreign Policy -- " ... former Intel chief Andy Grove, former HP CEO John Young, Dow Chemical CEO Andrew LIveris, former IBM Chief Scientist and Sloan Foundation President Ralph Gomory, Harvard Economist Dani Rodrik, and author Pat Choate have warned of declining U.S. competitiveness and its devastating economic and security implications."
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman's new Z-Score smartphone App is featured

Excerpt from Finance Professionals' Post -- "This smartphone App provides the client with timely assessments of the credit risk and probability of default of companies on a global basis based on the famed and well tested Altman Z-Score family of models." Additional coverage appeared in Business Insider.
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman's new Z-Score app for smartphones is featured

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "According to 'The Financial Professional's Post,' Professor Altman and Business Compass LLC teamed up to develop a smartphone app so that credit analysts can carry the power of the Altman Z-Score in the palm of their hands."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on the Fed's involvement with the US housing market

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The Fed needs to get out of the housing business, and indeed, the rest of day-to-day commerce. And it needs to spend more energy on building the trust that Sapienza tries to quantify."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose is featured as the FT Lexicon Professor of the Week

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The five terms defined by Anindya Ghose on FT Lexicon this week are: digital marketing; user-generated content (UGC); mobile internet; sponsored search advertising; and crowdfunding."
Faculty News

Prof. David Poltrack on entertainment content and the digital cloud

Excerpt from Home Media Magazine -- “It’s always been a question of access. Now we have universal access, and consumers love the concept.” Additional coverage appeared on Fora.tv, GigaOm.com and PaleyCenter.org.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the outlook for Canada's economy

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- “The resource orientation of Canada is one the sources of its strength. While there may be a slowdown in China, the forces that lead to demand for commodities being high and rising -- urbanization, industrialization, population growth, per capita income growth in emerging markets -- I don’t think they’re going to change even if there are some bumps down the road.” Additional coverage appeared in Bloomberg.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on US job growth

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal blog -- “US job growth is still too mediocre to make a dent in the overall unemployment rate and on labor income." Additional coverage appeared in The Daily Beast.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Thomas Sargent compares the euro zone crisis to US debt in the 1790s

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Economists—notably Nobel Laureate Thomas Sargent—and the news media have drawn comparisons between the troubled eurozone today and the United States assuming states' debts in the 1790s."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Evan Shapiro on the Las Vegas Consumer Electronic Show

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Even though TV executives don't necessarily work in technology, nothing at the moment affects their lives and jobs more than the connected electronics through which their content is seen."
Faculty News

An interview with Prof. Scott Galloway on the US anti-piracy legislation

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "A lot of people think if you read this legislation verbatim you could effectively put Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube under not only serious economic strain, but put almost every major sharing site out of business." Additional coverage appeared in The Washington Post.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini is cited for his support of shared appreciation mortgage (SAM) modifications

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "Roubini, who cites Goodman's work in his own, recently co-wrote a report suggesting that SAMS could help 'unclog the real estate and financial arteries and restore healthy circulation.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer on the impact of ideas

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "[Romer] points out that millions of little discoveries ... combined with some very big ones, have exponentially improved the quality of life over the past century."
Faculty News

Prof. Panos Ipeirotis on crowdsourced labor

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Crowdsourced labor can cost companies less than half as much as typical outsourcing, says Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, an associate professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, who studies crowdsourcing."
School News

Arianna Huffington spoke at NYU Stern on January 17

Excerpt from Broadway World -- "NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) is hosting the 2nd annual Women Entrepreneurs Festival January 17th and 18th, 2012. ... Arianna Huffington will provide the keynote address on January 17th at NYU’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence's book, "The Next Convergence," is cited

Excerpt from Sri Lanka Guardian -- "As Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Economics at New York University observes in his book 'The Next Convergence' of India 'India’s earlier slow growth was partly attributable to a distrust of foreign investors and a relatively low level of foreign investment by multinational firms.'"
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Daniel Altman on credit-rating agencies

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "In the corporate world, there are at least three things wrong with credit-rating agencies. First, they get paid by the very companies whose securities they rate."
Faculty News

"Retail 2020" whitepaper, co-authored by Professors Herb Kleinberger and Sam Craig, is featured

Herb Kleinberger delivered a presentation on "Retail 2020" at the National Retail Federation's 101st Annual Convention and Expo, held January 16-17 in New York City. The whitepaper discusses the future of retailing and outlines the implications for retailers today.
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times blog -- "Haidt is sharply critical of some aspects of liberalism. Liberals’ determination to help victims often leads them 'to push for changes that weaken groups, traditions, institutions, and moral capital.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Amir Malin on Lionsgate's acquisition of Summit Entertainment

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “The transaction is a net positive for all parties, but consolidation in the sector is reflective of the significant challenges in the industry." Additional coverage appeared in Vancouver Sun and BusinessDay.
Faculty News

Research Scholar Robert Frank's book, "The Darwin Economy," is referenced

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Evolutionary theories impact our thinking about economics implicitly and explicitly, as occurred when Robert Frank called his new book on the current financial contraction, 'The Darwin Economy.'" Additional coverage appeared in The Daily Beast, Texas Public Radio and Princeton University Press blog.
Faculty News

The Mei-Moses Fine Art Index, co-created by Prof. Michael Moses, is referenced

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters blog -- " ... these artists have almost nothing in the way of a long-term auction history, they’re not going to be showing up in the Mei-Moses art index for a while. That requires paintings to have been sold twice. But when that happens, we’re going to have some very crazy results." Additional coverage appeared in Artinfo and RT.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides on the S&P downgrading the European economy

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "This is good for the European Union, and it is also good for the rest of the world. The United States would like the Europeans to take more seriously their own crisis and deal with it."