Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan shares how governments can help protect water sources by charging corporate users the real cost of water

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Excerpt from The Source -- “Governments can help protect water sources by charging corporate users the real cost of water and use the proceeds to protect the water source; provide communities with funds to protect the forests in their watersheds; and build green infrastructure to reduce stormwater runoff into waterways. Charging for water at realistic rates will likely encourage businesses to install water conservation technologies (in order to reduce their fees), especially if government also provides subsidies for those technologies."
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg discusses what the renegotiation of NAFTA means for businesses

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Excerpt from Inc. -- "Ari Ginsberg, a professor of entrepreneurship at New York University's Stern School of Management, characterizes the new proposals as encouraging. In particular, he cites a section of the outline devoted to small and medium-sized enterprises, which calls for the establishment of a special committee 'to ensure that the needs of SMEs are considered' in the broader agreement. 'The signals are much more positive than before for small businesses,' Ginsberg says."
Faculty News

Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh is interviewed about his research on the impact of foreign real estate investors on neighborhoods

Excerpt from DNAinfo -- "They modeled what happens to Manhattan’s market with an influx of such investors, finding negative consequences for the welfare of the city when they leave their properties vacant. It forces locals farther out, resulting in longer commutes, which costs time and money, Van Nieuwerburgh said. 'When buying desirable properties in Manhattan, they’re pushing someone else out,' he added."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig shares his thoughts on the appeal of different credit cards

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Excerpt from WalletHub -- "A card can also be cool because of the issuer/branding. There is a new Marvel credit card. There is a Disney Visa card. There is a Mercedes Benz credit card through American Express.; the list is pretty endless. The key thing about cool is that it depends on the individual's social circle. Airline cards used to be cool, but now they have proliferated."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose identifies forces that are affecting the mobile economy, from his book, "Tap"

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Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "'I'm asking consumers to not hold back on data but share it. When consumers do that, however, companies must act responsibly,' Mr. Ghose says."
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan's remarks on sustainable business in a panel discussion on supply chain management are highlighted

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Excerpt from The CPA Journal -- "'There’s a very high correlation between a strong ESG performance and strong operational performance, strong stock performance and lower cost of capital,' Whelan claimed, citing a study by the University of Oxford and Arabesque. Examining that phenomenon at the Center for Sustainable Business, she has found that sustainability can drive innovation, risk reduction, operational efficiency, and employee recruitment and engagement. She noted that while much of this is financially intangible, its effects can be felt on the company’s bottom line."
School News

In a joint op-ed, Center for Business and Human Rights Fellow Gabriel Ng and Associate Director Tara Wadhwa argue against new legislation requiring tech companies to remove certain types of content

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Excerpt from WIRED -- "Relying on governments to create and enforce regulations online affords them the opportunity to define these terms as they see fit. Placing the power in the hands of governments also increases the likelihood that authoritarian regimes that lack Germany's liberal democratic tradition will criminalize online content critical of those governments and, ultimately, create another mechanism for oppressing their own citizens."
Faculty News

Professor Michelle Greenwald discusses Google Zoo's study on the incorporation of virtual reality (VR) in marketing communications

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "The overall take-away from the Google Zoo study is that Virtual Reality has the potential to relay much more powerful advertising and journalistic messages than traditional storytelling’s text, still images, and traditional video."
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Hosts Second Annual Conference on Creative Industries

On July 31-August 2, the NYU Stern School of Business co-hosted the Second Annual Conference on Creative Industries with Columbia Business School and the Yale School of Management. 
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's joint research on categorizing experiences is featured

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Excerpt from Travel + Leisure -- "'Consumers do not just focus on individual experiences. Instead, they categorize and manage experiences... For positive experiences, consumers are reluctant to eliminate categories, while the opposite is true for negative experiences because eliminating categories makes it feel like more of the experience has passed,' write authors Anuj K. Shah (University of Chicago Booth School of Business) and Adam L. Alter (New York University)."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway shares his outlook on Amazon's growth

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "Amazon, right now, I would argue, is the most dominant company in the world and maybe the most dominant company, at this point, that we've ever seen. If you look at the Venn overlap of who they're competing against -- Apple, Facebook, Microsoft -- they're winning wherever they're competing against any of the big tech titans. So this company feels like it has more momentum than any other company I register."
Faculty News

Professor Maria Patterson offers insights on the intersection of politics and small business

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "Maria Patterson, an assistant clinical professor at NYU's Stern School of Business, considers a political approach an important part of growing a business. 'It's absolutely critical for businesses to make a considered decision of what are our values,' she said. 'Once you determine what your values are in business, then you make decisions of what kind of engagements you'll make in the political arena.'"
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis' joint research on the impact of buying mementos on remembering an experience is referenced

