Faculty News

Professor Alvin Lieberman explains Netflix's creation of its own movies

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "'The moment that they began making their own films they had to recognize that they were without many opportunities to pursue international business,' says Alvin Lieberman, executive director of the Entertainment, Media, and Technology Initiative at NYU’s Stern School of Business. After all, most major film studios now make more money from international markets than the United States, and have adjusted the development process to accommodate that change."
Faculty News

NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer identifies the largest geopolitical threats to the economy worldwide

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The first thing I came up with for right now has got to be the refugee crisis in Europe. I mean, we've got some 5 million nearly refugees coming just from Syria. Only 6% made it to Europe thus far. A lot more are coming. The ability of the Europeans to integrate these people is virtually nil. The cultural backlash. The populism that comes in the European capitals as a consequence."
School News

In an op-ed, David Segall, Policy Associate at Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights, discusses the rights violations of urban development workers in the Gulf region

Fair Observer logo
Excerpt from Fair Observer -- "In many ways, the current situation is a classic case of collective action failure. No one stakeholder wants to take initiative unless others also commit to taking the plunge. In the case of the Gulf, the cultural, sports and academic institutions that sponsor some of these projects—often based in developed countries—claim that they have no authority over GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) policies."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt illustrates the different belief systems of liberals and conservatives

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Jonathan Haidt, a professor of social psychology at N.Y.U., noted in an email that for liberals, 'compassion for those who are suffering is the most crucial virtue.' Conservatives, in contrast, 'believe more in "just deserts" and making criminals pay.'"
Faculty News

The Volatility Institute at NYU Shanghai's (VINS) First Annual Conference is featured; Professor Robert Engle's comments are highlighted

Pudong Times logo
Excerpt from Pudong Times -- "Emerging markets, especially in China, have recently accelerated liberalization processes in numerous financial sectors. Nobel winner Robert Engle, Director of the Volatility Institute at NYU Stern School of Business, gave a speech about the risks of 2016. The audience took part in a wide discussion of financial topics."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan responds to Airbnb and Uber's positioning as champions of the middle class

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle -- "'Their narratives are grounded in the truth,' [Sundararajan] said. 'Uber creates a form of work for hundreds of thousands of people. Airbnb’s hundreds of thousands of hosts are leading better lives because they can supplement their income with their Airbnb revenues.' Although they are multibillion-dollar companies, their models 'actually do share a pretty large fraction of the value created (by renting rooms or giving rides) with the people providing the service.'"
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat is named to the 2015 Thinkers50 ranking of management thinkers

Livemint logo
Excerpt from LiveMint -- "Pankaj Ghemawat (No. 19) is based at New York’s Stern School and IESE Business School in Spain. Nominated for the 2013 Thinkers50 Global Solutions Award for his Global Connectedness Index, Ghemawat was the youngest full professor at Harvard Business School. His 2011 book World 3.0 won the Thinkers50 Book Award."   
Student Club Events

First Annual Veterans Week

First Annual Veterans Week
From Tuesday, November 10 to Thursday, November 12, the Military Veterans Club will host events in celebration of its first annual Veterans Week.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Spotlight on Digital Currency at Stern’s MS in Risk Management Roundtable

MS in Risk Management Roundtable
NYU Stern’s MS in Risk Management (MSRM) Program hosted the second Risk Roundtable Series on Monday, November 9, 2015. As the financial services and banking industries see an increase in digital currency transactions, a panel of experts convened at NYU Stern to discuss cryptocurrency, providing students and alumni of the program with an opportunity to delve into this timely topic.
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose reacts to the recent SEC approval of equity crowdfunding

Investor's Business Daily logo
Excerpt from Investor's Business Daily -- "It has a potential to be a game changer,' said Anindya Ghose, professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'I think the rest of the world will look to (the U.S.) to shape the agenda and make the rules.'"
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat discusses his research on globalization

Les Echos logo
Excerpt from Les Echos -- "For a long time we lived with the idea that the world had become flat and the border had completely disappeared, thanks to globalization. This was never the case! Economic, cultural, administrative and political differences between countries have always existed. Today, the DHL Global Connectedness Index 2014, on which I worked, measures levels of integration between countries, and shows that we are almost back to the state where we were before the crisis, the same 'levels' of globalization. But if we look in detail, it is the flow of people and information that have increased, while the growth in trade and capital transfers, which affect the operation of enterprises, are stagnating."
Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professors Roy Smith and Brad Hintz explore solutions for global banks as they reduce their investment banking businesses

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "Getting rid of the troublesome investment banks leaves the parents with much diminished scale and more limited aspirations, but the parents would be able to concentrate on their commercial and retail businesses and have a chance to improve their stock prices considerably, as UBS has done, while greatly easing the minds of their regulators."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Mindfulness Discussion with Manish Chopra, Partner, McKinsey & Company

