Faculty News
Prof. Anindya Ghose on the influence of mommy bloggers
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- “'When [baby product manufacturers] need to launch a new product, they need to go to the influencers,' Ghose says. 'And mommy bloggers are obviously very influential.' Ghose says that while there haven’t been rigorous academic studies yet quantifying the impact of these influencers on sales, anecdotal evidence abounds, such as LeapFrog Enterprises Inc.’s (NYSE:LF) success during the holiday 2011 season promoting its LeapPad tablet through popular bloggers. The company said in its subsequent annual report that the LeapPad launch helped boost its net sales 5% from 2010 to 2011, to $455 million."
Faculty News
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- “'When [baby product manufacturers] need to launch a new product, they need to go to the influencers,' Ghose says. 'And mommy bloggers are obviously very influential.' Ghose says that while there haven’t been rigorous academic studies yet quantifying the impact of these influencers on sales, anecdotal evidence abounds, such as LeapFrog Enterprises Inc.’s (NYSE:LF) success during the holiday 2011 season promoting its LeapPad tablet through popular bloggers. The company said in its subsequent annual report that the LeapPad launch helped boost its net sales 5% from 2010 to 2011, to $455 million."