Research Center Events

Economic Outlook Forum

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
The NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business will host the Economic Outlook Forum on September 7, 2016.
Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz discusses her research on the labor conditions in Bangladesh's garment industry

National Post logo
Excerpt from the National Post -- "'When I was doing research in 2013 and 2014, what I commonly heard is that there were estimates of about 2,000 unregistered factories in Bangladesh,' said Sarah Labowitz, co-author of the report, Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Bangladesh’s Forgotten Apparel Workers."
Faculty News

Professor Lisa Leslie's research on women in business and trustworthiness is referenced

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "An NYU Stern School of Business study found women in power are consistently seen as less trustworthy than men in the same positions and a 1995 Journal of Social Behavior and Personality study found women’s mistakes tend to be noticed more and remembered longer."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's work on moral judgment is featured

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "The psychologist Jonathan Haidt and others have shown that our moral stances strongly correlate with the degree of activation of those brain areas that generate a sense of disgust and revulsion. According to Haidt, reason provides an after-the-fact explanation for moral decisions that are preceded by inherently reflexive positive or negative feelings. Think about your stance on pedophilia or denying a kidney transplant to a serial killer. Long before you have a moral position in place, each scenario will have already generated some degree of disgust or empathy."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith discusses declining profits in investment banking

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Boosting returns needed 'out-of-the-box thinking' and perhaps external pressure from activist shareholders, [Smith] said, to force deeper restructuring. 'Lots of stuff has to happen. These companies are essentially adrift at the moment.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Robert Frank explains why the Democratic party should invest in its races for the House of Representatives

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Some argue that money in politics doesn’t matter. That’s true in the sense that when both sides spend equally, their efforts tend to be mutually offsetting. But that’s why the current opportunity is unique. Democratic donors, who have already been giving generously, have both the means and the inclination to pay for an advertising blitz that Republicans probably cannot match this time around."
School News

MBA student Keith Riegert is interviewed about his experience at Stern and shares advice for prospective students

Accepted logo
Excerpt from -- "I’ve lived in New York for about five years now and knew that I wanted to pursue my MBA here. There is no place in the country that offers a better business education than New York City—this is the heart of commerce, banking and innovation. At Stern, we’ve got the Fed, Madison Avenue, Wall Street and Silicon Alley all within walking distance of campus."
Faculty News

Stern is highlighted as a top ten school for marketing majors; Professor Priya Raghubir is quoted logo
Excerpt from -- "[Our] location within New York City and our Global Network are truly the two factors that differentiate our program from that of other schools. New York City [is] a hub for marketing and advertising, and as such there is ample opportunity for students to find internships or careers."
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat analyzes the global implications of Brexit

AIB Insights logo
Excerpt from AIB Insights -- "...the law of semiglobalization seems essential to the possibility of Brexit being consequential. If globalization were so weak that cross-border interactions didn’t matter much, neither would Brexit nor any other international realignment. And if globalization were so strong that the world was close to completely integrated, the adverse consequences of leaving the EU (and snapping back to WTO arrangements as a worst case scenario) would be limited as well."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Executive MBA student Maury Bradsher addresses the high failure rate of mergers and acquisitions

ExecRank logo
Excerpt from ExecRank -- "During my career I’ve advised and reviewed more than 800 potential M&A deals and the high failure rate doesn’t surprise me. At best, one acquirer in five has a clear rationale for a transaction or truly understands that deal’s impact on their company's long-term financial future. Too often, there’s a misguided sense about why the buyer should be making acquisitions at all, and there’s far too little time spent defining how the acquisition enables them to beat competitors and increase enterprise value."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses the "Decision Automation Map" he developed for safe delegation of tasks to machines

Risk Management Magazine logo
Excerpt from Risk Management Magazine -- "'Currently, there is no framework out there that helps an enterprise come up with a robotics automation strategy,' [Dhar] said. 'Most efforts are pretty ad hoc. They may focus on the wrong problem or have wrong expectations.'"
School News

Stern's fintech specialization is highlighted, Andrew Chang (MBA '11) and Julia Joggerst (MBA '14) are quoted

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "...NYU’s Stern School of Business has taken a massive step past the others by creating an eight-course fintech specialization kicking off this fall."
School News

Associate Dean of Corporate Relations, Career Services and Leadership Development Roxanne Hori discusses the competition among financial services companies and tech groups for MBA graduates

