Press Releases
NYU Stern and Partner on “Give a Spit” Challenge

NYU Stern Undergraduate College and, one of the largest organizations for young people and social change in the US, are combining efforts on the “Give a Spit” Challenge to register 5,000 plus potential donors with the national bone marrow registry. Their goal is to find a bone marrow match for Sheldon Mba, a college student who was diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a disease that requires a life-saving bone marrow match.
Press Releases

NYU Stern Undergraduate College and, one of the largest organizations for young people and social change in the US, are combining efforts on the “Give a Spit” Challenge to register 5,000 plus potential donors with the national bone marrow registry. Their goal is to find a bone marrow match for Sheldon Mba, a college student who was diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a disease that requires a life-saving bone marrow match.