School News

Elements Digital Health, co-founded by Rahul Kumar (BS ’13) and Archit Vijoy (BS ’12) and winner of the 2016 Social Venture Competition, is featured; Professor Cynthia Franklin is quoted

We See Genius logo
Excerpt from We See Genius -- "Marketed as the 'Swiss army knife of diagnostic tools,' the handheld device connects to a smartphone through Bluetooth technology. It takes temperatures, measures blood oxygen, pressure, and glucose levels, and even serves as an ECG. ... Elements Digital Health’s identification of a problem and creation of a product-market fit helped elevate them from the other teams — which numbered more than 50 — that competed in the social venture portion of the contest, Franklin says."
School News

Professor David Yermack discusses Stern's new FinTech specialization for MBA students

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "NYU Stern, which announced a new fintech specialization in late June, added it to the curriculum because of the rapid growth to this sector in recent years. 'There is great demand in finance organizations to hire students who have analytical skills based in the information technology area,' states Yermack."
Faculty News

Professor Rosa Abrantes-Metz discusses the market manipulation allegations against BP

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'There have been very few manipulation cases proved,' said Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz, a New York University professor and market-manipulation expert who has testified in enforcement cases, including the natural gas case against BP. 'The requirements are high, they’re difficult to establish.'"
Faculty News

Professor Viral Acharya's joint research on banking stress tests is spotlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "The report’s authors — ZEW’s Sascha Steffen, NYU Stern’s Viral Acharya and University of Lausanne’s Diane Pierre — argue that the tests dramatically underestimate the actual capital shortfall at the banks, which they say could be as high as €900bn based on a market measure of capital."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the implications of Didi's acquisition of Uber China; his book, "The Sharing Economy," is highlighted

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "The significance of the Didi deal is as much about the endurance of the sharing economy as it is about Uber itself, according to Sundararajan. 'This is a moment that speaks to the immense market size of sharing-economy industries,' he says. 'We should be looking at this as the next generation of transportation. Uber isn’t going after the taxi industry; it’s going after the automotive industry. It wants to divert the trillions of dollars we spend on new and used cars.'"
Faculty News

Professor Rebecca Schaumberg's joint research on self-reliance and women leaders is featured

Boston Globe logo
Excerpt from The Boston Globe -- "According to business-school professors at New York University and Stanford University, self-reliance earns women respect — as it’s a positive trait typically associated with men — and without undermining women’s reputation for being team players, and without the fallout from being bossy. In an analysis of 360-degree employee feedback, self-reliance was associated with better leadership ratings for women, but not for men, even controlling for age, self-esteem, dominance, and feeling in control of one’s fate."
Faculty News

Professor Alvin Lieberman explains why some athletes use crowdfunding to cover their expenses for the Olympics

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Large companies often pay tens of millions of dollars simply to show the Olympic rings insignia on their particular products in the run-up to the games and after, says Alvin Lieberman, clinical professor of marketing entrepreneurship and innovation at New York University’s Stern School of Business. ... Crowdfunding can be a good alternative to running up expenses they can’t pay for. 'It is a very good place for athletes to go and for people to connect,' Lieberman says."
Faculty News

Professor Michael North's research on ageism in the workplace is referenced

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "...A 2013 experiment found that young people looked more favorably upon older adults who 'act their age' by listening to Frank Sinatra over the Black Eyed Peas, or by being more generous with their money. One of the researchers, Michael North, an assistant professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, says younger people tend to resent it when older workers don’t 'get out of the way' and retire."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Aswath Damodaran discusses valuation, interest rates, and his views on investing

The Motley Fool  logo
Excerpt from The Motley Fool -- "I think don’t make diversification the enemy of value investing. You could be a value investor and diversified at the same time, and we live in a world where you have to spread your bets."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack discusses his research on First Lady Michelle Obama's impact on the fashion industry

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "'Her influence has been extremely large, but in many ways, she's likely a unique case, and I wouldn't expect anywhere near the same thing from any other person,' Yermack says. 'Michelle was popular with Democrats, Republicans, and at times, even more popular than her husband. She was often very much able to transcend the politics and connect with the greater public.'"
School News

In an in-depth interview, Dean Peter Henry emphasizes the importance of access to higher education through scholarships

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "Since taking on the role, [Henry] has gotten NYU to start offering 34 scholarships to low-income undergraduates at the business school that cover all tuition, room and board. 'As a dean, opening the door to business school to high-achieving lower-income kids -- to teach these kids how to fish -- is one of my top priorities,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Viral Acharya is interviewed about his new research on European stress tests

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "'The EU is making the same mistakes over and over and over again,' says Viral Acharya, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'They’re not demanding that the banks be recapitalized as they should be, and allowing things to get worse by enabling lenders to keep zombie loans they should have dumped years ago.'"
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat discusses Brexit trade negotiations