Manish Chopra
Manish Chopra will lead a discussion on the benefits of mindfulness in business and share how he has personally benefited from mindfulness practice.
Faculty News

Professor Dan Gode explains the importance of a company's interest coverage ratio

Wall Street Journal logo
Excert from The Wall Street Journal -- "The ratio can be calculated by dividing operating income—typically defined as earnings before interest and taxes, or EBIT—by its interest expense. ... 'If your coverage ratio is 1, then you have no cushion,' says Dan Gode, accounting professor at the New York University Stern School of Business. Simply: When a company’s operating earnings are equal to its borrowing costs (giving it a coverage ratio of 1.0), there is no margin for error. If the business meets a rough patch and earnings drop, then the company might not be able to pay the interest on its loans. 'If the ratio is north of 3 or 4, then you have some cushion,' Prof. Gode adds."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Joost van Dreunen argues that the gaming industry should expand the scope of its target audience to be more inclusive of women

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Focusing on too narrow of an audience reduces its potential as a form of entertainment. Conversely, acknowledging women as part a financially viable part of the total gamer audience forces game companies to innovate their businesses."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's research on "mathiness" and economic growth is cited

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Insisting on clear prose analysis rather than hard numbers keeps you from sliding down the slope that Paul Romer, an economist at NYU, recently named ‘Mathiness’, i.e. economics masquerading as science through math. Avoiding the 'mathiness trap' will thereby make you more likely to examine the logic and assumptions underpinning the drivers and constraints that are driving the situation."
Faculty News

Professor Alexander Ljungqvist's research on public company investments is cited

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "In the US, economists John Asker, Joan Farre-Mensa and Alexander Ljungqvist have found evidence that public companies invest substantially less and are less responsive to changes in investment opportunities, especially in industries where share prices are most sensitive to earnings news."
Faculty News

Professor Luís Cabral discusses Portugal's election results

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'We’re at an incredible impasse,' said Luís Cabral, a Portuguese economist and professor at New York University. 'There are two different readings of this election, both legitimate, but with opposite prescriptions in terms of what should be done next.'"
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran comments on Microsoft's stock buyback

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Microsoft’s approach is both disturbing and admirable, he said. 'As citizens, we are getting the worst of both worlds, but under current tax laws and with interest rates as low as they are, the buybacks are very smart,' Mr. Damodaran said."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt illustrates a connection between capitalism and happiness

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Rising prosperity can bring rising security, which causes changing values, which causes rising education - especially for women - which causes demographic transition, which causes shrinking population, which benefits our environment. It holds the potential to free us to find more meaning and flourishing."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Hans Taparia argues that big food companies must adapt to changing consumer tastes to survive

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "For legacy food companies to have any hope of survival, they will have to make bold changes in their core product offerings. Companies will have to drastically cut sugar; process less; go local and organic; use more fruits, vegetables and other whole foods; and develop fresh offerings."
Student Club Events

2015 Graduate Marketing Association Conference

2015 GMA Conference logo
On Friday, November 6, the Graduate Marketing Association (GMA) will host its 2015 conference, themed "Engaging Consumers: Differentiating Where It Matters Most."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer argues that the Iran nuclear deal has not helped American business interests

Linkedin logo
Excerpt from LinkedIn -- "The Revolutionary Guard controls crucial sectors of Iran’s economy, and many of Iran’s largest companies are controlled by veterans of the group. The last thing they want is competition from international firms, especially American ones, over an Iranian market they’ve had cornered for nearly 30 years. Their other concern is upcoming parliamentary elections in February. The nuclear deal has given Rouhani’s approval ratings a huge lift, and has made Zarif a political superstar in the country."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle ​discusses the impact of volatility in China and on global financial stability

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I worry a lot about the Chinese banks. ... The capital needs of Chinese state-owned banks have been increasing very steadily since the financial crisis. China is loaded with debt. It's being issued back and forth between the banks and state-owned enterprises and the municipal governments and many of these are not very credit worthy anymore. Yet everything is guaranteed by the government. So, the banks don't see it as a big risk, but the stock market doesn't see the banks as that good of an investment."
Faculty News

In a co-authored op-ed, Professor Michael Spence responds to Larry Summers' criticism of his views on quantitative easing

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "We acknowledge that U.S. economic performance is better than many other major developed economies. But we are unwilling to resort to a theory of 'secular stagnation' to rationalize modest economic performance and low investment. We suggest an alternative explanation that focuses on the interaction of the new conduct of monetary policy with the level and composition of aggregate demand. The importance of the policy issue demands a rigorous and open-minded discussion."