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Excerpt from The Island -- "Stephanie Tully, assistant professor of marketing at University of South Carolina Marshall, and Tom Meyvis, marketing professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, conducted two experiments. They found that participants who thought about a future experience predicted they would think about and talk about their experience more often than other participants reported actually having done for a past experience."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses the role of income inequality in the nation's political discourse

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Excerpt from Press Mentor -- "'I think Republicans need to take income inequality more seriously,' said social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, who teaches Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business. It’s 'not because I favor equality of outcomes. I do not. I think the Right is correct to stress merit and earned rewards, not handouts and forced equality. But I think what Republicans are blind to is that power corrupts.'"
Faculty News

Professor JP Eggers comments on Kickstarter CEO Yancey Strickler's departure from the company

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Excerpt from Inc. -- "'If he was stepping down purely because he wanted to go do something else, he would have waited until there was a successor in place,' suggests J.P. Eggers, an associate professor of management at NYU's Stern School of Business. 'The timing seems a little odd,' he added."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's second-quarter earnings

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "More households have [Amazon] Prime than go to church, voted in the election or have a landline phone. And if trends continue, in about three years more people are going to have a pipe of stuff into their home vis-a-vis Amazon Prime than cable television. So Amazon now has a commercial relationship with the wealthiest households in the world and it's growing faster than any other relationship."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on the impact of competition on corporate investment in the US is spotlighted

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Excerpt from The Economist -- "Declining competition does more than harm some consumers; it makes firms lazy. The authors calculate that if leading firms had maintained their share of overall investment since 2000, the American economy would have 4% more capital today, an amount roughly equivalent to two years’ investment by non-financial companies."
Press Releases

Dating Debunked: Study Reveals that Men and Women Perceive Sexual Intentions Differently, with Men Often Overestimating Women’s Desires and Women Underreporting Theirs

In a new study, Professor Priya Raghubir, chair of the Marketing Department at NYU Stern School of Business, and former NYU Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Isabelle Engeler find a gap in how women and men interpret dating situations and intentions, which could lead to problematic misunderstandings between dating partners. 
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides is interviewed about Greece's new bond issue and the implications for its economy

Excerpt from Greek Reporter -- "The Greek loan is so small it does not matter that is expensive, but if Greece were to go out in the markets by the end of 2018 paying the same interest of 4.6% it would be completely irresponsible, Economides warns. 'It would not be a way out of the crisis. The Greek debt is completely unsustainable and now we are adding to the debt.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's joint research on stereotyping is featured

Excerpt from PsychCentral -- "New York University researchers discovered people with higher cognitive abilities are more likely to learn and apply social stereotypes. However, in a series of experiments, investigators discovered that those with elevated intelligence can also easily unlearn stereotypes when presented with new information."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's joint blog post on governing global finance is featured

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Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "An intriguing new blog post by Stephen Cecchetti and Kermit Schoenholtz draws attention to a third trilemma, one concerning international financial policy. The trilemma here is between cross-border financial flows (again), national as opposed to global financial regulation and financial stability."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's growing consumer goods brands

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Seven of the top fastest growing apparel and beauty brands on Amazon are brands you likely haven't heard of before. We no longer need to defer to the large brand, our favorite brand is the brand that Amazon or Trip Advisor or Google tells us is our favorite brand. We used to want Dannon yogurt then we went to Chobani and now it is some Kefir yogurt that we saw Beyonce eating on Instagram. There is growth in the long tail."
Press Releases

Higher Cognitive Abilities Linked to Greater Risk of Stereotyping

People with higher cognitive abilities are more likely to learn and apply social stereotypes, finds a new study. The results, stemming from a series of experiments, show that those with higher cognitive abilities also more easily unlearn stereotypes when presented with new information. The study ... also included Adam Alter, an associate professor in NYU’s Stern School of Business.
Faculty News

Professor Lisa Leslie's joint research on flexible work arrangements is referenced

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Excerpt from Benefit News -- "There’s other research by Lisa Leslie and Colleen Manchester that didn’t look at gender or parental status, but looked at what does your manager assume the reason for your flexible work arrangement is. If the manager believes that you’re working at home for some productivity reason, then that’s viewed positively. If the manager assumes you’re working at home for a family reason, then that’s judged negatively."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his thoughts on IBM's future

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Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "Damodaran, who teaches corporate finance and valuation, says trying to force growth in older companies like IBM could actually have a negative impact on them, because they might end up simply throwing good money away. 'When you’re 75, you’d love to be 35 again, but you’re not going to,' Damodaran said. 'So that’s the way I think of aging companies. Trying to turn them around might be the most dangerous thing you can do.'"