Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's blog post on Steve Ballmer's purchase of the LA Clippers is featured

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Since that was more than three times higher than any other NBA team had sold for and matched the price tag for the most expensive sports franchise sale in US history (the sale of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2012), the bid raised questions about whether a sports franchise can be valued, how it is priced and whether there is an ego premium embedded in this particular offer. I am not a Clippers fan, but I love sports, and these questions not only deserve answers but have broader implications for valuing entertainment and media businesses."
School News

Prof. Anindya Ghose's social media course is featured

Excerpt from MBAPrograms.org -- "The takeaways are learning what measurements from social media to use, and seeing the relationship between the actions you take on this platform and their results. 'The causal relationship is more useful and reliable than mere prediction,' says Ghose. All this, he adds, can improve one's management skills because they teach you how to use data to drive decisions."
School News

Mastercard President & CEO Ajay Banga's remarks at Stern's Graduation are featured

Excerpt from MSN -- "'It's critical that you figure out who you are and be comfortable with it. What is important is what you do and how you do it, not where you come from or what you look like. That’s going to be very important for your future,' he said."
School News

The Sharing Economy Summit at Stern is featured

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- No one expected a lovefest when Meera Joshi, the chairwoman of New York’s Taxi and Limousine Commission, and David Estrada, the vice president of government relations for ride-sharing startup Lyft, sat on a panel to discuss 'Regulation and New Business Models' at a recent conference at New York University. Lyft would love to operate in New York City, but city regulations prohibit the startup’s version of a taxi service, in which nonprofessionals use private vehicles to shuttle passengers. This is exactly the kind of regulatory obstructionism that infuriates proponents of the so-called sharing economy, but an audience expecting fireworks was disappointed. The mutual affection was so thick that several times the moderator apologetically noted his inability to create any contentiousness."
School News

Prof. Susan Stehlik's undergraduate class experiment on gender and leadership is highlighted

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "In an experiment conducted at the Stern School of Business at New York University in 2003, male and female graduate students who assessed the leadership capabilities of a real-life successful entrepreneur named Heidi were far more inclined to admire this accomplished individual when she was recast as Howard. Judging the likeability factor. Students given the case study about Heidi perceived her as 'selfish,' 'out for herself,' and 'a little political' -- in short, not as likable as Howard. When this experiment was replayed in 2013, substituting Kathryn and Martin for Heidi and Howard, students actually liked Kathryn slightly better than Martin (8 versus 7.6) -- but they didn’t trust her nearly as much (6.4 for Kathryn, 7.8 for Martin). As the evaluators explained to CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper, who staged the replay, 'men seem more genuine,' whereas women seem to be 'trying too hard,' making them less trustworthy."
School News

The Sharing Economy Summit at Stern is highlighted

NextCity logo
Excerpt from Next City -- "Those five stages — technical possibility, social adoption, regulatory reaction, civil disobedience, and negotiated settlement — argued [speaker Clay] Shirky, are likely going to echo throughout the sharing economy over the next few years. And we’re at least on Stage Two; Shirky told of recently trying to street-hail a Manhattan taxi cab to take his nine-year-old daughter to dance class by waving his arms and scanning the horizon. His daughter’s assessment of that approach: 'Uh, Dad, don’t you have Uber?'"
Faculty News

Prof. William Baumol's "cost disease" theory is highlighted

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Economist William Baumol noticed that in certain of our endeavors labor costs continue to rise though labor productivity does not increase. His famous example was a Beethoven quartet which takes exactly as much time to play today as it did one hundred years ago and with exactly the same number of players. But those musicians now make more money."
Faculty News

Profs John Asker & Alexander Ljungqvist's research on private vs. public company investments is cited

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "Boeing’s decision to minimize its assets was made with Wall Street in mind. RONA is used by financial analysts to judge managers and companies, and the fixation on this kind of metric has influenced the choices of many firms. In fact, research by the economists John Asker, Joan Farre-Mensa, and Alexander Ljungqvist shows that a desire to maximize short-term share price leads publicly held companies to invest only about half as much in assets as their privately held counterparts do."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence discusses India's economic outlook

Excerpt from CNBC-TV18 -- "Nobel laureate and an acknowledged authority on growth and policy in developing countries, Spence feels that on policy side, the government should have an open approach. 'The potential in India is enormous. The human capital, the talent and so on, it’s just a matter of getting the obstacles out of the way,' he told CNBC-TV18’s Latha Venkatesh."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses a resurgence of economic nationalism

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "The main causes of these trends are clear. Anemic economic recovery has provided an opening for populist parties, promoting protectionist policies, to blame foreign trade and foreign workers for the prolonged malaise. Add to this the rise in income and wealth inequality in most countries, and it is no wonder that the perception of a winner-take-all economy that benefits only elites and distorts the political system has become widespread. Nowadays, both advanced economies (like the United States, where unlimited financing of elected officials by financially powerful business interests is simply legalized corruption) and emerging markets (where oligarchs often dominate the economy and the political system) seem to be run for the few."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Risk & the Global Economy Are Focus at NYU Stern’s 2nd Annual Risk Management Symposium

NYU Stern’s 2nd Annual Risk Management Symposium convened professors and industry practitioners to discuss current global risk issues.
Faculty News