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from the Associated Press -- "'They didn’t expect to win so no one has any idea what to do now,' said Pankaj Ghemawat, a professor at IESE Business School in Spain and NYU, of the campaign to leave the EU. 'The analogy that comes to mind is the dog chasing the car. Sometimes the dog catches the car, and then doesn’t know what to do with it.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway comments on Facebook's pattern of imitating Snapchat's features

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'Facebook is very worried about Snapchat,' said NYU marketing professor Scott Galloway. 'Facebook is used to owning social media, and not being the hottest girl on campus has them a little freaked out.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses Uber's obstacles to expanding globally

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC News -- "It's quite possible that Uber has prioritized rapid growth over deepening its understanding of the culture and business practices of the countries that it enters. I certainly think that they prioritize getting a presence on the ground over a careful, measured entry strategy. But in the business that they're in, that might be necessary. Because in each city, the company that gains drivers and gains passengers early is likely to have an advantage in the long run because when you have more drivers, the passengers like your service. And the passengers like your service, you become more attractive to drivers."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor JP Eggers discusses his new joint research on established businesses and innovation

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Excerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- "In the discussion about why incumbent firms fail to adopt radical technologies — which has been an ongoing research topic and the subject of many popular and academic books — this has been a fundamental question: Are these firms unwilling to do it, or are they unable to do it? What we show in this paper is that they’re certainly able to do it, and they’re typically very successful when they do it, on average."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains why the sale of UberChina to Didi is a win for Uber

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "I think ceding China to Didi, while it might seem like a loss for Uber in the short run, is a bigger win for Uber in many ways than it is for Didi because it takes a country that was a money pit for the company, and in some ways is the biggest threat to its existence, off the table, and allows it to focus on the rest of the world."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan comments on Didi's acquisition of UberChina

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "'It's a truce, but it's also a victory for Didi and it's a smart victory for Uber,' said Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of business and the author of the book The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism. 'The only real existential threat that Uber faces is the fact that they are trying to win China, and they're burning a lot of money trying to gain market share in China in the face of a much larger and well-funded domestic competitor.' Sundararajan says that the deal takes China off the table, and, with it, the worries of many potential Uber investors."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Finance and Accounting for Non-Finance Executives

Executive Education Short Course
This program prepares executives with a general understanding of accounting and financial principles as they relate to organizations' operations and decision-making processes. It also prepares financial analysts and investors with a general understanding of the valuation content and limitations of financial statement information.
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar comments on the increased demand for courses on artificial intelligence and data science

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "NYU’s Stern School of Business offers courses on basic data handling skills plus programming languages like Python, and an introduction to machine learning. ... 'Business schools are putting more artificial intelligence or data science content into their curricula,' says professor Vasant Dhar of NYU Stern and the Center for Data Science."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry's appointment to the Carnegie Corporation's "Great Immigrant" list is highlighted

The Chronicle of Higher Education logo
Excerpt from The Chronicle of Higher Education -- "Three higher-education administrators and four professors are among the 'great immigrants' recognized by the Carnegie Corporation of New York this year for their notable contributions to the progress of American society. The administrators are Ronald J. Daniels, president of the Johns Hopkins University, from Canada; Peter Blair Henry, dean of the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University, from Jamaica; and Farnam Jahanian, provost and chief academic officer of Carnegie Mellon University, from Iran."
School News

In an op-ed, Justin Gage (BS '18) illustrates's business model as an alternative to traditional venture capital funding

VentureBeat  logo
Excerpt from VentureBeat -- " is for the businesses that don’t want VC or weren’t wanted by VC. It’s for companies focused on profitability instead of pure growth that want to run their businesses without VCs interfering. It seems focused on disrupting the current VC model, and it isn’t shy about it – its website runs a video of a burning unicorn head in the background. I think we get the message – in some ways, the disruptors (or those who fund them) are being disrupted."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's op-ed on nationalism and globalism is featured

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "As Jonathan Haidt points out in the American Interest, a quarterly review, patriots 'think their country and its culture are unique and worth preserving'. Some think their country is superior to all others, but most love it for the same reason that people love their spouse: 'because she or he is yours'. He argues that immigration tends not to provoke social discord if it is modest in scale, or if immigrants assimilate quickly."
Faculty News

Professor Joseph Foudy discusses wage stagnation and decreased consumer spending in the US

CCTV logo
Excerpt from CCTV -- "'There is a deeper long-term trend we see in a number of countries but particularly in the U.S., and that’s rising inequality,' Joe Foudy, professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, said. 'The U.S. economy has grown significantly since 2008, but median wages are stagnating, while a lot of other people’s costs are going up.'"
Faculty News

Professor Viral Acharya is interviewed about his research on stress tests

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Prof. Acharya’s analysis calculates banks’ leverage ratios, or equity as a share of total assets, based on their current stock-market valuations. 'When a bank’s market value of equity is approaching zero, it doesn’t matter what the book value of a bank’s equity is compared to what investors believe it actually is; Lehman’s was positive when it collapsed,' Prof. Acharya said in an interview."