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "Google, whose parent company Alphabet makes bearish bets on everything from driverless cars to medical technology, has become the poster child for the tech groups luring America’s top students away from more traditional fields. Roxanne Hori, associate dean of corporate relations and career services at NYU Stern, says that financial services companies are competing for talent with Google, LinkedIn, Amazon, Microsoft and others."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's research on liberal bias in social sciences is cited

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "While noodling through the case of the missing conservative critics, I sometimes think of sociologist Jonathan Haidt and his efforts to root out — or, at least, create awareness of — liberal bias in the social sciences. The left-right imbalance in the academy is nothing short of eye-popping."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Robert Frank's book on success and luck is highlighted

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'There are people who just don’t want to hear about the possibility that they didn’t do it all themselves,' Frank says. Mild-mannered and self-effacing, he isn’t about to tell the rich 'you didn’t build that,' as Obama did (and likely regretted). Frank’s new book, Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy, is a study in diplomacy. Combining memoir with academic research, it’s an earnest argument that all of us—even the rich—would be better off recognizing how luck can lead to success."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about Uber's passenger ratings

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "I called Arun Sundararajan, an NYU business-school professor and the author of new book The Sharing Economy. 'A near perfect rating means you were consistently pleasant, civil, conversational, polite to the wide range of individuals who gave you your Uber rides,' he said, 'even when you were busy, distracted, late or stressed.'"
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer, who was recently appointed Chief Economist of the World Bank, is profiled

Institutional Investor logo
Excerpt from Institutional Investor -- "Romer is nt of the more original and wide-ranging thinkers in economics today. He came to prominence in the 1980s as a proponent of so-called Endogenous Growth Theory, which holds that economic progress depends not just on capital and labor but on the ideas and knowledge that drive technological change."
School News

Stern's Ventures Fellow Program is highlighted

find MBA logo
Excerpt from FindMBA -- "As part of the new 'NYU Stern Ventures Fellow Program,' fellows will receive a $10,000 stipend, workspace, and will be able to participate in a summer program, which includes an immersion week in Silicon Valley. After the summer is over, fellows will also continue to receive mentorship and other support throughout their second year of the MBA program, and will be able to receive course credit for independent study where they can focus on their startups."
School News

Alison Goggin, Executive Director of MBA Admissions, discusses Stern's adoption of GMAC's Common Letter of Recommendation for applicants

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "'For this admissions season, at Stern we are starting with the LOR open-ended questions,' Goggin says. 'We feel this is the part of the recommendation that takes the most time to prepare and by using common questions, we can dramatically lessen the burden on those writing recommendations for one applicant at multiple schools.'"
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat shares what companies operating throughout Spain can learn from companies doing business globally

El Economista logo
Excerpt from El Economista -- "In Spain, Professor Ghemawat's theory is absolutely correct, because the differences, especially legislative, existing between our regions require companies to focus their business regionally, while maintaining a national business strategy."
Faculty News

Professor Daniel Altman discusses the impact Donald Trump's policies could have on Mexico

Foreign Policy logo
Excerpt from Foreign Policy -- "These are two big reasons — over and above all the racist rhetoric, which I’ll try not to dwell on — why Mexicans fear a Trump presidency. The irony is that these same policies would threaten two of Trump’s other campaign promises: stopping undocumented migrants from entering the United States from Mexico and getting tougher on crime."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter discusses the addictive nature of dating apps

Mic logo
Excerpt from Mic -- "'Addiction always reflects an underlying psychological need that isn't met,' New York University's Adam Alter, author of the forthcoming book Irresistible: the Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked, told me in an email. 'For some people, that need is social validation; for others it's confirmation that they're attractive; and for others still it might be a sense of mastery over the environment when they feel helpless or powerless.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael Dickstein discusses how insurers quitting Obamacare will impact rural America

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "'It’s tough in these rural markets, because it’s not like these rural markets were really competitive to begin with before ACA,' said Michael Dickstein, an economist at New York University who has studied insurers’ participation in the health law’s rural markets."
Faculty News

Professor Justin Kruger's joint research on self-perception is highlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Dunning and Kruger set tests of grammar, logic and even having a sense of humour to a group of undergraduates. Then they asked them how they stacked up to others in the group. Was their grasp of logic and grammar better or worse than average? Were they better able than other students to distinguish funny from unfunny jokes?"