Visiting Prof. Joseph Henrich's research on cross-cultural differences is cited

The Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Psychologists have long known that different cultures tend to think differently. In China and Japan, people think more communally, in terms of relationships. By contrast, people are more individualistic in what psychologist Joseph Henrich, in commenting on the new paper, calls 'WEIRD cultures.' WEIRD stands for Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic. Dr. Henrich's point is that cultures like these are actually a tiny minority of all human societies, both geographically and historically. But almost all psychologists study only these WEIRD folks."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is highlighted

Cover of The Righteous Mind
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "We have learned a lot about the nature of humankind since the 1950s. In his best-selling book "The Righteous Mind," social psychologist Jonathan Haidt likens the human mind to a rider (reason) on an elephant (intuition). Back in the 1950s we thought that the rider was in charge, or ought to be. Evidence is accumulating from several fields that this view is wrong; the elephant is in charge and the rider is a much better rationalizer in hindsight than a reasoner in prospect. It seems that, with our limited conscious mental capacity, our minds have evolved to make fast 'good enough' decisions under pressure of time and conditions of uncertainty. Sometimes, especially in evolutionarily unfamiliar contexts, these intuitions play us false, but most of the time they work just fine and we couldn’t live without them."
School News

MBA student Troy Green discusses his investment strategies

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Everyone is worried about the economy, but overall you have to take the GDP numbers, you have to take the more macroeconomic factors as more of a 10,000-foot level and... in making specific investments, you have to narrow it down more to a company-specific investment and that's what I do in investing. That's what we do at Stern as well. I work in the student Michael Price investment fund and we're always looking at stocks. We're always evaluating different positions and poking holes in different theses..."
Faculty News

Prof. Jennifer Carpenter discusses her recent research with Prof. Whitelaw on China's stock market

CCTV logo
Excerpt from CCTV -- "Now that China's become the world's largest investor – investing twice as much as the US last year in real terms, so it's really the largest investor by a wide margin – the efficiency of China's investment is a matter of global concern. And China's financial system will largely determine the efficiency of that investment because it's the financial system that decides which projects get financed. And China's financial system has been dominated by its banking sector, while the stock market's been a bit of a side show. But what our research is finding is that China's stock market is actually doing quite well and probably deserves more attention and more capital."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Macro-Financial Modeling Group Conference

The Macro-Financial Modeling Group will host its 2014 conference, focusing on sovereign credit risk and financial stability, at NYU Stern from May 30-31. 
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence on China's currency

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'I think the central bank is making occasional interventions to make traders understand that this [the yuan] can go up or down. It does look like tactical maneuvering more than anything else,' Michael Spence, professor of economics, at the NYU Stern School of Business, said on CNBC, with regards to whether the central bank was deliberately guiding the yuan lower in order to support the economy."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran discusses the value of technology stocks

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED UK -- "The next time someone says that Twitter is worth $50 billion because it's going to have $100 billion in advertising revenue, stop them and ask, 'Well, if it's going to have $100 billion in ad revenue, then who's losing? Because it can't be coming from The New York Times, as most newspapers are penny change in this market. It's got to be coming from Facebook or Google. So if you have Twitter, Facebook and Google in your portfolio and you're telling me that each of these companies is going to be collecting enormous revenues, then I have a problem. Because you have all winners and no losers. It's not a zero-sum game; at some point for every winner there have to be some losers."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on Zappos's new social network hiring system

Excerpt from Ecommerce Times -- "'In the case of Zappos, because it is about prospective job candidates, people are going to be very measured and selective about what they say and do on these internal forums,' Ghose told the E-Commerce Times. 'They would want to give the best possible impression to prospective recruiters, and so their content will be very carefully curated.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence discusses China's economy

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "It looks like China is not scheduled for any kind of hard landing as far as I can see, and they're really just nervous because they're waiting for the household sector to kick in and sort of help out because the export sector is contributing next to nothing to growth and they don't want to overuse the investment lever."
Faculty News

Vice Dean Adam Brandenburger is profiled

Excerpt from mbaMission -- "An expert on game theory and its practical application to business strategy, Adam Brandenburger ('Game Theory and Business Strategy') was voted the NYU Stern MBA Professor of the Year in 2006, and in 2008 received an NYU Excellence in Teaching award in recognition of his teaching and course development work."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on ridesharing service Uber

Mashable Logo
Excerpt from Mashable -- "'I've noticed that in cities where Uber competes with Lyft, the pricing is substantially lower than in markets where they don't compete,' said Arun Sundararajan, professor of Information, operations and management sciences at New York University. 'New York is one of the markets where they don't compete with Lyft.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Spence's theory of economic signaling is higlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "One theoretical economical model that comes to mind that supports Kelly’s belief is Michael Spence’s signalling model of education. In this model, a person with high ability, ability that cannot be directly observed by prospective employers, looks for some way to signal that ability to differentiate himself from lower ability competitors."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway's remarks at the DLD Conference are highlighted

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "In the retail sector, Mr. Galloway argued that Amazon.com Inc. is a big winner at the expense of brands that have weak digital strategies, such as Target. He offered what might be the best metaphor I’ve ever heard to explain what Amazon is doing by building gigantic fulfilment centres outside of urban areas. He suggests that while the cable company is your conduit for digital bits (think cable modem service), Amazon’s fulfilment business is set to become your conduit for atoms (physical stuff). Because Amazon spends so much money on technology and fulfilment, Mr. Galloway says it’s like they’ve gone underwater with a huge oxygen tank and forced their competitors, who have much smaller oxygen tanks, to dive down too. He calmly predicts that the weaker players will run out of air and drown."